Accredited Standards Committee C63
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Accredited by the American National Standards Institute, Inc.
Secretariat: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.
C63 SC6 - Laboratory Accreditation/Conformity Assessment
DRAFT Minutes
April 27, 2005
IEEE Operations Center – Piscataway – New Jersey
1 Opening and Self Introductions (Group)
Members Present:
Dennis Camell, Daniel Hoolihan, Donald Heirman, Victor Kuczynski, Dheena Moongilan, Werner Schaefer, and Mike Windler.
Guests Present:
Colin Brench, Chrys Chrysanthou, Bob De Lisi, Ralph Showers, Bill Stumpf.
2 Review and adoption of Agenda (Chair)
The Agenda was reviewed and adopted. See Attachment 1.
3 Review and approval of Minutes of the Previous meeting. (Secretary)
The Draft Minutes of the October - 2004 meeting were reviewed and approved.
4 Membership Review (Chair/Secretary)
There was a Motion made by Heirman to adopt the membership list as the current members of SC-6.. Motion was seconded and approved. The current membership list of SC-6 is shown in Attachment 2.
5 Working Group Reports
a) WG #1 Checklists for Lab Assessors (Dan Hoolihan, Acting Chair)
Little progress has been made since the last meeting due to other priorities.
b) WG #2 OPEN
c) WG #3 Proficiency Testing (Dan Hoolihan, Acting Chair)
Hoolihan reported no response from Quametec the proficiency testing organization, relative to a second quote on an Emission proficiency test (an inter-lab comparison test). Hoolihan contacted Jeff Gust of Quametec and he said he would get us an updated bid but, so far, we have seen nothing from him. The goal of this proficiency testing process will be to document a procedure for doing an inter-lab comparison test using an emission artifact.
6 NVLAP Lab Accreditation Status Report (Jon Crickenberger)
No report was received from NIST/NVLAP.
7 A2LA Lab Accreditation Status Report (Trace McInturff)
A report was received from A2LA ( Bethany Hackett) reporting on the status of the A2LA accreditation activities in the EMC arena. They currently have 121 accredited labs in EMC (86 FCC recognized) plus 37 labs accredited for automotive EMC (AEMCLAP.) They have 39 labs accredited in electrical product safety and 36 labs accredited for telecom. They also have 5 accredited labs for Bluetooth, 9 accredited labs for CTIA, and 12 accredited labs for SAR (cell phone safety.) In addition, they continue to accredit calibration laboratories that support the EMC community. There are 84 accredited labs that have RF/Microwave capabilities. Check the A2LA web site for further details;
8 CAB/TCB Status Report
No report was received from the FCC and no one from the FCC was present at the subcommittee meeting.
The FCC is pushing a new web page,, as the first place for companies to go and ask for FCC assistance. This is where the FCC’s Knowledge Data Base (KDB) is located.
9 NACLA Status Report (Don Heirman)
Don Heirman reported on the National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA) organization (NACLA is a not-for-profit private-sector organization) and its annual meeting which was held in April of 2005 at the Columbia Sheraton Hotel in Columbia, Maryland. The principal topic of discussion at the meeting was ISO/IEC 17011 which will replace Guide 58. Details of the meeting can be found on
10 Old Business
a) Action Item Review – No reported activity.
11 New Business
No new business was discussed.
12 Closing remarks (Chair)
a) Next Meeting:
Wednesday – September 27 – 2005 at a place to be designated.