STRAND ONE – Progress and Achievement 2009-2010
Objective/Aspect / Action / Who – school/LA / By when / How monitor / Early Success Indicators
Planning is differentiated and appropriately challenges SEND children / Continue to support teachers Y5 in identifying targets for individuals with EMA/ Curriculum leader
Collaborative planning
Meeting times CTs+ TAs to talk about planning and APP progress
Performance management focuses on Quality first Teaching using new OFSTED criteria
Bid for Quality first teaching pilot completed / Y5 teachers SENCO
TAs/ intervention managers
EMA/ Curriculum leader
LA Leading teacher / June 2010 / Classroom observation
Pupil conversation
Peer observation and feedback / 90 % lessons judged good/outstanding
Positive feedback from pupils with SEND
TA confidence and skill raised
Pupil Attitudes to learning / Survey of pupils to find attitudes to learning and AFA implementation (MLE)
PM observations / Head/ Deputy inclusion
SLT / June 2010 / Classroom observation
Pupil conversation / Enjoy and achieve aspect in all lesson judged good or better
Positive feedback from pupils with SEND
Progression guidance 2009 + Target setting / SENDCo attend training
Use to support baseline/target setting for Y5 pupils with SEND / SENCO / December 2009 / Head/ Deputy Head reviews targets / Training completed
Ambitious targets set for Y5 pupils with SEND based on prior attainment
Pupil progress meetings / Specific AFA pupil progress meeting
SENCO to attend all meetings
Support Class Teacher and Intervention Managers on action planning in light of parent conversation
SHSW attends for hard to reach focus children / SENDco
SLT / Nov 2009 / Capture and APP data
Book samples/ MLE evidence
Behaviour log / Effective action planning and interventions
Pupils with SEND make expected progress in E and/or M and in well being indicators
Periodic assessment of Y Y 5 SEND pupils using APP /
  • Whole school training in APP reading : Sample children are AFA or SEND focus (APP portfolios for reading and writing)
  • Teachers to select AFs to focus on – inform class TAs and Intervention Manager(IM)
  • APP Pilot - target setting and self evaluation in reading in place for 2 children at SA+ and 1 statemented child (TA, Intervention managers, CT and \SENDCo)
  • Observe quality of teaching and learning – differentiation and teaching approach; assessment informing planning for SEND pupils.
  • 1:1 Guidance and support from SENDco/ Assessment leader
  • Time given for Y5 CT to moderate APP assessments with EMA and intervention managers
  • Moderation of reading and writing portfolio’s by teachers and SLT – feedback shared with staff
  • Monitoring of books/ portfolio’s shows differentiated, purposeful planned activities for reading with high quality outcomes and feedback for SEND pupils.
/ SENCO/ assessment coordinator
All teachers (specific focus for Y5)
Intervention managers / Ongoing to July 2010++ / Judgements moderated by whole school/ all teachers
Moderation report spring 2010 / APP profile in reading and writing established for all children with SEND by CT with SENDco/ Assessment leader support - informing next steps for learning
APP moderation of SEND pupil portfolio’s show secure judgements made by teachers – however feedback gives possible development points for making judgements and collection evidence
Outcomes of moderation exercise shared with all staff; majority of pupils making expected progress against key AF’s at level 2/3.
Evidence that APP informing planning and AF’s steering personalised provision for literacy.
Feedback to staff re PM observations and good practice shared.
Review range of 2nd 3rd WAVES interventions E+M /
  • Review of intervention provision by SEND working group (Trend report 2009/ Standards in teaching and learning report 2009). Consultation with teachers, Governing body, TA’s, analysis of pupil achievement and impact.
  • Main issues shared with whole staff
  • EMA coordinator team teaching with Y5CT and provides targeted EMA/SEND AFA pupils guided reading provision.
  • Feedback to governing body and report for SEND Governor
  • All multi agency staff informed about AFA programme -Pupil action plans from structured conversation shared with PLSS and L&C teams
  • CT released to plan provision with intervention managers – interventions planed during school and out of hours learning
/ SENDco / Dec 2010 / Pupil progress meetings
Review P Map
PM observations
TA minutes
Mid termtrend report / Spring 2010 interventions well matched to needs
Pupil progress meetings and trend analysis show impact on AFA pupil progress in maths and literacy
Maths/ literacy intervention KS 2 – Catch Up
Soundroutes – provision for target AFA pupils /
  • Training for x 2 TA + HLTA Catch up training for Key staff in maths and literacy– AFA children prioritised.
  • Sound routes programme provision for AFA STAT child – TA trained and Stage 1 completed
/ SENDco
LA support / January 2010 / SENDco
observes and reviews outcomes / 2 x Y 5 children with SEND reach secure level 3
Objective/Aspect / Action / Who – school/LA / By when / How monitor / Early Success indicators
Successful Structured conversations achieved via Key Teachers training /
  • Attend training and review guidance
Cascade training to Y 5 teachers
  • Hold conversations
SENCO joins some conversations
  • SEN forums focus on learning needs and information on statementing process and support for children on SEND
  • Invite SEN Governor to attend
  • Invite EAL Parent Governor to attend meeting for EAL parents
  • Discuss effectiveness of school’s DES with parents – what needs to improve and how
  • SEND working group to respond
  • Outreach work with SHSW and Pastoral Care leader on supporting hard to reach parents
  • AFA training for relevant staff and whole school briefing
  • AFA team developed: SHSW, Year 5 teacher teachers & TAs, intervention managers, SENDco, Pastoral Care leader and ICT leader
  • SHSW action plan integrated with AFA outcomes
  • Structured conversations achieved with every AFA parent; targets set and individual plans agreed.
  • Homework meeting attended by all parents with Somali Governor to support.
  • SHSW supported parents with online survey (telephone/ laptop/ paper)
  • Structured conversation meeting 2 completed by spring term 1 and online reporting survey distributed.
/ 5 teacher + SENDCO
Pastoral care leader, / October 2009/ Jan 2010 / Via conversation
Feedback from parents
Review of Action plans / Action plans for SEND pupils Y5 in place and have been provisionally reviewed in 2nd round of conversations
Parental engagement/ higher
SEND pupils Progress towards targets good
The team has worked successfully to engage most of the hard to reach parents. High parent participation at meetings and daily discussions about children’s achievement.
SHSW and pastoral care leader working with focus parents who have not engaged fully in project.
SHSW survey of parents shows positive feedback from parents.
Online provision for homework support, pupil motivation and to improve parent/ teacher/ pupil communication /
  • MLE parent online reporting pilot training attended by key staff and time given for AFA parent room to be developed.
  • AFA children create AFA pages to record achievements, create forums and set personal targets in MLE.
  • MLE training for parents and children at school to support parents with homework. Online portal provides parents with a range of literacy and numeracy activities to support children’s learning. SMART software videos show mathematical strategies for calculations and handwriting activities to support parents with misconceptions. Forums for parents and all teachers involved in AFA are set up to support discussion about learning.
  • Secure LGFL funding for texting services
/ Year 5 teachers/ ICT leader/SENDCo, SHSW, CLC staff / Online stats tool MLE to monitor participation
Parent survey feedback
Forum comments / A log of parental use of MLE portal shows good participation levels. Children and parents report that they feel engaged with learning and school.
Parents are able to get updates on children’s achievements in class and specific interventions. They have also started to request specific support with areas of learning through the online portal.
Children’s hard work is rewarded with use of video cameras and digital cameras to record their achievements and thoughts at home.
Accelerated reader / Train staff on AR
World Book day participation
Run session for targeted Y 5 parents
Identify AfA budget / Literacy subject leader, SENCo, ICT leader and Year 5 teachers / April 2010 / Pre and post assessment
Feedback from families / Target families using AR
Children making good Reading progress
Objective/Aspect / Actions / Who – school/LA / By When / How monitor / Early Success indicators
Review of behaviour policy – with SENDspecific strategies
Implementation of new policy
Linkage with work on friendships/relationships for SEND children /
  • Review Behaviour Policy - rights respecting ethos and Big Question integral to review
  • Behaviour Working group set up to ensure full staff representation
  • Range of activities on offer during lunchtime reviewed – alternative inclusive lunchtime provided (munch club, )
  • Stakeholders views feeds into review (see priority 2)
  • Play supervisors and TA consultation
  • Whole school consultation with children
  • AFA children to complete MLE survey on behaviour and attendance
  • Rights respecting focus permeates curriculum and class charters are a focus for positive behaviour
  • Right respecting champions to meeting with Phase 2 leader to select appropriate ‘Children’s articles UNICEF’ to match key aims and develop reflection sheets (SEND children are represented in this group)
/ Head/Deputy / SLT/
Behaviour working party / July 2010 / Survey of pupils with SEND -
Consultation parents/carers of SEND pupils
Behaviour working party minutes
UNICEF visit feedback and Level 2 accreditation / Pupils with SEND report feeling safe + happier –
Peer relationships improved
Parents report that children feel more included/are developing friendships
Consultations completed – issues were discussed and strategies agreed (working group meetings)
Draft policy in process
Analysis of behaviour incidences for this half term show fewer incidences (SEN audit focus)
Level 2 UNICEF award achieved
Participation levels of Y 5 SEND pupils in Extended services/Extra curricular activities / Survey parents of SEND pupils
Survey SEND pupils – barriers to access and participation?
Revise morning, lunchtime and after school offer / AfA project leader
LA ES officers (ZRM) / May 2010 / Monitor levels of participation
Feed back fro pupils and parents
Observation of activities / Children with SEND in ~Y5 take part in more ES and Extra curricular activities
Wider range of activities available and taken up
Higher parental and pupil satisfaction levels
Transition / Targeted Y5 pupils identified for LIN K club in Y5 summer term with Pastoral Care leader
Children attend some Y6 meetings and visit secondary schools
Meet Y7/8 pupil in Link meetings
Reduction in persistent absence of x 1 targeted Y 5 pupils with SEND / Child friendly attendance pamphlet produced with School Council input.
Shared understanding of importance of school attendance(key groups informed i.e. Somali/ SEND/WFSM)
Track progress of school target and in particular SEND children with EWO
SHSW/ pastoral care leader working with focus SEND children and families to achieve attendance target
Pastoral care leader ensures that target children have access to breakfast club provision if needed / Y 5 teacher
Pastoral Care leader / July 2010 / Levels of attendance
Feedback from target children and parents / SHSW and pastoral care leader worked closely with families offering support and outreach services for parents – has impact on target AFA child with persistent late and absence issues. (parent attending structured conversation and MLE workshops)
95% attendance Autumn term
Objective/Aspect / Action / Who – school/LA / By when / How monitor / Early Success Indicators
AfA School Team including the Governing Body / Establish AfA team and meeting/communication strategy
Include/co-opt governor with SEND remit and/or Chair
Agree/establish a strategy + cycle of monitoring and evaluation – including use of data, observation, listening to views of stakeholders / Head
AfA leader
LA project leader / Oct 2009 and ongoing / Self review
Data influences practice
Recorded in SEF / Effective whole school implementation
AfA Activity maintained
Evaluation data provided to national strategy evaluation
AfA Spending plan / Review funding sources to support SEND activity, including: delegated SEND funds high incidence; Additional needs element; personalisation budgets etc.
Devise draft AfA budget plan / AfA project leader / Dec 2009 / Review spending termly
Complete analysis July 2010 / Funding deployed to deliver aims of AfA
Improved outcomes for children with SEND in Y+5
Staff (including support staff) understanding and commitment / Hold initial Staff meeting with TAs/ teachers and – set out vision
SEND working group established
Provide regular updates via newsletter/ MLE
Present successful Case studies @ staff meeting spring/summer term 2010 / AfA project leader
SENCO / ongoing / -
Staff feedback / Staff understand and support project
Staff reflect on own practice – in terms of embedding and sustaining
CPD opportunities / Review opportunities to raise AfA issues in autumn/spring whole staff meetings/training days
Review training summer term 2010 to include AfA issues
Identify training needs of specific staff – in light of Needs analysis – manage cover arrangements / Head / Nov 2010 / Evaluations
Impact on AfA outcomes / Staff confidence, knowledge and skills enhanced
AfA outcomes positive
Vision and aims of AfA communicated to parents / Describe project in school Newsletter
Present and explain to parents/carers of Y5 SEND children @ parents meetings / Head/AfA project leader / October/November 2009 / Feedback from parents / Parental engagement and commitment
Vision and aims of AfA communicated to governors / Present paper at GB meeting Autumn term
Enlist/involve link SEN governor
Agree a GB monitoring role – e.g. via school visits
Provide updates at curriculum and pupils/ Head’s report to governors Spring 2010
Include in SEN /Annual Report 2010 / Head
Project leader / November 2009 and ongoing / -
GB feedback / Active engagement and support of GB
School Profile contains review of project’s successes and challenges
Vision and aims of AfA communicated to wider community + key stakeholders / Identify relevant stakeholders – e.g. community groups
Inform and communicate using AfA information sheets (available from LA) / AfA Project leader / November 2009 / Feedback from stakeholders / Stakeholders identify and deliver an engagement with/ contribution to AfA
Contributions of specialist services to AfA: PLSS, SALT, EPS, SIS , Sensory Service etc. / Review contributions of specialist services for Y 5
Negotiate input and support – AFA children highlighted at planning meeting and parent conversation targets shared
Maintain focus on embedding and sustaining new skills and knowledge / AfA project leader / December 2009 / Feedback from school staff
Feedback fro services / Progress in well-being and literacy/maths for Y1+5 children with SEND
Enhanced staff confidence, skill and knowledge of aspects of SEND
Transition R to 1, 5 to 6 and 6 to 7 / Become familiar with LA GUIDANCE on transition N to R and from 6 to 7
Adapt/adopt advised procedures
Plan effective “hand-over” meetings , e.g. Y 4-5, Y 5-6, Y 6-7 (using LA guidance) / SENCO
Class teacher / November 2009 ongoing to July 2010 / Feedback from pupils
Feedback from receiving teachers / Support for children with SEND in place
Children settled and making progress

Provisional AfA Budget Plan

School Allocation 2009-10

Use of Achievement for All Funding

/ Example of an activity / Draft Allocation / Expenditure to date

1.Developing capacity of AfA Project Leader to lead/coordinate the project across the school

/ Time for coordinating strategies to develop quality first teaching – peer observation, collaborative planning / £1k / 3 days supply - £ 585

2.Time for Key teachers to hold structured conversations with parents

/ Cover whenever conversations happen during the day / £2k / 4 days x2 supply - £780

3.Monitoring and reviewing the quality of current provision for children/young people with SEND

/ Time for classroom observation + hearing the voice of the child / £200

4.Implementing additional provision – interventions, extra curricular activities focussed on target pupils

/ Training + cover costs for a new third wave intervention. mathematics – Catch-Up, APP pilot English with SEN readers, Sound routes
Summer term after school project for Targeted Y5 pupils with SEND / £2k / £390 supply cover for 1teacher

5.Developing the capacity of members of staff to engage in data collection and project evaluation including intervention managers

/ Time to collect and review data / £ 1k / £390 supply

6.Time and resources for staff to engage in professional development opportunities that support the project

/ Cover to attend training, e.g. the structured conversation. Cost of new resources linked to training. / £600 / £390 cover 2 days

7.Intervention Managers to lead focussed programmes

/ Hi Five personalised to meet needs of group or
Reading club and Link transition / £1k / Intervention Managers x 2– 10 weeks £400

8.Monitor implementation and review of school policies including attendance, behaviour and DES

/ Parent and pupil consultation on behaviour review / £1k / £195 Phase leader

9.Embedding AfA strategies across the whole school

/ Time to engage in the Camden Quality Mark for Inclusion
Provide whole school training on effective use of the 2nd adult linked to peer observation / £500 ?


/ £9,300
(£5713) / £3130