ACCSC Scholarship Application

For Members of SkillsUSA

ACCSC is proud to offer an annual Scholarship to help students enrolled in a SkillsUSA program to attend the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC). ACCSC will award one (1) $1,500 scholarship toward a student’s travel expenses to attend and compete at the SkillsUSA conference.

The award will be based on the student’s commitment to excellence in technical skills, work ethic, and leadership as well as how the student will use the opportunity to compete at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference as an ambassador for the skilled trades and workforce development.

The Application and required attachments must be submitted to by May 2, 2017. The Commission plans to announce the winner by the end of May 2017.

Eligibility Requirements:

To apply for the ACCSC SkillsUSA Scholarship, an applicant must:

·  Be a student of an ACCSC-accredited school;

·  Be a Gold Medal Winner at their 2017 state competition, advancing to national competition;

·  Be a SkillsUSA member in good standing; and

·  Submit the application and attachments no later than May2, 2017 (midnight, eastern time).


Since 1965, the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) has been committed to establishing and advancing quality education at postsecondary career schools and colleges. ACCSC accredits public, private, non-profit, and for-profit institutions that offer career, technical, and vocational training programs at the postsecondary level. ACCSC is dedicated to ensuring a quality education for over 150,000 students who annually pursue career education at over 650 ACCSC accredited institutions across the United States, Puerto Rico, and abroad. ACCSC has been continuously recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a reliable authority for the quality education since 1967. In 2016, ACCSC’s recognition was renewed for five years, the maximum timeframe allowed under current federal regulations.

About SkillsUSA

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry representatives working together to ensure that America has a skilled workforce to help each student to excel. SkillsUSA is a national organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in technical, skilled, and service occupations in a wide array of fields from healthcare occupations to welding. SkillsUSA was formerly known as VICA (the Vocational Industrial Clubs of America). Timothy W. Lawrence, Executive Director of SkillsUSA gave the Keynote Address at ACCSC’s 2015 Professional Development Conference and made a compelling case that every institution that offers vocational programs can benefit from working with SkillsUSA. SkillsUSA, along with advocates such as ACCSC’s 2014 Key Note Speaker Mike Rowe and hundreds of employers from small businesses as well as major U.S. corporations, is taking employability skills training and development to new levels. For information on starting a SkillsUSA chapter at your school, go to or call 844.875.4557.

ACCSC Scholarship Application

For SkillsUSA members

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ACCSC Scholarship Application - For Members of SkillsUSA

Name of Student:

Student E-mail Address:

Program of Study/Contest Area:


Name of ACCSC-accredited school: Check with your school director to see if your school is accredited by ACCSC or call Karen Marcinski at 703.247.4531

ACCSC School Number (see online Directory at

School Address:

School City, State, Zip:

Name of SkillsUSA Advisor:

E-mail address for SkillsUSA Advisor:

E-mail address of author of your letter of recommendation:

The award will be based on the following Required Attachments. Please attach the following in either a MSWord Document or PDF format only:

·  Essay 1. Describe your commitment to developing exceptional technical skills, work ethic, and how you’ve provided leadership to your school or the SkillsUSA organization. Describe what your school and SkillsUSA means to you.

·  Essay 2. Explain and describe how you will use the opportunity to compete at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference to enhance your personal and professional growth and be an ambassador for the skilled trades or for your area of study.

·  A letter of recommendation from any of the following individuals: Instructor in program of study, SkillsUSA Advisor, Director of your School, or state SkillsUSA association director.

·  Completed ACCSC SkillsUSA application, to include the contact information requested above and attestation on page 3.

This Application and attachments must be completed and submitted to by May 2, 2017. The Commission plans to announce the winner by the end of May 2017.

Eligibility Requirements:

To apply for the ACCSC SkillsUSA Scholarship, applicants must:

·  Be a student of an ACCSC-accredited school;

·  Be a Gold Medal Winner at their 2017 state competition, advancing to national competition;

·  Be a SkillsUSA member in good standing; and

·  Submit application and attachments no later than May2, 2017 (midnight, eastern time)

The selected scholarship recipient will be asked to provide a short biography and photograph.

By signing below I give ACCSC permission to use my story/photo on its website and other publications. (applicants under 16 years must have parent/guardian signed permission).

By signing belowI certify that the enclosed information is true and I have met the stated criteria for this scholarship.

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent / Guardian Signature: ______

(if under 16 years)