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Accountable Grant Arrangement for the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) 200286-101 (Purchase Order No. 40025232)

Grant Report – July to September 2011

This is a report on Accountable Grant 200286-101to Development Initiatives Poverty Research for technical and administrative support for the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and for outreach and communications work.

The grant began on 1st April 2011, and this is a request for payment of £89,748 for the quarter July to September 2011. The report reflects our actual expenditure on this project up to 30th September 2011.

1)  Maintaining and Developing the IATI Standard £1,201 (TOTAL)

·  Updating the code lists and code list API on (YIPL) £1,201

2)  Managing the IATI registry £5,850 (TOTAL)

·  Updating of registration function (Open Knowledge

Foundation) £5,850

3)  Supporting Country Implementation £1,314 (TOTAL)

·  Accommodation and visa in Armenia for Synergy Systems

Development Assistance Database Community of Practice £427

·  Flights to Kinshasa for IATI Pilot £887

4)  Supporting Donor Implementation £5,216 (TOTAL)

·  Bill Anderson travel to July Steering Committee in Paris and

travel to Brussels for meeting with EC £287

·  Developing a Web Entry Platform to support publication

of IATI data (YIPL) £4,736

·  Bill Anderson expenses in Brussels for visit to EC £193

5)  Broadening the Scope of IATI Membership £780 (TOTAL)

·  Isabel Bucknall and Carolyn Culey, expenses from travel

to Geneva to meet with INGO Accountability Charter

members £116

·  Isabel Bucknall expenses for DFID/PPA Workshop £39

·  Simon Parrish and Mandy Burrows, travel and expenses for

Open Aid Data conference in Prague £625

6)  Promoting Accessibility of IATI £6,769(TOTAL)

·  Developing the IATI Activity Viewer (YIPL) £202

·  Facilitate accessibility ecosystem and promote IATI data

in the open data community (Practical Participation) £3,284

·  Create basic accessibility tools for signatories (Practical Participation)£3,283

7)  Managing the TAG £47,016

Staff Costs £46,440

·  Brian Hammond - August (1.11 days @ £670 per day) £741

·  Bill Anderson (44 days at £350 per day) £15,399

·  Isabel Bucknall (33 days at £250 per day) £8,250

·  Mandy Burrows (18.5 days at £350 per day) £5,550

·  Simon Parrish (33 days at £500 per day) £16,500

Secretariat Expenses £576

·  Simon Parrish and Bill Anderson expenses from July

Steering Committee £219

·  Simon Parrish and Isabel Bucknall travel to Paris for

October Steering Committee £357

8)  Outreach and Communications £21,602 (TOTAL)

IATI Website ( £5,616

·  Website Maintenance (Shane Griffiths approx 0.7 days

at £300) £214

·  Website content (Alex Beech approx. 18 days at £300) £5,402

Producing Communications Materials £9,913

·  Producing communications materials for IATI Steering

Committee Meetings and in preparation for Busan including

e-poster design (Carolyn Culey approx. 5 days at £350) £1,750

·  Producing communications materials for IATI Steering

Committee Meetings and in preparation for Busan including

e-poster design (Alex Beech approx.17 days at £300) £5,129

·  Printing of IATI documents for Steering Committee

meetings in Paris £275

·  Translation of documents in IATI communications pack

into French and Spanish (for Steering Committee) £2,759

IATI video £3,594

·  Production of IATI video, payment 2 (Omnifarious) £3,594

Outreach to non-IATI members £2,479

·  Working on outreach strategy in the lead up to HLF4,

(Carolyn Culey approx. 5 days at £350) £1,750

·  Alex Beech travel to Paris and expenses for Steering

Committee Meeting, July £302

·  Carolyn Culey travel to East Kilbride for meeting with IATI

Secretariat £286

·  Carolyn Culey two visits to London for NGO meetings £141

TOTAL payment required £89,748


As outlined above, our actual expenditure for July to September 2011 totalled £89,748 which is approximately £56,000 under proposed expenditure for the same period as outlined in our Accountable Grant proposal.

Maintaining and Developing the Standard

Work was focused on ensuring that the code lists in were entirely up to date, to facilitate implementation by donors. Further work was also carried out by YIPL to maintain the website. Work on reviewing the accessibility of the website and carrying out licensing of the IATI Standard has been postponed until 2012.

Managing the IATI registry

Half of the expected work was carried out to ensure that the registration function was improved, however, some of this has been postponed until the third quarter of this financial year.

Supporting Country Implementation

The IATI pilot in the DRC was postponed until October 2011, therefore, the majority of expenses related to this, and with working with AIMS providers to update their systems, have been postponed until the third quarter of this financial year. Some further expenses were carried into this work stream from attendance at the Synergy Systems Community of Practice meeting.

Supporting Donor Implementation

Work in this area has focused on developing a web entry platform that will enable small organisations to publish IATI data with greater ease, and less expense. Fewer donors than expected required support during this quarter, and consequently, it is expected that the amount of consultancy needed to check data and to support will be greater in the next quarter.

Broadening the Scope of IATI Membership

The majority of meetings attended, particularly with outreach to the NGO community, were carried out in London, which reduced our proposed expenditure. There were also fewer meetings, since the formation of the CSO Working Group was delayed.

Promoting Accessibility of IATI

Work has continued to build and facilitate the community of developers using IATI data and promoting it in the open data community. Further work has gone into developing tools that can be used by donors and other signatories to make their IATI data more accessible.

Managing the TAG

This is under spent, since payment to the Chair of the TAG was carried out directly by DFID until almost the end of August.

Outreach and Communications

Work continued this quarter on the production of the IATI video, and several documents were written and translated to be included in the IATI communications packs that were distributed at the October Steering Committee meeting. Further work went into ensuring that the website was maintained and content updated and kept relevant. Preparations also started in this quarter for the communications materials required for the High Level Forum in Busan, including design and production of an e-poster.

Bank Details

Account name / Development Initiatives Poverty Research
Account number / 60525383
Sort code / 20-99-40
Bank / Market Place, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7AJ
Swift code / BARCGB22
IBAN / GB88barc20994060525383