Present: HT (Chair), Angie Williams, Sarah Warren, Mike Vernon, Dr Sue Lowrey, Jeff Green, Kenneth Underwood, David Osborn
Carl Lander (Chair) and Yvonne Balchin had sent their apologies
Actions in bold.
- Chair welcomed Mike Vernon. Angie Williams advised that she would have to stand down due to work commitments – Heather thanked her for her contribution. Jeff thanked all PPG members for giving up their own time to make the PPG work. He advised that Kelly Cole would return on 7th September and would be primary point-of-contact for the PPG.
- Committee resignations / non-attendances had prompted the need for a review of membership. Heather would discuss way-ahead with Carl. Jeff would ensure that work of PPG was publicised in next Newsletter and ask for volunteers. There was a real need for a Secretary to step forward.
- Mike introduced himself and the work of Kingswood Community Transport. He estimated that circa 400 of Hanham Health’s patients were members of his organisation, for which he was General Manager.
- Last Meeting’s minutes were approved.
- Matters Arising.
- 3.b.1. Mike had received all the documentation and would send in the completed form.
- 3.c.i. All GPs fully conversant with the Duty of Candour requirement. CQC had tested compliance. David’s alacrity on this issue was recognised.
- 3.e.i. Complaints summary was not available. Jeff will arrange for Vicky / Kelly to send this out.
- 3.f.i. Staff newsletter had gone out. Patient Newsletter virtually ready to go. Vicky Hartland will send it out before 7th September. PPG required it to include:
- Advertisement for new PPG members, incl Sec
- Summary of EPS and ‘how to use’.
- Reminder on repeat prescriptions and ‘stocking up’ prior to holidays
- 3.g.i. Vicky Hartland had attended Young Carers’ Conference. Good links had been made, and a plan for greater integration / support agreed. Heather had developed good link with Carers’ Support Centre and will invite a rep to participate in a forthcoming PPG meeting.
- 4.c. IT manager had contacted both EMIS and MJOG (texting service) regarding possibility of notifying patients if their repeat prescriptions had been altered/ cancelled to prevent nugatory visits to chemists. Neither were able to implement the proposed messaging service at present. The PPG reiterated their view that this remained a good idea, but noted that, for the time being, there would be no change. IT manager will monitor and re-address when he judged it right.
- 4.d. Dr Lowrey had discussed the ‘GP-in-the-middle’ scenario introduced by Carl at the last meeting with the GPs’ Tuesday forum. There had been delays in the specific (podiatry) case which Carl had described, but the general principle of GPs being inserted into the loop (after a specialist intervention) was good: there was a requirement for this to happen within the context of the NHS ‘ internal market’, GPs were in a position to prevent costly consultant-to-consultant referrals, and many patients would be reassured by their GP being brought back into the process post referral.
- 4.e. JX board had been fixed to prevent patient-identifiable data appearing on screen; TV slides had been updated.
- Regional care Advisors (Huntington’s Disease). Heather will send through the detail by email.
- Mother and Baby parking. Carl had given a view by email, which formed basis of discussion. Decision was for Carl to write to mother who had introduced subject, advise her that proposal had been discussed today, but that the Group had decided that there was insufficient demand for this parking space and would therefore not recommend to Practice that it be provided – if other mothers also wrote in to support the proposal, the PPG would look again at it, and perhaps suggest a trial at Hanham Surgery.
- CCG MIU Plans. Dr Lowrey advised that, in many respects, Hanham Health already provides this. Heather read out the full CCG proposal. The PPG had severe reservations about this. David read out a draft PPG response to the proposal, which met with general approval. He would tweak it on the basis of comments received and then send to Carl for final approval and send-off. The letter would, inter alia, suggest that insufficient time had been given to consider the proposal and request that it be extended. Heather would speak to Carl to request that he set up contact with smaller local PPGs on this matter – their views could be referred to in the response to the CCG.
- Awareness Conference. Heather said that the earlier projected dates fort this event (June and September) had proved impossible – but she still wanted to get this event off the ground and maintain momentum. She received good support for a Working Group – herself as Lead, Mike, Sarah and David. The aim would be to go for a spring event. Jeff advised that Kelly Cole would provide Practice support to the group.Heather would be in touch regarding actions for the group.
- PPG AOB. Sarah and Kenneth asked about the role of Health Visitors. Dr Lowrey explained their purpose and the role of Sirona.
- Practice Led Items:
- Flu Vaccs Clinics. Jeff read out the dates and timings for clinics for both Oldland and Hanham surgeries. He confirmed that the ‘Flu Working Group (WG) had been set up. Mike advised that he would publicise the flu campaign to his members and offer transport; non-members could use the service, but would have to pay. He would look into the possibility of generating drivers for the Saturday clinics. Jeff would advise the ‘Flu WG of Mike’s plans. PPG members who wished to support any of the clinics should make this known to Vicky / Kelly – it was agreed that this was an opportunity to recruit new PPG members from groups under-represented in the PPG’s demographic.
- AOB.
- The PPG fully endorsed the Practice’s decision to replace the front door at Hanham Surgery.
Executive Manager