Acorn Childcare Centre

Malcolm Sargent Primary School

Empingham Road




Newsletter dated 3 September 2015

We would like to welcome you all back after the summer break and we would also like to say a huge hello to all our new children who have started at the Acorn Childcare centre. We look forward to getting to know you and your children.


The staff are very excited that your children’s learning journals will be accessible online. This allows you as parent/carers to access your child’s learning journal during 24 hours a day. We are looking forward to reading your comments that you can add and working together to promote your child’s learning. All tapestry permission slips need to be returned by the 11 September and then we will activate your account which will enable you to access your child’s learning journal.


Please like our facebook page ‘Acorn Childcare centre’ and keep up to date with what is happening on a daily basis, this includes important dates and the photos of the activities’ that your child has been participating in, as part of the enriched learning environment at the Acorn Childcare centre.


We would like to remind you that breakfast is until 8.15am in the oak leaf and mighty oak room. This ensures there is adequate time for the practitioners to clear away breakfast and set the room up ready for the day ahead.

Parent forum

We will be holding a parent forum meeting on Thursday 22 October at 6.15pm, this will be a chance for you to meet Jo Goldsmith, Head of Childcare and Kirsty Wislawski, Manager to discuss any ideas that you may have regarding the Acorn Childcare centre and any future events that we may be organising.

Inclement weather

Now that summer is coming to an end could we please ask that you send your children with waterproof coat, wellies, hat and gloves as we will be accessing the outdoor area in all weathers.

Sickness policy

The health protection agency states that we cannot accept children back into the setting until 48hrs after the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.


We would like to request that you ensure that there is no medication within your children’s bags that you bring to nursery. If your child requires anti-biotic’s to be administered during their session then please speak to your child’s key person. Calpol can only be administered if during their session they suddenly develop a temperature and the calpol that we provide allows us to control your child’s temperature in order to prevent the possibility of febrile convulsions, whilst parents/carers are contacted.

Dates for your Diary

Cake sale – 15 October 2015

Parent forum – 22 October 2015

Children in Need – 14 November 2015

Christmas production – TBC

Christmas closure – 24 December 2015 - 3 January 2016

Eye funded sessions

3 September – 22 October 2015

2 November 2015 – 17 December 2015

4 January 2016 – 12 February 2016

22 February 2016 – 24 March 2016

11 April 2016 – 27 May 2016

6 June 2016 – 15 July 2016

If your child is accessing eye funded sessions could we please remind you that drop off is at 9.00am and collection is at 3.00pm. This allows the children to enjoy the whole session which will include ‘welcome and goodbye’ songs and also ensures that the staff have time to carryout their roles at the Out of school club. If you require extending your child’s session please speak to Jo, Head of Childcare centre or Kirsty, Manager, to discuss the options available.

From the Acorn team

Little acorns to mighty oaks