ACTE Region V Policy Committee Meeting

April 10, 2013

Salt Lake City, 5:00 p.m.

Policy Committee members present: Kathy Andrews (AK), Dodie Bemis (SD), Mark Branger (MT), Mike Gross (KS), and Kraig Steinhoff (ND). Guests included Region V Fellow Mike Siegrist (CO) and Richard Ross (ND), two AZ Fellows and 11 other guests.

Region V Vice President Chuck Gallagher called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. Mark made a motion to approve the agenda with flexibility. Kraig seconded; motion passed. Kraig made a motion to accept the minutes from the Atlanta meeting with the correction of the spelling of Siegrist. Mark seconded; motion passed.

New ACTE Director LeAnn Wilson will give the ACTE update at the business meeting on Friday.

Ann Decker shared an update of the 2013 Region V Leadership Conference. There are 150 people registered. Weather has caused a few last-minute cancellations, and Ann was wondering if there's any cancellation reimbursement policy in place. There doesn't appear to be one. Ann also distributed a list of the program changes and gave options of what to do in one's free time in Salt Lake City.

Chuck gave an update of the budget. The current balance after expenses in the Operational Budget is $6,442. The Designated Funds Budget now has a balance of $40,960. The four $500 stipends for the ACTE conference have already been paid. Other projected expenses include $5,000 for 10 first time attendees to the Region V conference, $3,000 for 3 Region Fellows, and $1,000 for the Region Fellowship Coordinator. Kraig made a motion to accept the two budget reports. Kathy seconded; motion passed.

The Committee began a review of the proposed 2014 Operating Budget. The Committee expressed disappointment over the sketchy proposal. Dodie moved to table the discussion until later in the meeting. Mark seconded; motion passed.

Craig outlined some of the highlights of the 2014 conference in North Dakota that will include a unique social on Wednesday night. The schedule also includes four business tours. North Dakota will be offering a free conference registration during the auction on Friday night. Kraig has brought tickets along for the drawing.

Currently, no state has expressed an interest in hosting the 2015 Region V Leadership Conference. Is this a growing trend? Lyn volunteered to promote hosting the conference during the business meeting.

The Committee then began reviewing the applications for the minigrants. Based on criteria the members agreed upon, the Committee decided to award grants to the following: Arizona, $1380; California, $1,000; Colorado, $1,500; MT, ND, SD, $2,451; Montana, $1,400; Nevada, $1,920; Oregon, $500; Washington, $1,350 for a total of $11,501. Although this was $1,500 more than the $10,000 originally allocated, the Committee felt all who applied had legitimate reasoning for receiving funding. Kraig made a motion to approve the $11,501 for the above minigrants. Mark seconded; motion passed. Kathy and Mark strongly recommended having a rubric accompany the applications in the future and agreed to collaborate on a draft.

Chuck proposed a Region V Hall of Fame. The Committee agreed and Mark volunteered to be the liaison to the Awards Committee to draft the criteria.

Region V Fellows Mike Siegrist (CO) and Richard Ross (ND) have enjoyed the opportunity but feel they have not received adequate mentoring. Both had suggestions for Fellows doing a presentation during the Region V Conference. They also suggested the 2nd year Fellows should serve as mentors to the 1st year Fellows. Chuck agreed to try to arrange an ad hoc meeting sometime during the conference.

Members of the Awards Committee question the value of the Region's publications contest, especially in view of the increasing number of people submitting their applications for the various awards. Their committee members available time for evaluation and interviews is being taxed. The Policy Committee sees the need for the contest for publications to continue. Mark made a motion for the Fellows to take on the responsibility of evaluating the entries for the publications contest. Kraig seconded; motion passed.

Chuck has appointed Mike Siegrist to chair the Region V Bi-Laws Task Force. Mike also serves on the national task force. After listening and gathering input from other sessions during the conference, the Policy Committee decided a total revamp of the Region's bi-laws might not be necessary. Doug Meyers and Kathy Andrews volunteered to work with Mike in reviewing the Operating Policies to see if this is the better fit than bi-laws.

Though the concept of monthly conference calls was a good one, this has not produced a positive situation. Committee members recommend a set time and date and decided upon the first Wednesday of the month at 9:00 Central time.

After having the opportunity to look at the proposed operating budget for 2014, Mark made a motion to accept the budget as written. Mike seconded; motion passed.

Under new business, Ann suggested the need for a cancellation policy. With the unpredictable weather, several pre registered for the conference want to have their money back. Although we can't do anything about it this year, the committee members promised to put it on the agenda for the December meeting.

Kathy wondered if the time for the State of the State reports should be switched to something more visible. She feels there's lots of valuable information shared and more association leaders would benefit in hearing the reports. Dodie also suggested being recognized as a Quality Association should be included in the report. She felt this would bring more credibility to the award. The Committee will add this to the Las Vegas meeting agenda in December.

Mike G asked the committee to think about ways the Region could provide support for the state associations, specifically during state events. He feels this could help with maintaining the connection to the state associations. Currently, there seems to be a disconnect with many of the states within Region V. This could also serve as a role model for the other regions.

Following a very healthy discussion, the Policy Committee recommended adding a ½ day pre conference to the 2014 Leadership Conference in Bismarck. The focus will be on leadership training. The Committee will develop the format in Las Vegas.

In order to recognize and show appreciation for Region V Members' devotion to the Region, Dodie made a motion to recognize 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20 years of attendance at the Region V Conference. Mark seconded, motion passed. This will simply be a line item added to the registration form with no questions asked for validation. Dodie volunteered to spearhead the project to get it off the ground.

With the members making a commitment for better communication within Region V, Mark made a motion for the meeting to adjourn. Kraig seconded; motion passed.