15th Summer Academy of Euracademy Association

16th – 23rd July 2016: Mouzaki, Karditsa, Greece

Registration Form

Please fill in the requested information and return this form with a copy of your CV to the e-mail or postal address given at the end of the form by 15th June 2016.

If you wish to apply for a scholarship, you must return this form by 15th June 2016 at the latest.

Contact information

First Name:


Street address:

Postal code:




Mobile (to reach you during travelling and the Summer Academy):



Personal information






Native language:

Knowledge of English (fair, good, excellent):

Date of arrival (and time and place if possible):

Date of departure (and time and place if possible):

Are you willing to share a room?

¨ yes ¨ no

If your participation fee will be paid by someone else but you, (e.g. your employer), please add the contact information needed to send the invoice:

Please state here if you wish to apply for a scholarship (deadline 15th June 2016). A small number of scholarships will be available only to individuals who pay their own participation fee (i.e. the fee is not paid by their employer or other sponsor)

¨ Yes, I wish to apply for a scholarship

¨ No, I do not need a scholarship

If you have some other information for the organizers (e.g. special diets, allergies etc) relating to your participation, please use this space to inform us:

Please make a summary of your main personal and professional interests:

Thank you!

The registration forms should be e-mailed/posted/faxed to:


Address: Euracademy Association, Empedocleous 17, 11635 Athens, Greece

Fax: +302107523669

For further information please contact:

or or

Please note:

The participation fee includes the cost of accommodation and full board for 7 days/nights in the facilities of the National Foundation for Youth - Environmental Education Centre in Mouzaki, from the evening of Saturday 16th July to the afternoon of Saturday 23rd July; use of seminar facilities; study trips for two days; and cultural events.

The cost is 400 Euro per participant. A number of scholarships (200 Euro each) are available covering part of the participation cost.

The subscription fee for one year’s Euracademy Association membership should be added to the above, for those who are not Euracademy members. The subscription fee for individuals is set at 50 Euros (25 Euros for students). For corporate membership subscription fees, please follow the link: http://www.euracademy.org/join-us/

If you have a special reason for requiring accommodation in a single room, and have stated so above, please explain here, as there are only a few single rooms in the building that hosts the summer academy.

Please explain: