Acharya Shree Sudarshan
Krishna Niketan
New Bypass Road , Patna -7
Summer Assignment [2014-15]
Std : VI
1. Write an essay on ‘My Aim in Life’.
2. Write one paragraph on ‘ my favorites hobby’.
3. Learn 20 new words from the English news paper and magazines.
1. TABLE- 12 to 22
Math book
2. 2G and 3A Exercise
Math lab
· Write the Definition of Prime number, composite number, even no. and odd no. in your Math Lab Copy.
History, Civics, Geography
1. Learn and write glossary of lesson-1, 2 and 3
2. Learn all things of lesson 1 and 2.
3. Project- make a globe.
1.Briefly describe about “Historical development of Computer”, Also draw and paste the pictures in A4 size paper. [ Hint: From ch-1, Pg no: 1 & 2]
2. Learn Question Answer of ch-1.
1. Write the names of components of food.
2. Write five sources of each component of food.
a) Carbohydrates
b) Protein
c) Fats
d) Vitamin
e) Mineral
3. Draw and color five plant sources and five animal source of food.
1- ikB %& pkj ls 'kCnkFkZ fy[ksa vkSj ;kn djsaA
2- ikB %& rhu vkSj pkj ikB~; iqLrd esa fjDr LFkku HkjsaA
3- ikB %& vius ikB~; iqLrd ls lqUnj v{kjks esa lqys[k fy[ksaA
1- izR;; vkSj milxZ] oxZ dk;Z dkWih esa fy[ksaA
2- fo"k; %& 'kCn ,oa mlds Hkkxks ds uke mnkgj.k lfgr fy[ksaA
1- ikB %& 1 ls 3 rd dk ’kCnkFkZ ;kn djsaA
2- ikB %& 1 ls 3 rd vH;kl ;kn djsaA
3- ^nso* dk ’kCn :Ik fy[ksaA
4- ^xe* dk /kkrq :i rhuksa ydkjksa ¼yV~] y`V ,oa y³~½ esa fy[ksaA
5- Ifj;kstuk dk;Z &
i`"B la[;k 24 ds izFke rhuksa fpUgksa dks n’kkZ,¡A