April 14, 2016
The Board of Commissioners for the Port of Lopez met in regular session on April 14at the airport building meeting room. ChairmanSteve Adamscalled the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Present were Commissioners Dan Post andKenn Aufderhar, Secretary Helen Cosgrove and guests.
A. Approval of MinutesforMarch 10
Post moved, seconded byAufderharto approve the minutes forthe March 10 meeting as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Approval of Vouchers and Payroll
Cosgrove noted there are several claims payment request forms. Additional ones are for property taxes, the wrong amount was entered last month and acquisition of the Crawford property,additional expenses included Reid Middleton engineeringfees and the bond sale costs. Adams moved, seconded by Postto approve vouchers in the amount of $65.95, $198,548.16 and $13,355.08from the airport fund and $181.08from the port fund. The motion passed unanimously. Post moved, seconded by Aufderhar to approve payroll in the amount of $798.00. The motion passed unanimously.
C.Review of Correspondence
1. Enduris regarding nominations to Board of Directors.
2. Washington State Auditor’s office re: change in billing.
3. Chicago Title final buyer’s statement for Crawford property purchase
D.Financial Report
Cosgrove distributed airport and port fund reports.There is currently $118,000 in the airport fund, of which $100,000 is in the investment pool; collected $13,200 in property taxes, $18,500 in port fund; collected $4,000 in rent; budget report includes bond proceeds and property acquisition. Adams asked Cosgrove to calculate the expenses incurred in the Crawford property purchase for possible future reimbursement from the FAA.
E.Advisory Report
Walker reported the spot spraying on runway was effective; in contact with Jack Sharp for weed control, will do when weather conditions are right. By consensus, it was agreed to have the spraying done.
F. Personal Appearances
Joe Thornton thanked the Port for planting the trees; will monitor – take care of watering, staking; would still like to have fence extension installed along property lines; would like some of the trees on his property be removed that are in the flight path.
Linda Noreen asked if fees were being collected from long term parking and that there were several vehicles with expired license plate tabs; likes the website but there are several typos in the rules and regulations, would like to see those corrected; suggested that only Cosgrove and web page designer have access to making changes on the website; under archive news there was mention that the solar panels were installed and they were contributing half of the electrical costs. Cosgrove said she has been recording to the grid and from the grid information from OPALCO and would share that information with Noreen.
G.Commissioner Reports
Post reported the rotating beacon and windsock lights are on 24 hours a day. Adams will look into it. Post said the REILS are turned off and can’t remember why. Adams thought the south end wasn’t working, got a cost to repair and it had been decided to wait until the whole system is upgraded and replaced to deal with them; doesn’t know whether the north end is off or not.
Aufderhar reported the threshold that he had mentioned for the storage units won’t work; will grind down, spoke to Don Burt about doing the work. Walker suggested rather than grinding using a concrete saw, cut on the outside lip, tapering in such a way that the water drained away.
Adams said his wife has volunteered to build a picnic table for the property on Fisherman Bay if the Port paid for the materials. Aufderhar said he likes the idea, sees people there frequently. Post asked about the plastic tank on the property. Adams said it was a dump tank for the motorhome that was parked there before and thought it should be left because if the Port sold the property in the future, it could be a selling point; has been cleaned out. By consensus, it was agreed to have the picnic table built.
H.Commissioners Additions to the Agenda
A.Airport Camping
Dunlop said the hotel/motel tax collected by the county is used for promotion of and impacts of tourism; grant program that distributes those monies to public agencies to use for tourism related projects. The Port of Orcas was awarded funds last year for the construction of showers at their campground at the airport. Dunlop wanted to build a minimally equipped camping area with picnic tables, fire rings and a picnic shelter about 15 x 20 feet next to the run up area near the lower hangars; grade the area so planes could taxi to the camping area;wasn’t sure when the grant cycle happened. Cosgrove said it was in the spring. Dunlop would work with Cosgrove to put grant together; determine costs needed to construct the site and structure;hadn’t thought about picnic tables on the waterfront property but that could be included. Aufderhar said he has seen heavy use at the Orcas airport; also put in restroom and shower in the future. Walker said he has been approached by people who want to camp there and directs them to the west side of hangar A; has been used for years. Post asked if permits were required; would the neighbors complain about camping at the airport; installing bathroom and showers, what kind of maintenance expense would that require. Adams said he has used camping sites at other airports, typically low key; showers and toilets could be installed in the future; encourages tourism; have bikes delivered or maybe a car available at the airport. Post felt that fire rings might be a concern. Dunlop suggested a bar b que stand not a fire ring. Post wanted to defer it until next year; get more information; what is ongoing maintenance expense. Thornton asked if the general public would be allowed to use the camping area. Adams said that it would only be for pilots, not just anybody can access the airport. Aufderhar moved, seconded by Adams to have Dunlop and Cosgrove to put grant proposal together and have commissioners review before submittal for camping site. Adams noted the project is not necessarily being approved but the grant application is. Adams and Aufderhar voted yes, Post no. The motion passed.
B.Weather Station
Adams asked Walker what level of weather station he thought the Port would need. Walker distributed a sheet showing the information created from the AWOS III weather station at the Friday Harbor airport. Adams said the need for this is because medical emergency flights cannot come in if there is adverse weather. Walker said that a pilot can call in to get the weather information; pilot can contact on the radio; it updates information regularly; airport camera is good, can see what the weather is currently but that is all that is provided; medical people would want to know exactly what the weather is; can hook up to national weather service; would be a nice addition. Aufderhar felt that AWOS II would not provide sufficient data, AWOS III would provide all necessary information and wouldn’t need to go beyond that. Post said he would like to check with medivac and see if that is sufficient for their needs. Adams said he had already contacted the fire chief about what the needs were; has not heard back from him yet. Aufderhar said maintenance costs need to be looked at.
B.Rousseau Tree Removal
Adams said he received a call from Rousseau this week and she is adamant that trees on the south side of her property be removed this year. Post suggested having Zack Blomberg do the work. Adams said he doesn’t care who does it, just get it done. Trees are all marked with black paint. Cosgrove asked if chipping was being done or remove the logs. Post responded to have the area cleaned up as was done the last time trees were removed on her property. Cosgrove to follow up on.
C.Channel Road Tree Removal
Adams said the property was purchased so that the trees can be removed; several ways to do the task. Options would include clearing trees and leaving stumps; or remove trees and stumps, turn it into pasture. Post suggested getting two bids, one for stump removal and one for no stump removal. Adams said a third option would be to remove half or two thirds of the trees, would get rid of the most dangerous trees and leaving trees along Channel Road, breaking it into a couple of projects. Aufderhar said he would like to walk the property. Post said there is an easement to cut all the trees on the property around the house on the eastside; on the other side, 10ft below imaginary surface, the trees need to remain allowing a buffer for the other house (amended); would costs increase if it is done over two years. Decision to be made at next month’s meeting.
There being no further business, Post moved, seconded by Aufderhar to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.