ACEPT Student Executive Board Meeting
December 6, 2013
Roosevelt University
Kristy Engel-Roosevelt University
Hazel Rosete-Wheaton
Anna Finis-Adler
Elissa Graff-ISPP/Argosy-Chicago
Alex Willett-ISPP/Argosy-Schaumburg
Lindsay Sycz-Roosevelt
GolzarKouklan-Midwestern University (call in)
New website ( announced
Verify student e-mail addresses to appear on website
- All current e-mail addresses confirmed to be published on website
Representatives from other schools
- All members agreed to reach out to peers from other programs and encourage participation
- New member contacted Kristy from Northeastern University but was not able to attend meeting. Kristy will continue to seek engagement from her.
Practicum Fair: January 10th from 9am-12pm
- Volunteers: All members agreed to arrive by 8:40 and volunteer at the front table/networking location for half the time.
- Alex will either be able to volunteer or find another student to fill his place
- Student networking hour:
- Agreed on 11am-12pm time slot
- Need space-perhaps the room being used for ACEPT application instructions presentation
- Some tables and chairs in room if possible
- Would like to have beverages and small bites (sandwiches) if there is a budget for it
- Colored cards denoting diagnostic, therapy, or advanced prac experience
- Promote through flyers: e-mail blast, include in information sent to DOTs about prac fair, hanging at prac fair, placed in student lounges, reminded when signing in
- Kristy will make flyer and disseminate to student board for revisions before distribution
ACEPT Conference: May 9th
- Topic/speaker ideas
- Mindfulness
- Supervision models
- Cross-cultural supervision
- Golzar provided name for possible speaker, Kristy will send to Exec board for follow up
- Increase student involvement/interest
- Potential for a presentation that is specifically geared toward students?
- Student participation on subcommittee
- Golzar would like to be part of the subcommittee-Kristy put Mary in contact with her
Guidelines: to be presented at practicum fair
- General overview provided by Elissa
New business
- Ride share program
- Could be supported by a Facebook group
- Link to Facebook group put on ACEPT website
- To become part of the group, would need to supply name, school, and prac placement to protect group members
- All SEB members can be added to monitor and approve new members
- Lindsay agreed to set up the FB group
- Twitter account?
- Don’t see the need for this
- Other student networking events?
- Opportunity to meet others in the field/network with future colleagues
- Anna and Elissa agreed to look into a location where students could meet, perhaps open bar with space to socialize/network
- Potential time: late April