25th October 2017
CAT Network
Actions and minutes from last meeting have been signed off. Updates have been given about the transformation plan refresh and the referral forms.
AgendaActions and minutes from last meeting
Guest slot: Tracey Murphey from the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board.
Pizza! Showing of St Benedict’s school stress film/ Christmas meal ideas
Crisis workshop: what happened at the workshop?
What has the CAT Network achieved? Celebration of our achievements
Tracey (LSCB): board priorities for this year is emotional wellbeing (will support and scrutinise wellbeing hub). Wants young people to be involved in developing an audit tool. Needs notice but looking at having a meeting in May/ June time. Want young people to be involved as they are the ones receiving the service.
St Benedict’s film update and showing:Positive feedback from young people – PSHE lessons (PYF session – Plan Your Future) would be a good place to show it to start discussions. Shown in small groups to promote discussions to be had: ‘how would you handle exam stress’. How can you help your friends? Make 1-1 chats on 4YP obvious in PSHE sessions. Wasn’t “cringey”. SDQ codes
Crisis workshop update:given an update on lack of care plans. Jo John is taking peer support workers ideas back to the board. Top 3 things:
- Information sharing – sharing care plans;
- More options on the menu such as early intervention work;
- Less bounce around between AAT and Wellbeing Service.
Achievements of the CAT Network:
- Produced the ‘Going the Extra cm’ film which is based on young people and parents/carers experiences on how best to support a young person with mental health issues. This film is being used by workforce development and is being shown in all training for staff about children and young people’s mental health.
- Produced the ‘What makes a good worker’. This is included in staff training.
- Re-worded the definitions and suggested some ideas for graphics. These definitions are now included in staff training.
- Designed the bus posters to promote Chat Health. These are now being displayed on buses in Suffolk
- Promoted Grounding tools as a recommendation to support young people in crisis. These are being displayed in the paediatric wards at Ipswich Hospital.
- West Suffolk hospital redesign
- Helping to shape the Emotional Health & Wellbeing Hub (Single Point of Access) and improving Crisis support. With a young people’s referral form.
- Updating the transformation booklet
Vikki to update the Achievements of the CAT Network
Vikki to invite Pete Devlin to come to the CAT Network in the new year.
Christmas meal: Vikki will circulate date.