Acquisitions Selection

Adapted with permission from original material by the Evergreen Community and the BC Libraries Cooperative –


Selection lists enable users to add records from a variety of sources to a single list that can be converted into a purchase order. Selection lists can also be created to keep track of items that a library wishes to purchase in the future. Staff can then create multiple purchase orders from the single selection list as funds become available to purchase the items.

To view your selection lists, select Acquisitions → My Selection Lists.

My Selection Lists Interface

To open theMy Selection Listsinterface:

  1. SelectAcquisitions→My Selection Lists.
  1. TheMy Selection Listinterface will display.
  1. The following actions can be performed from this screen:
  2. Open a selection list created by the user currently logged in.
  3. Create a Selection List
  4. Clone a Selection List
  5. Merge Selection Lists
  6. Delete a Selection List

NOTE: Users may see a message saying "No results." the first time they open theMy Selection Listsinterface.

TheMy Selection Listspage is created by a search for selection lists where the owner of the list is the user currently logged into the staff client.

Click OK and the Selection List interface will open.

Create a Selection List

Selection lists can be created through theMy Selection Listsinterface. The three other areas within the module where selection lists can be created are when youAdd Brief Records,Load MARC Order Recordsor find records through theMARC Federated Search. In each of these interfaces, you will find theAdd to Selection Listfield. Enter the name of the selection list you would like to create into the field.

To create a selection list through theMy Selection Listsinterface:

  1. SelectAcquisitions→My Selection Lists.

Users may see a message saying "No results." the first time they go toAcquisitions→My Selection Lists.

TheMy Selection Listspage is created by a search for selection lists where the owner of the list is the user currently logged into the staff client.

Click OK and the Selection List interface will open.

  1. ClickNew Selection List.
  1. Enter the name of the selection list in the box that appears and clickCreate.
  1. Your new selection list will display in the list.

Add Line Items to a Selection List

You can add line items to a selection list in one of six ways:Add a Brief Record;Search for Line Items and Catalog Records;Load MARC Order Records; add records through aMARC Federated Search;Load Catalog Record IDs; or use theView/Place Ordersaction in the catalog. Choose which match your workflow best.

NOTE: Some of these methods for adding records to selection lists cause the system to create a selection list calledUnnamed. This selection list contains any items that were not selected and added to a selection list from the results of MARC federated search, an upload of catalog record IDs, or an upload of MARC records. This list can safely be ignored. It is possible to delete the list, but the system will recreate it as needed.

Clone a Selection List

Cloning selection lists enables you to duplicate selection lists. You can maintain both copies of the list, or you can delete the original list.

  1. SelectAcquisitions→My Selection Lists.
  1. Check the box adjacent to the list you would like to clone and clickClone Selected.
  1. Enter a name for your new selection list into the box that appears and clickClone.
  1. Your cloned selection list will display in the list. The cloned selection list contains all the line items of the original list without any copy information.

Merge Selection Lists

Two or more selection lists can be merged into one list.

NOTE: This function can also be used to re-name selection lists. To rename a selection list merge it into a new list that has the new name.

  1. SelectAcquisitions→My Selection Lists.
  1. Check the boxes adjacent to the selection lists that you would like to merge together and clickMerge Selected.
  1. Choose theLead Selection Listfrom the drop down menu. This is the list to which the items on the other list(s) will be transferred.
  1. ClickMerge.
  1. The entry count for the lead selection list will increase to reflect the total number of line items now on the list. The list(s) that were merged into the lead selection list will no longer display in the list.

Delete a Selection List

Selection lists that are no longer needed can be deleted.

Deleting a selection list deletes any line items not attached to a purchase order.

At present there is no message asking for confirmation that you wish to delete the selection list. Please ensure that you truly wish to delete your selection list before clickingDelete Selected.

  1. SelectAcquisitions→My Selection Lists.
  1. Check the box(es) adjacent to the selection list(s) that you would like to delete and clickDelete Selected.
  1. Your selection list will be deleted from the list.

Mark Ready for Selector

This step is optional but may be useful to individual workflows.

After an item has been added to a selection list, it can be marked ready for the selector.

  1. Open the selection list that contains the line items you would like toMark Ready for Selector.
  1. If you wish toMark Readyonly selected list items, check the boxes adjacent to those line items.
  1. SelectActions→Mark Ready for Selector.
  1. A pop up box will appear. Choose to eitherMark selectedline items orMark allline items.
  1. ClickGo.
  1. The screen will refresh. The marked line item(s) will be highlighted light pink and the status will have changed toselector-ready.

Convert a Selection List to a Purchase Order

When a selection list is finished it can be converted to a purchase order through theActionsmenu.

NOTE: It is possible to convert particular line items on a selection list into a purchase order, rather than converting the entire selection list.

  1. Open the selection list that you would like to convert to a purchase order.
  1. SelectActions→Create Purchase Order.
  1. A pop up box will appear.
  1. Select theOrdering Agencyfrom the drop down menu.
  1. Enter the Name for the Purchase Order. This field is optional.

  1. Enter the code for theProvider. This field will auto-complete as you type.
  1. If prepayment is required, check the box adjacent toPrepayment Required.

NOTE: If prepayment is always required for a specific provider, your acquisitions administrator can set this in the provider's profile so it is automatically selected when you enter the provider code.

  1. Choose to either addAll LineitemsorSelected Lineitemsto the purchase order.
  1. Check the box adjacent toImport Bibs and Create Copiesif you wish to import them at this time.

If not previously selected, bibliographic items will be imported and copies created when the purchase order is activated.

  1. ClickSubmit.

  1. IfImport Bibs and Create Copiesbox was checkedthe import interface will open. See “Vandelay Interface” for more information. Otherwise, your purchase order will be created and open in the same tab.

Last Updated: Oct. 2017Page 1 of 16Acq 3 - Selection.docx