Active Schools Mini Motiv8 Club Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan 1

Animal Theme

School Date

Age Group

Purpose / ·  Explain principle of session – fun / non competitive / stickers and reward scheme
·  Introduce basic concepts such as warm / cool down
·  Highlight key motor skill s that the session will develop :-
·  Running / jumping / throwing / catching / kicking / balance and co-ordination
·  Explain purpose of whistle – one blast and they should sit down as fast as possible and be silent!
Preparation / Whistle
Animal circuit cards x 5 – in position before start of session
Water and cups / encourage use of individual water bottles.
Warm Up / ·  Snakes slithering – encourage use of vocalisation – make noises!
·  Big slow plodding elephants
·  Flamingo’s standing on one leg
·  Chimp’s – lateral moves arms swinging / stop – stretch up with one arm and scratch opposite ear / and repeat (Triceps) Low forward running with large arm swings/ stop – pick fleas from your knees (Torso stretch)
·  Loping antelopes – head high – encourage high knee lift (Hip flexors / Quadriceps and Hamstrings)
·  Hunting tigers – work in pairs - creeping up on tip toes and on cue from Instructor- loud roaring / swap and repeat.
Activity 1 / Animal circuits –
1.  Lunging Lions –
Technique points –
Make sure front knee does not extend over the toes
Back straight / hands on hips
Repeat x 10 with each leg.
Purpose –
Strengthen Quadriceps / Hamstrings and Gluteals.
2.  Sleeping Seals –
Technique points –
Start position lying face down with chin on hands, feet crossed at the ankle, legs straight.
Raise head, supported by hands approximately 4 – 6 inches. Slow and controlled movement!.
Repeat x 10.
Purpose –
Mobilise and strengthen lower back
3.  Rabbit Hops -
Technique points –
Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width apart / hands on hips / back straight / lower bottom towards the floor ensuring that maximum 90 degree angle at knee joint is not exceeded.
Jump and land from flat footed position.
Repeat x 10
Purpose –
Strengthen Quadriceps / Hamstrings and Gluteals.
4.  Sea Lions -
Technique points –
Work in pairs – use line markings if available; e.g. side lines of a badminton court. One child knocks the balloon with their hand to their partner who heads it back.. Make sure pairs are as widely spaced as possible.
Purpose –
Improve hand - eye co-ordination / allow opportunity to discuss and develop team working – reliance on partner to make activity work.
5.  Cheetah Sprints –
Technique points Work in pairs / one child runs to the far end of the activity space and back / touch hands with partner and repeat x 5 runs per child. Use line markings if available to prevent cheating!
Purpose –
Cardio-vascular conditioning and team working.
Activity 2 / Kangaroo Relays –
Split group into teams of four, if possible;
Teams line up behind each other, using line markings where available.
First child puts balloon up t-shirt and runs to opposite end of activity space.
Jump in and out of hoop four times’ remove balloon from t-shirt and return.
Second team member must put balloon up t-shirt before they start running.
If there is an uneven number, first child in team runs twice.
Winning team gets to burst the balloons.
Warm Down / Bring group together and sit them down on floor / use recovery time to reinforce some of key points;
Why is it important to exercise – strengthen heart, skeleton, muscles etc.
Name a couple of the major muscles used – e.g. quadriceps, hamstrings.
Simple cool down stretch whilst sitting;
Shoulder shrugs
Straight arm across chest
Link fingers and straighten arms away from body;
Slowly encourage group to stand;
Heel digs;
Slow march on spot.


If you have any ideas for a new Mini Motiv8 theme or lesson plan, please feel free to send a copy to your Active Schools Coordinator using the blank Mini Motiv8 lesson plan provided on the Active Schools website. Where appropriate the lesson plan can then be placed on the Active Schools Website as an additional resource for staff & volunteers working with children.

Thank you.