Active Schools Newsletter – Hillhead LC
‘The Legacy Begins’ Year: 14/15 Term 1
In the summer of 2014, Scotland aimed to ‘host a successful, safe and secure XX Commonwealth Games that delivers a lasting legacy for the whole of Scotland and maximises the opportunities before, during and after the Games in 2014'.Gordon Matheson, leader of the Council, said the Games were "without a doubt the best-ever in the event's history. The legacy of these Games won't just be a golden glow in people's memory, but a city that has been changed forever and is looking confidently to its future." The challenge is there for us all to maintain and build on the great work already going on. More Children More Active More Often! A world class sporting system for all!Term 1 (Aug – Oct ‘14)
Extra-Curricular Activities…
Anderston Primary (Dance, Basketball, Football, Multisport, Athletics, Games)Garnetbank Primary (Dance, Basketball, Gymnastics, Netball, Games, Multisport)
Glasgow Gaelic Primary (Multisport, Running, Athletics, Dance, Hockey, Basketball, Football, Games)
Glasgow Gaelic Secondary (Girls Football, Boys Football, Table Tennis, Netball, Athletics, Dodgeball, Gym Fitness, Rowing, Running)
Hillhead Primary (Football, Games, Dance, Handball)
Hillhead High (Rugby, Volleyball, Fitness, Basketball, Badminton, Netball, Dance, Gymnastics, Rowing, Football)
Oakgrove (Boys Football, Basketball, Dance, Girls Football, Parent & Child, Multisport, Games, Dodgeball, Netball, Ultimate Frisbee/Halo, Orienteering)
Coming up in Term 2…
Glasgow’s Got the Moves:Two primary dance shows and one secondary dance show will take place 25th Nov @ Knightswood Sec and 27th Nov @ Cleveden Secondary. These are heats for the UDO finals in June 2015
Athletics Championships:
Anderston, Gaelic, and Hillhead Primaries will compete in the NW Active Schools Athletics 24th Oct @ Emirates
Garnetbank will take part in Gymnastics event @ Emirates4th December
Term 1 ‘Lowdown’
Determined to Dance
Every P6 pupil in NW Glasgow schools has received 8 weeks of curriculum dance coaching. Some schools will use this time to prepare for the UDO dance shows in November, which will serve as heats for the National Schools Street Dance Finals in June 2015 @ Emirates
Social Media
You can now keep up to date with my Active Schools news in the Hillhead LC and the city by following me on Twitter: @activeschoolsPR or ‘Like’ my Active Schools Facebook page
CPD for Staff
The NW Active Schools Coordinators facilitated a number of training courses for staff including Table Tennis, Hockey, Badminton, Gymnastics, Rugby, Tennis, Volleyball. Over 80 attendances were recorded.
Basketball Fever
Glasgow Fever Basketball club delivered curriculum tasters across the Learning Community.
Young Ambassadors
Both Hillhead High and Gaelic Secondary are operating YAs this year. Their role is to help increase participation, be a role model, encourage the pupil voice, and promote the values of sport. There was a Glasgow YA training conference in August where Flori Hanley (S4, Platinum YA from HHS) delivered a presentation at the City Chambers. YAs also attended the Sportscotland YA conference in September.
PCS Workshops
Gaelic School & Oakgrove Primary received the Positive Coaching Scotland teacher workshop. Gaelic school also hosted a PCS assembly with pupils to reinforce the principles of honour our school/sport & redefining 'winning'. Better Athletes Better People!