AcED Guidance Document
These guidance notes will help you fill in your application and understand the terms and conditions of the Academic Enhancement and Development (AcED) Bursary. Reading this guidance is not a replacement for reading the Terms and Conditions of the AcED Bursary. By submitting a signed application form, you are confirming that you have read the Terms and Conditions and that you agree to them.
The Committee may ask you for further details if it is deemed necessary. You are asked to complete the application form as fully as possible so as to not delay the awarding of funds.
This fund is for undergraduate students ONLY. Postgraduate students are able to apply for the KPA Bursary.
Here are some frequently asked questions related to the Terms and Conditions. Ensure that you have read the Terms and Conditions before submitting your application.
- What can I apply for?
- UK public travel costs (standard class)
- UK private travel (car travel paid at 45p per mile) – public travel is preferable. Petrol will only be reimbursed if proven to be necessary or cheaper than public travel.
- Accommodation (standard room)
- Event fees – for one off events eg. Conferences
- Small consumables – items which will be used up, such as batteries. This needs to be costed in your application form
- Anything that will benefit you academically or personally
- You can apply for a minimum of £20 and a maximum of £500 of funding
- What can I NOT apply for?
- First Class travel – unless proven to be cheaper than standard class
- Travel discount cards of any sort
- Travel to countries outside of the UK
- Air travel – as part of KeeleSU’s sustainability policy, we cannot contribute to air travel
- Visa costs – as part of KeeleSU’s sustainability policy, we cannot contribute to air travel
- Expenses related to vaccinations
- Affiliation fees – activities should be one off events, not lasting memberships
- Subsistence Costs ie. Food and drink
- Equipment not directly related to your visit eg. Laptops
- Costs that are related to a compulsory part of your course
- When should my activity take place?
- Your activity must take place in either the 12 months prior to the application deadline, or in the 12 months following the application deadline.
- Your activity must take place whilst you are an enrolled undergraduate student at Keele University.
- Who can help me fill out my application?
- You are advised to seek assistance from your personal tutor or supervisor when filling out your application. Much like a grant proposal, your tutors should be able to help you with the relevantinformation required to fill in an application.
- The application for MUST be signed by the applicant AND the applicant’s personal tutor or supervisor.
- When can I submit my application?
- Applications will open on Monday 5th February and will close on Friday 2nd March.
- When will I find out if my application is successful?
- You will receive the result of your application on the week commencing Monday 18th March.
- Can I submit another application?
- You can submit as many applications as you want to. However, students are only permitted two successful applications per academic year.
- We recommend that if you submit multiple applications, you should indicate which application you would prefer funding for.
The Application
Here we will provide guidance regarding the information that is required on the application form, why the information is necessary and what type of answers you should provide.
Section 1: Personal Details, Activity and Funding Summary
You are required to fill in some personal details on the form, these are important so that we can verify aspects of your application:
Piece of information / Why?Name & Student Number / With this information we can verify that you are a Keele student
Keele Email Address / With this information we can contact you. All official communication will be sent by Keele emails ONLY
Phone Number / With this information we can get in contact with you quickly in case of emergency
Undergraduate Course / With this information we can verify that you have not applied for a compulsory activity
Year of Study / With this information we can verify that the event will take place whilst you are still an undergraduate student
Title of Activity / With this information we can begin to confirm that the activity is relevant to your professional or academic development
Date(s) Your Activity Will Take Place / With this information we can confirm that the activity takes place before you finish your degree
Final Total: Amount of Funding Applied for from the AcED Bursary / With this information we can accurately award the Bursary
Have you sought any other funding? / With this information we will be able to provide advice of alternative funding opportunities
Section 2: Statements: Activity and Funding Details
- Statement 1: A Detailed Description of your Activity
- You should provide a brief but detailed description of your activity, including basic details such as location and the event organiser (eg. An academic governing body)
- You should highlight how the activity is separate from your degree course
- Statement 2 (Only complete if your activity is due to take place):
- Your statement should explain what you expect to gain from the event. You should highlight:
- Potential for personal or professional development, and/or
- What you hope to learn in the subject area
- All successful applicants will be expected to write a report of 500 words after their event has taken place
- Statement 3 (Only complete if your activity has already taken place):
- Your report should explain what you gained from the event. You should highlight:
- Personal or professional development, and/or
- Knowledge gained in the subject area
- You should provide as much detail as possible within the 500 word limit
- Statement 4: Funding Request and Proof of Costs
- You must provide an itemised list of all costs associated with your activity
- You must state which items you will use the AcED Bursary to pay for as well as an overall total
- You must check the terms and conditions to discover what can and cannot apply under the AcED Bursary
- You must provide a brief description of each item
- Why this item is necessary for your activity
- Why you have chosen this item and not another, for example you have chosen a specific hotel as it will enable you to stay nearby
- You should explain any higher than typical costs
- You must provide proof of the costs for each item
- Example of evidence: receipts; print-screens of online costs; web links
- Statement 5: Breakdown of other Funding applied for
- You must provide a list of any other sources of funding you have applied for or are considering applying for. With this information we will be able to provide advice of alternative funding options
- You might find this link useful for researching other funding options:
Updated: January 2018