ACT Health and Human Rights Commission
Joint Review of the Psychiatric Services Unit
ACT Health Chief Executive Mr Mark Cormack, and the Health Services Commissioner, Ms Mary Durkin, today signed Terms of Reference for a joint review of ACT Health’s Psychiatric Services Unit (PSU), to inform the construction and operations of a new facility due for completion in 2010.
“Cooperation between our agencies on this important area of health service delivery enables us to draw on the expertise of both organisations in making recommendations that reflect best practice care for clients, and so we welcome ACT Health’s willingness to join with us in this review,” said Ms Durkin.
“It’s our desire to construct and operate a world class mental health facility to replace the existing PSU,” Mr Cormack said.
“The opportunity to work collaboratively with the Human Rights Commission in identifying best practice establishes a new benchmark for informing mental health facility design, and the outcome will be keenly observed by other health departments in Australia and overseas,” he said.
Dr Watchirs, Human Rights and Discrimination Commissioner, noted that the review will build on earlier work conducted by the Commission on compliance with human rights principles by organisations providing care in closed settings.
“This report on the PSU complements our human rights audits of Quamby Youth Detention Centre in 2005 and of ACT Correctional Facilities in 2007 on people in involuntary detention already provided to Government. As of 1 January 2009 it will be unlawful for a public authority to act in a way that is incompatible with human rights,” Dr Watchirs said.
The review will commence on 18 August with an anticipated completion date of mid December 2008, and the report will be made public when tabled in the Legislative Assembly.
The review will examine the current PSU facility, and policies, practices and procedures applicable to PSU operations.
Individuals or organisations who wish to discuss issues with the review team are welcome to contact them on 6244 3209 or provide a written submission to . The Terms of Reference for the review are attached.
Statement Ends/18 August 2008
Media Contacts:
ACT Health: Natalie Driver 6205 0837 (w) 0438 190 118 (m)
Human Rights Commission: Mary Durkin 6205 2222 (w) 0407 240 638 (m) or
Dr Helen Watchirs: 62052222 (w) 0423 821 718
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