Philadelphia Area Meeting Professionals International
Governance & Nominations
Per MPI International recommendation, Immediate Past President responsible for overseeing governance and chairing the nominations committee.
Goals & Objectives: Review By-laws to make sure still within association requirements and Update Policies & Procedures for accuracy regarding changes made within previous year.
By-laws: Compare with MPI International to be sure there are no conflicts, as MPI International by-laws supersede those of any chapter.
Policies & Procedures: Review Policies & Procedures with an eye for any outdated and/or incorrect information with President-Elect. Submit any sections that are questionable or requiring updates to it's specific committee VP for revision. Submit entire document with notes to track changes to entire board for further changes/recommendations and final approval.
Timeline: Recommend beginning this in the fall, when newly instituted procedures will be in place, with projected deadline end of January.
Goals & Objectives: Coordinate and move along the election/selection process for future officers and board members, to be submitted to MPI Headquarters by April 1.
Install Nominating Committee:
- Per MPI By-laws, the Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President. The remaining members of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the chair with the approval of the Executive Committee. It is recommended the President-Elect sits on this committee, and there shall be no less than four (4) members, including the chairman.
- Any chapter member on good standing can be appointed to serve on this committee, but preferred that the members appointed have some knowledge of the chapter's history. This committee will impact the chapter for a minimum three (3) years, so installation of members should be given considerable thought. Submission of Nomination Committee should be given to the board for approval by September.
September - Appointment and Confirmation of Nominating Committee members
October - Committee reviews by-laws affecting this committee and its tasks as well as documents utilized in previous years for this process. Make recommended changes & report to executive committee.
November - Publish names of Nominating Committee to members and begin promoting the importance of becoming a leader and what it takes to be a board member.
December - Discuss with current board members their interest in fulfilling their term, renewing in same or new position, and determine full slate that will be necessary to fill with new/returning candidates.
January - Send out a Call for Nominations with form for submitting nomination. Confirm all received, with an official Application to be returned with employer signature within three weeks. Schedule a call with the committee for first discussion regarding future board needs and tentative interview dates.
February - Schedule interviews, with best scenario all in one afternoon, for late Feb/early Mar. Recommend requiring attendance at spring board retreat, so dates should be determined by this time.
March - Present recommended board slate to membership, allowing 7-10 days for any possible protest.
April - Fill out necessary form to present official slate to HQ by April 1.
- Chapter Nominations Process (best practices) & Suggested Succession Planning Timeline.
- Letter to Nomination Committee
- Call for nominees and Nomination Form
- Board Application and Cover Letter
- Applicant Interview/Results Form & Additional Questions
- Skills Matrix
- Sample Interview Schedule
- Nomination Committee Instruction sheet
- Board Slate Form (for submission to HQ)