Activist Research Grant Initiative
Summer 2014
The Social Justice Institute (SJI) of the UT Community Engagement Center seeks applicants for the Activist Research Grant Initiative. This is a summer research grant awarded to fulltime UT graduate students whose research projects serve as direct political engagement. Activist Research is here defined as a scholarly project that advances social justice in collaboration with a community-based partner (organizations, coalitions or other community-based entities). For the purpose of this grant, such collaborations may be carried out locally, nationally or internationally.
Applicants from all fields of study may apply.
The Activist Research Grant Initiative is sponsored through the SJI, a project of the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement. It is also cosponsored by the Warfield Center for African and African American Studies, Native American and Indigenous Studies, Teresa Lozano Long Institute for Latin America, the Center for Mexican American Studies and the Center for Gender and Women’s Studies. As such, priority will be given to research that addresses the thematic concerns of one or more of these centers.
Grant recipients will be asked to participate in at least one SJI event during the Fall 2014 semester, as well as offer a presentation on their research finding during the annual UT Activist Scholarship Conference (to take place sometime during the Spring 2014 semester).
Maximum award amount: $2,500
Date of Award: July 15, 2014
How to apply: Please fill out the attached Application Form and submit it along with the following documentation:
1. Statement of Research (2-3 pages). This statement should outline the specific research project objectives, methods and final product, including a description of the collaboration between researcher and community-based partner. As well, it should describe how the summer grant is to be used (e.g., personal stipend, travel expenses, research material).
Finally, it should provide an analysis of the broader social justice impact of the proposed project.
2. CV/Resume
3. One Faculty Letter of Reference
4. One Community-based Letter of Support (This letter should state the community partner’s support of the proposed research collaboration).
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday May 21, 2014, @5pm
Please send all materials to Angela Gooden, Director, UT Community Engagement Center: 512-232-8588
The Social Justice Institute of the UT Community Engagement Center is sponsored by the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement (DDCE)
UT Community Engagement Center
Social Justice Institute: Activist Research Grant Initiative
Application Form
I. Applicant Information:
School at UT: Department:
Terminal Degree:
Year in the program as of September 2014:
Projected Date of graduation:
II. Community Partner Information
Name of Community Partner:
Name of contact person:
Contact’s phone:
Contact’s email:
How long have you been working with this community partner?
Where will the research be conducted?
A. Locally (Austin or Central Texas)
B. Nationally
C. Internationally
If B or C, please specify:
III. Faculty Recommender Information
Name of Faculty Recommender:
IV. Other UT Summer Funding
If applicable, please list any additional UT-related 2014 summer funding you will receive:
A digital version of this application is available at