AMC Meeting


Santa Fe, New Mexico

Action Items from Previous Meeting

1.  PSD/Increment Tracking: Report out from Dan Johnson re: WESTAR activity.

2.  Tribal/State relations: 5 states responded (CO, AZ,WA,AK,OR). Bill Grantham would like the rest of the states to email him agreements with tribes re: air quality and other environmental issues. These agreements will be reviewed by NTEC and perhaps they will develop a preferred model for state/tribal agreements.

3.  EPA Closure Issue:

  1. The group felt that this could be dealt with through a discussion on STIP II and by having EPA develop a consistent staff review protocol for reviewing the RH SIPs.
  2. A letter was sent from WESTAR re: consistent review of state SIPs across the regions. This letter referenced the RH SIPs for starters, but the WESTAR initiative is meant to apply to all SIP reviews. There was concern that there would be mixed messages coming from the AMC regarding review of RH SIPs and the WESTAR re: review of SIPs in general.
  3. There was also discussion about how to get a response from EPA re: the “20 questions” letter that went to EPA from the IOC last year.

c.  Action Items:

  1. Set-up a call with Tom Webb and OAQPS to discuss the “20 questions letter” with member of the MTF and IOC. Call will take place in late October.
  2. Tom Webb will also discuss with OAQPS and Regions the issue of a consistent RHSIP review protocol. This will be followed up by a call with members of the AMC (STIP II work group?) and EPA. It was suggested that EPA can use the protocol set up by Region 10 as a model. For SIP review.

4.  308 Trading Program:

  1. What if a transport state opts for section 308 and wants to implement an emissions trading program? Tom Webb stated that if a state opts into a trading program later than the 309 deadlines that there is “no guarantee that the state can use existing (309) strategies for participating”. It wasn’t clear whether the regulation allowed a transport state to implement a “back stop” cap and trade program or a mandatory cap and trade program.
  2. Action Item: Tom Webb will investigate the questions of whether a transport state could utilize a backstop cap and trade or a mandatory cap and trade under option 308.

5.  AK Interface with WRAP Modeling:

  1. Tom Chapple stated that Alaska needs modeling assistance for their state and that this was one of the main reasons they joined the WRAP.
  2. Pat Cummins said there were several places in the Modeling Forum workplan where Alaska modeling work would be performed.

6.  HI participation in the WRAP: Willie Nagamine stated that HI will not join the WRAP at this time.

MOU/Model Rule, RA Bart

  1. RA BART: Stakeholders wanted a certain level of impairment at which sources will be required to put on controls. They will not get this from this committee, however they will get criteria for evaluating when the program may go into effect such as distance from a class I area. The group needs more time and money to finish the project.
  2. Model Rule and MOU: The group has reviewed other emissions trading programs. There has been concern about the enforceability of a model rule and it was suggested that some of the language developed here go into the SIP. The group needs another face-to-face meeting. Their goal is to get a working draft to the MTF and AMC in October and then to the WRAP board. This product will not be ready by the November WRAP meeting.

Those present approved an addendum to the AMC budget to allow these products to be finished.

WRAP 2003 Workplan and Budget

1.  Pat Cummins reviewed the budget for the upcoming year (attached). There was discussion re: the importance of many of the items. There are a total of $5.4m in proposed projects, but only $4.2m in the 2003 grant. Several areas were mentioned for review. It is important for the Directors to provide input on the budgets of each of the forums/committees to make sure they get the work products they need to write a RH SIP. Each state and tribe is welcome to provide individual comments, but it was felt that comments should also come from the AMC as a group if possible.

a.  Action Items:

i.  States and Tribes will email their comments on the budget to the 7 dwarfs, minus one (Pat, Lee, Tom, Don, Bob, Bill,) and other air directors. We will look for common areas of agreement to take the planning committee when they meet in October.

ii.  Don Arkell will set-up a call for Monday afternoon, 9/16, at 3:00 Mountain to discuss the WRAP workplan and budget..


1.  Brian Finneran with Oregon presented the STIP-II work plan to the group (attached). Brian will take the SIP template that WESTAR created and put it in boilerplate form allowing for easy incorporation of the WRAP work products. At the same time, Brian will be working on a 309 SIP for the state of Oregon. There will be a work group with representation from Tribes and states to oversee Brian’s work. Rosanne Sanchez with New Mexico will be working half time on this project to make sure that STIP II will be suitable for tribal use. Pending a few minor changes, the group approved the workplan and budget

a.  Action Item: Sandra Ely will send an email out to all the transport state air directors inviting them to appoint a SIP writer to be on the STIP II oversight committee. This email, or a modified one, will be distributed to tribal reps by NTEC.

“American Corn” Questions

1.  There were no objections or comments from the tribes re: the list of questions the state air directors developed. There was concern that some of the questions were statements/opinions rather than questions. A discussion ensued about whether these questions should come from the AMC or the IOC. Another point was that EPA has already suggested it will pursue a legislative remedy through TEA-21 reauthorization to address the SIP timing issue, and that the WRAP board of directors has decided not to lobby for specific legislation.

a.  Action Items:

i.  After this weeks WESTAR meeting, revisit the list of questions and write a letter to incorporate those that are still pertinent. Once the letter is written, decide the best forum for sending the letter.

ii.  Don Arkell will compare these questions with the “20 questions” letter to look for duplication and then run his assessment by Lee Alter. Don will draft a letter for AMC review.

Hot Topics

1.  A meeting of the National Conference of State Legislators to take place in Denver on 9/19. The group will be educated on RH issues.

2.  The National Tribal Air Association will hold their first meeting in October in Wisconsin.

Next Date and Meeting Location:

  1. Spring before the next WRAP meeting at a Tribal location.
  2. Action Item: Randy will check out a tribal facility in California.