Active Meeting Minutes (9/910)

  1. Open Meeting 7:10pm
  2. Courtney moves the we approve the minutes from last week’s meeting
  3. 5 for 0 against (motion passes)
  4. Announcements
  5. RUSH starts next week
  6. 30 possible pledges
  7. Ruby visited- Let’s get MBU started!!!!
  8. 2 day event
  9. Scouts spend the night
  10. Activities in-between events
  11. Ropes course, Farm, Astrology
  12. Feb. 18,19,20 Council Meeting
  13. Welcome Marley!!!!!!
  14. Officer Reports
  15. President
  16. Exec VP
  17. Schedules!!!!!
  18. Class List
  19. VP CoLD
  20. Update your contact info
  21. IMPACT Live

i.Webinar –Fundraising

  1. Driver Safety Training Sept. 15
  2. Speaker Symposiums Sept. 15 7:30 pm Fine Arts Theater Catherine Childers
  3. Mock Interviews Sept. 21 9-12 ,4-7
  4. Business Sept.28 6 pm
  5. E-mail Policies
  1. VP Fellowship
  2. Sign-In Sheets – in the front of the room
  3. Jake and Dots – Tuesday 9pm
  4. Cook Out- September 11 7pm

i.Katy Mac’s House

ii.Bring SIDES and drinks

  1. RUSH (Counts as Service and fellowship)

Theme: “New Twist on Old Times”

i.T-Shirt: Blood Orange base with: [Front] old school Twister board with greek style APhiO letters in the middle; Leadership,

ii.Friendship and Service in the positions of “Left foot, Right hand, etc”. [Back] “New Twist on Old Times” Midback level with Alpha Phi Omega XiO (in Greek lettering) underneath.


  1. 3rd - 4th week of school:: Two week RUSH
  2. Mon-Wed: Rush tables in front library (9AM-NOON)
  3. Informational: 6 pm, Thursday
  4. Breakfast Rush Table: Muffins & Juice- Mon (2nd Week)


  1. Dinner on Us@ Jake & Dot’s: Tues [$15 limit] 9 pm
  2. Scavenger Hunt: Wed 6pm Library
  3. Informational: 6pm, Thursday
  4. Brotherly Drive-In (Either Friday or Saturday depending on schedules) TBA
  5. Informational Snacks: Chips (Ruffles/Lays) & Dip (Queso & French Onion/Ranch), Crackers (Cheese/Peanut Butter), Soda and Water.
  6. Breakfast Rush: Blueberry, Banana Nut, Apple Cinnamon and Lemon Poppy Seed.
  1. VP Service 7:40 pm
  2. J-TAC Thursdays 2pm
  3. TREAT- Sept. 8
  4. Paint the Halloween game- Sept.11
  5. Dino Valley Trail Day- Sept.25
  6. TREAT Halloween Rodeo Oct.26
  7. DinoValley Haunted Hike- Oct. 30
  8. Dog and Kitty Food Drive
  9. Highway Clean-Ups
  10. Pledge master
  11. Slides Finished!!!!!!
  12. Courtney moves that we approve PJ’s slides after he has made the noted changes to the slides.

i.Ailia seconds

  1. 6 for 0 against (motion passes)
  1. 1st Initiation - Sept.25 10 am
  2. Activation- Weekend of Nov.13
  3. Money for pledge packets
  1. Secretary
  2. Mail
  3. Activity Permits
  4. Treasurer
  5. Dues/payment plan
  6. Everyone needs to have paid at least 35 dollars by November 15th
  7. Balance $781.28
  8. UMOC $705.81
  9. MAL
  10. HEY!!!!
  11. IGC
  12. Canceled for this week
  13. SGA 8:10 pm
  14. Library Reps. Contest Spirit of Tarleton Display Contest

i.Display cases in Library

ii.Students and 8 Organizations Decorate the display cases

iii.Turn in application by Friday Sept 17 Circulation desk

iv.Win Special PRIZE!!!!!!

v.“Celebrating the Spirit of Tarleton”

vi.Designs must be completed by Friday October 1st by 5 pm

vii.Student Body Vote for winner

  1. Staci moves that we participate in the Tarleton Display Contest

i.Marley seconds

  1. 2 for 3 against (division)
  2. 3 for 2 against (motions fails)
  1. Student Body President

i.MORE budget cuts

  1. Southwest Dairy Center Opening Tuesday 14th
  2. Tidying up the Trinity- Trash Bash
  3. October 27th Presidential Dinner in the Trogdon House TBA
  4. Budget approval $11,000 to disperse to organizations
  5. Hunewell ranch might turn into a golf course- proposal to turn it into camping ground
  6. $500 limit for organizations per year
  7. Sept. 14th Organizational Lunch 11:30-1:00
  1. Committees
  2. Charity Dinner
  3. Merit Badge

i.Anyone interested contact Courtney or Ailia

ii.Ruby was here

  1. UMOC

i.Wednesday before homecoming through the Wednesday of homecoming

ii.T-shirts- sign-up for a shirt

iii.Rules Review

iv.T-shirt purchase approve through UMOC account

  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
  3. Officer Policies
  4. Nationals
  5. Courtney and Staci fo sho
  6. Maybe Briana, Marley, Dale, KatyMac
  7. Not Going- Ailia, Lindsey, PJ
  8. Blood Drives
  9. PJ moves that we sponsor the blood drive in April 14th

i.Courtney seconds

  1. 6 for 0 against (motion passes)
  1. Homecoming
  2. Billy offered a trailer
  3. Marley can possibly borrow a truck
  4. Float be built at Courtney’s House or Marley’s in-laws

ii.idea: Recreation of Oscar P house PJ as a duck

iii.Look at purple book traditions

iv.PJ moves that we build and fund a float

  1. Courtney seconds
  2. 6 for, 0 against (motion passes)
  1. Theme: Celebrating the Spirit of Tarleton
  2. Lindsey moves that we table discussing homecoming week plans until the upcoming exec meeting 8:50pm

i.Ailia Seconds

  1. PJ would like to amend the motion to say that we move the discussion of homecoming week plans to committee to be held after exec
  2. Ailia seconds
  3. 5 for, 0 against amendment passes
  4. 5 for, 1 against motion passes
  1. PJ moves that Exec meetings be held Sunday nights at 7pm

i.Courtney seconds

  1. Courtney moves to friendly amend PJ’s motion to change the time to 8pm instead of 7pm
  2. 6 for, 0 against (motion passes)

ii.PJ moves that this week the meeting be held in the Centennial study room

  1. Ailia seconds
  2. 4 for, 0 against (motion passes)
  1. Open Floor 9:10pm
  2. Courtney got her hair did and she is getting her tattoo next week!
  3. Ailia is having a girl!!!! Contact Courtney about the baby shower!!!
  4. Briana and Courtney are throwing a Halloween party and if PJ doesn’t show up in a costume they will dress him up in a sparkly dress and sparkly make-up 
  5. PJ moves that we close the meeting following the toast song and that the toast song be on the board
  6. Toast Song
  7. Meeting Close 9:22 pm