Algebra 1A
Mrs. Draiss
Materials (Must be brought daily.)
Binder-will be checked on August 27th
-3 sections: Notes, Homework, Quizzes
Graphing Calculator recommended-no calculators will be provided.
Textbook-covered by August 27th
Loose-leaf paper (no spiral notebooks)
Pencil-must be used on everything that is or could be handed in
Material Covered-Glencoe Algebra 1
Chapter 1 –The Language of Algebra
Chapter 2 – Real Numbers
Chapter 3 – Solving Linear Equations
Chapter 4 – Graphing Relations & Functions
Chapter 5 – Analyzing Linear Equations
Your grade will consist of:
30% Tests-over entire chapters
30% Quizzes-single and multiple sections
25% Homework-graded randomly for completion and/or correctness with or without notice
15% Binder
Online Textbook
Your textbook has a website that will allow you to find extra practice, study materials, etc. In order to access this site, it is recommended that you have high-speed internet.
Go to
You will be asked for a username and password.
Username: ALG105OH
Visit for weekly sheets.
Visit for netbook links, extra credit opportunities and various other Algebra 1A content or information.
1.)Follow directions the first time they are given.
2.)Respect yourself and others.
-One person speaks at a time.
-Do not put others down, encourage and help each other as much as possible.
-Treat the classroom with respect, we all have to spend time here daily.
3.)Put forth effort daily.
-Be in your seat, ready to work when class begins (if you are late, you must have a pass).
-Bring all necessary materials.
-Use the time given in class to work, it may be the only chance you have to ask questions.
-Participation in discussion is required.
-Do your best everyday.
-Remain in your seats until the bell rings (no lining up).
4.) Electronic devices are not to be seen, heard, or touched without specific permission
-See the electronic device guidelines in your student handbook for details.
5.)Make-up work is your responsibility.
-See me outside of class or during work time to get make-up work.
-Scheduled absences are a privilege. Homework must be obtained before you leave and handed in immediately upon your return. Tests and quizzes must be taken before you leave.
-If absent due to illness, see me for make-up work immediately upon your return. Make-up work for illness days must be handed in before the chapter test.
-Notes must be obtained from a classmate when you return.
6.)Homework is due the next day unless otherwise stated.
-Half credit will be given to homework that is 1 day late. After 1 day, no credit will be given.
7.)All school rules apply within this classroom.
Discipline Procedures
Step 1: Warning
Step 2: Detention
Step 3: Sent to office
Parents may be contacted at any point at teacher’s discretion.
In case of severe violations, any or all of the above may be used in any order.
Office Hours
Before and after school
Advisory Period (on some days)
To assure that I will be available, please check with me ahead of time.
I can also be reached at or .
The effort you put into this class will be reflected in the grade you earn.
Be sure to get help as soon as confusion arises, from me or another student, in order to not fall further behind.
Work hard and you will succeed in this class.