Sophomore Honors English

Reading List

It is important that students and parents/guardians review these works as some of these novels contain mature situations and/ or language. When choosing a novel, please review your selection to make sure it is appropriate for you. If the subject matter is too difficult or mature, feel free to choose a different novel.


Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apart (1958) Nigeria

Arrow of God (1964)

Emecheta, Buchi The Bride Price (1976) Nigeria

Equiano, Olaudah Autobiography

Gordimre, Nadine A Guest of Honor (1983)

My Son’s Story(1990)

Kogawa, Joy Obasan

Laye, Camara The Radiance of Kings

Lessing, Doris The Grass is Signing(1950)

*** Mahfouz, Naguig The BeggarEgypt

Maran, Rene Batoula(1921) Martinique

Mathabane, Mark Kaffir Boy South Africa

Naipaul, V.S. A House of Mr. Biswas (1938) Trinidad

A Bend in The River (1979)

Ngugi, James Matigari(1938) Kenya

Nwapu, Flora Efuru (1966)

Paton, Alan Cry, the Beloved Country (1948) South Africa

Salih, al-Tayyib Season of Migration to the North Sudan

waThiong’ o, Ngugi Weep Not, Child (1964)

The River Between

A Grain of Wheat

North American

Baldwin, James Go Tell It on the Mountain (1953)

Brown, Dee Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (1970)

Cather, Willa My Antonia (1918)

+++One of Ours

Dos Passos, John U.S.A (1936)

Ellison, Ralph Invisible Man (1952)

Erdrich, Lourise Tracks

Fernadez, Roberto Raining Backwards (1988)

+++Hijuelos, Oscar The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love (1990)

Kingston, Marilyn Hong The Woman Warrior

Marshall, Paule Walkabout

Morrison, Toni Beloved (1987)

Song of Solomon

Momaday, N. Scott House Make of Dawn (1967)

Mohawk Never Cry Wolf

Okada, John No-No Boy (1980)

Potok, Chaim My Name is Asher Lev (1976)

Roy, Gabrielle The Tine Flute (1945)

***Singer, Issac B. Satan in Goray (1976)

The Manor (1967)

The Penitent (1983)

Stowe, Harriet Beecher Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Tan, Amy A Hundred Secret Senses

*** The Fifth Son (1985)

Wright, Richard Rites of Passage


Butler, Samuel The Ways of All Flesh (1903)

Conrad, Joseph Nostromo (1904)

The Secret Agent (1904)

Dickens,Charles The Old Curiousity Shop

Eliot, George Middle March (1872)

Silas Marner

***Galsworthy, John TheForsyte Saga (1921)

Joyce, James Portrait of an Artist as Young Man (1916)

Lawrence, D.H. The Rainbow (1915)

Sheridan, Richard The School for Scandal (1777)

Waugh, Evelyn BridesheadRevisted

Continental European

Alighieri, Dante The Divine Comedy

de Balzac, Honore PereGoriot (1835) France

***Boll, Heinrich The Clown (1965) Germany

Group Portrait with a Lady (1973)

***Camus, Albert The Stranger (1942) France

The Plague (1948)

Grass, Gunter The Tin Flute

***Hesse, Herman Steppenwold (1929) Germany

Homer Iliad

Ibanez, V.B. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1941) Spain

***Jimenez, Juan R. Platero and I (1914) Spain

Kafke, Fraz The Trial (1917) Austria

The Castle

Lorca, Frederico Garcia The House of Bernardo Alba

The Blood Wedding

Machiavelli The Prince Italy

***Mann, Thomas Buddenbrooks (1901) Germany

Manzoni, Alessandro The Betrothed (1826) Italy

Moliere The Misanthrope

Musil, Robert The Man Without Qualities (1933) Austria

Proust, Marcel Swann’s Way (1913) France

Remembrance of Things Past

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Emile

Sartre, Jean-Paul The Age of Reason (1948) France

The Reprieve (1947)

Stendhal, (Henri Beyle) The Read and the Black (1830) France

The Charterhouse of Parma (1839)

Voltaire Candide

Zola, Emile Germinale (1885) France

Far Eastern and Southwest Asia

Anonymous Panchatantra (200-400 A.D.) India

Godden, Rumer Black Narcissus (1939)

***Kawabata, Yasunari Snow Country (1969) Japan

Lao She The Yellow Storm (1970) China

Markandaya, Kamala Nectar in a Sieve India

A Handful of Rice (1966)

Mishima, Yukio Confessions of a Mask (1958) Japan

Murasaki, Shikiby The Tale of Genji (1500) Japan

***Tagore, Rabindranat The Gardener India

The King of the Dark Chamber

TsaoHsueh-Chin Dream of the Red Chamber (1978) China

Latin American

Allende, Isabel Eva Luna (1988)

Argueta, Manilo One Day of Life (1983) El Salvador

Azuela, Mariano The Underdogs (1927) Mexico

Coelho, Paulo The Alchemist Brazil

Machado De Assis, Joaquim Maria Helena (1876) Brazil

Mistral, Gabriela Desolation

Onetti, Juan Carlos Body Snatcher Uruaguay

Puig, Manuel Tropical Night Falling Argentina

Puz, Octavio Labyrinth of Solitude

Vargas Llosa, Mario Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (1982) Peru

Middle Eastern

Arabian and Persian Traditition The Thousand and One Nights (1200) Persia

Appelfeld, Aharon The Retreat (1985) Israel

The Age of Wonders

Muhfouz, Naguib Cairo Trilogy Egypt

Oz, Amos Black Box (1988) Israel

Shammas, Anton Arabesques (1988) Israel


Chekhov, Anton The Cherry Orchard

Dostoevsky, Fyodor The House of the Dead (1862)

The Brothers of Karamazov (1880)

Gogol, Nikolai V. Dead Souls (1842)

Tolstoi, Leo War and Peace (1869)

Turgenev, Ivan The Torrents of Spring (1875)

***Indicates winners of Nobel Prize of Literature or Nobel Peace Prize

+++Indicates winners of Pulitzer Prize