NH – 67, Karur – Trichy Highways, Puliyur C.F, 639 114 Karur District
Department of Information Technology
Subject: 080250016/Microprocessors Lab Date: 28.03.2011
Class/Sem: II Year IT / IV (2010-11) Time: 3 Hours
- (a) Write an assembly language program for 8085 microprocessor to multiply two 16 bit numbers using successive addition method.
(b) Write an 8085 assembly language program to interface 8255 in mode 0. Blink LEDs of port B continuously for a delay of 1 second.
- (a) Write an assembly language program for 8085 microprocessor to divide 16 bit number by 8 bit number.
(b) Write an 8085 assembly language program to interface 8253. Generate a square wave of 100Hz using timer1.
- (a) A block of data is stored from 8500 to 850A. Write a program for 8085 to store it in reverse order in the same locations.
(b) Write an 8051 assembly language program to interface a stepper motor and rotate it in clockwise/anticlockwise direction.
- (a) Write an8085 assembly language program to find the number of ones in the given number.
(b) Interface eight 7-segment displays to 8085 through 8279 and write a program to roll 1 to 8 on the display from right to left.
- (a) Write a program for 8085 to pick out the largest of an array of ten 8-bit binary numbers.
(b)Write a 8051 assembly language program to add two 32 bit numbers stored from location 9200 and 9300.
- (a) Write a program for 8085 to sort the given numbers in descending order.
(b)Write an 8086 assembly language program to perform the block move.
- (a) Write an assembly language program for 8085 to convert the given binary number to BCD number.
(b)Write an 8085 assembly language program to interface 8255 in mode 0. Blink LEDs of port B continuously for a delay of 1 second.
- (a) Write an assembly language program for 8086 to add and subtract the two 16 bit numbers. (Use immediate and direct addressing modes)
(b) Write an 8085 assembly language program to interface 8253. Generate a square wave of 100Hz using timer1.
- (a) Write an assembly language program for 8086 to sort the given array of ten 16-bit numbers in ascending order.
(b) Write an 8085 assembly language program to perform BCD addition.
- (a) Write an assembly language program for 8086 to display the given word by using BIOS/DOS interrupts.
(b)Write an 8051 assembly language program to interface a stepper motor and rotate it in clockwise/anticlockwise direction.
- (a) Write an assembly language program for 8086 to get the keystroke from the keyboard and display the same by using BIOS/DOS interrupts.
(b)Write an 8085 assembly language program to generate the Fibonacci series.
- (a) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to multiply two 8 bit numbers.
(b)Write an 8085 assembly language program to interface 8255 in mode 0. Read the status of switch from Port A and accordingly blink the LEDs of Port B.
- (a) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to divide two 8 bit numbers.
(b)Write an 8051 assembly language program to add ten numbers stored from location 9200h.
- (a) Write an 8086 assembly language program to perform the string copy.
(b)Interface eight 7-segment displays to 8085 through 8279 and write a program to roll 1 to 8 on the display from left to right.