May 20th 2010

Called to order 7:20pm.

Officers : Beth Lippold, Linda Adams, Joyce Carboneau, Robin Cino, Holly Breton, Ellen Lagos.

Athletic Director News:

-Spring sports banquet June 1st ice cream in Café 530-6p, Main event in gym then breakout each sport into classrooms

-Ice cream social need to get 4 tubs of ice cream, Robin will have teams donate water again.

-“Friday Night Lights” Friday Sept. 3rd first game of season Jamie Staton WMUR broadcast. Looking for lights donation, Rene Tsoukalas suggested asking local fire dept. to use their auxiliary lights.

-Sign ups for 8th grades: girls soccer low all other teams look good. Interviewing for girls JV volleyball, cheerleading and hopefully soccer.

-Scoreboards are in hand, will be up and running by the Fall season.

-Free HS physicals June 8th

Treasurer Report:

-$13,000 in bank, some outstanding bill issues Joyce will deal directly with Bill Raycraft.

Liason Coordinator:

- Need to define “Team Mom” and Team Liason in writing and let the coaches know what the role actually is. Beth, Linda and Robin will put it in writing over the summer.


-All current memberships expire on July 31st.

-Looks like there are 20 or so members who registered online but have not paid, looking to see if there is a way to verify this.

-Unanimous vote to up membership fee to $20 per yr.

Golf Tournament:

-Ready to go, brochures are printed, committee to meet next week to put an action plan together.

Scholarship Committee:

-Must have been on a WHS varsity team or sanctioned equivalent for 2 full seasons.

- gathering more info and putting an application together this Fall, still have 2yrs to plan.

Strawberry Festival:

-we will work the game wrist band table again this year. Looking for volunteers for 3 2hr blocks. Beth L. and Holly will do 10-12, need 12-2 (2 people) 2-4pm Joyce C. need 1 other person.

Drive-In Night at the Movies:

-Rockingham Park to offer movies free to the public on Saturdays in August. Age appropriate movies for ages 4-14yrs. Boosters will run concessions etc…

-Football will take the first 2 Saturdays

-we can sell drinks, popcorn, candy, glowsticks etc….profits will go to the team that staffs the night.


-Still looking for someone to run the concessions from a scheduling stand point. Ellen and Beth will get together and tour the new blockhouse and decide what equipment is needed.


- due at next meeting, question was raised do we need to advertise in the paper. Holly will put in her booster blast about the next meeting we will be voting for the office of: Vice President, Membership Director, Secretary, Liason Coordinator, Jagwear Coordinator.

-also will be going over bylaws etc this summer for next yr. do we need to make all positions 2yrs or keep to 1 exception being President and Treasurer which are 2.

Next Meeting Wed. June 23rd, Rm. 227 HS

Meeting adjourned 8:50pm.