THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS (UNICAMP), located atCidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, Barão Geraldo, CEP 13083-970, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, represented by its Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Studies, …………………., and the Graduate Program of the (Faculty/Institute) at UNICAMP, represented by its Coordinator, ……………………
THE INSTITUTE/FACULTY ……………………, located at …………………………………., represented by its Chancellor/Director, Prof. ……………….., and the………………… Program, representedby its Coordinator, Prof. …………………….
accept by mutual agreement the following provisions defined in the context of the establishment of a procedure for joint supervision of doctoral theses by two higher education institutions, one Brazilian, and the other …………….
The procedure for the joint supervision of doctoral theses hereby established between UNICAMP and the ……………. aims to create and develop scientific cooperation in order to promote the mobility of doctoral students at both institutions and implies a principle of reciprocity.
General Clauses:
Article 1
The arrangements and requirements for applications forenrollment, admission and thesis defense within the context of the procedure for joint supervision shall be governed by the…………… (legislation of the foreign country) for students applying to enroll at…………. and byRuling CONSU-A-10, dated August11, 2015 (Unicamp - BRAZIL),for students applying to enroll at UNICAMP.
Article 2
Doctoral students who have applied to enroll at either of the higher education establishments ( ……….. and UNICAMP) shall also be considered to have applied to enroll at the partnerinstitution, which undertakes not to request any application fees from these students.
Academic fees, if any, should be paid by the doctoral students at their home Institution.
Article 3
Joint-supervision doctoral candidates shall carry out their work under the control and responsibility of a thesis advisor at each establishment.
Article 4
Both thesis advisors shall be responsible for carrying out in full their duties as tutor for the doctoral student.
Article 5
The advisor’s duties as defined in ………… (legislation of the foreign country) and resolution CONSU-A-10, dated August11, 2015(Unicamp – Brazil), shall be carried out jointly by both thesis advisors.
Article 6
The time allowed for preparing the doctoral thesis shall be dividedbetween the two establishments.
Article 7
The protection of the subject matter of the doctoral thesis and the publication of the thesis, as well as the protection and use of research results common to both institutions at which the doctoral students are studying, must be guaranteed in accordance with specific legislation in each country.
Article 8
There shall be a single doctoral defense recognized by both establishments, which undertake to award a PhD in …………….. from the University of ………. and a PhD in ……………….. from UNICAMP. Each institution is committed to issue a diploma clearly indicating that the doctoral degree was awarded within a joint supervision agreement between the parts.
Article 9
The examining panel appointed by the partner universities shall consist of at least five titular members, two of whom shall be the thesis advisors.
Article 10
A jointly supervised thesis written in the official language of the country where it is to be defended shall be complemented by an abstract in the other language and an abstract in English.
Article 11
A thesis defended in one of the official languages of the two countries shall be complemented by an oral summary in the other language.
Article 12
This agreement for the joint supervision of doctoral theses shall be valid for a period of three years and shall be automatically renewed unless either establishment gives three months prior notice of its wish to terminate it.Notwithstanding such termination, the establishment giving such notice shall guarantee course continuity for existing jointly supervised doctoral students.The arrangements and requirements for applications for enrollment shall be defined in an amendment to this agreement.
Campinas, ….. de ………. de ………. / ……………, ….. de ………. de ……….…………………………………………..
Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Studies
UNICAMP / ……………………………………………..
Foreign institution
Coordinator of the Graduate Commission (CPG) / …………………………………………….
Application for Enrollment:
The student …………………., who has applied to prepare a jointly supervised doctoral thesis:
- Has applied to enroll at UNICAMP on …../…../….. for a period not exceeding four years, during which period he/she shall have the right to remain enrolled;
- Has applied to enroll at the partner establishment …………… on …../…../….. for a maximum period of three years (except by specific agreement between both universities).The arrangements and requirements for applications for enrollment are those stipulated in …………….. (legislation of the foreign country) and Ruling CONSU-A-10, dated August11, 2015 (UNICAMP - Brazil).
Insurance Cover:
Insurance cover shall be guaranteed as follows:
- During his/her stay in ………….. (country), the student …………….shall be covered by voluntary insurance paid for by the Brazilian government body that awarded him/her the fellowship or, if such insurance is not included in the fellowship, must make his/her own arrangements for insurance cover.Repatriation must be included in the insurance cover.
- During his/her time at UNICAMP, the student shall be covered under the Brazilian social security system.
Time spent at each institution:
The doctoral student shall divide the time he/she spends on research as follows:
Foreign institution:
Supervision of the thesis:
The thesis shall be jointly supervised by:
- …………………………..(Faculty/Institute/UNICAMP);
- …………………………..(Faculty/Institute/Foreign institution)
who shall be responsible for carrying out in full their duties as thesis advisor for the doctoral student ……………………
Financial Support:
In Brazil, the doctoral student ……………. shall be the recipient of a ………………….. fellowship;
During his/her stay in …….(name of the country) ……, the doctoral student shall be the recipient of a fellowship from ………………. (Brazil).
The student is responsible for any travel, accommodation or other costs pertaining to his/her stay abroad.
The parts are under no obligation to fund the student.
Details of the defense:
- The thesis shall be defended in ………………………; (preferably in the student’s home institution)
- The thesis shall be written in ……………………., and the abstract shall be in ……………….. and in ENGLISH.It shall be defended in…………………. at the ………………………, with an oral summary in ………………………….
- The examining panel, appointed by the partner universities, shall consist of at least five titular members, two of whom shall be the thesis advisors.
Award of a degree:
Based on a single thesis defense report, each university shall undertake to awarda PhD degree in ……. (from ……..) and the equivalent PhD degree in…………….. (from UNICAMP).
Each institution is committed to issue a diploma clearly indicating that the doctoral degree was awarded within a joint supervision agreement between the parts.
Protection and Publication:
- The protection of the subject matter of the doctoral thesis and the publication of the thesis, as well as the protection and use of research results common to both institutions at which the doctoral student is studying, must be guaranteed in accordance with specific procedures in each country.
Campinas, ….. de ………. de ………. / ………………, ….. de ………. de ……….…………………………………………………
Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Studies
UNICAMP / ………………………………………………………
Foreign institution:
Coordinator of the Graduate Commission (CPG)
UNICAMP / ………………………………………………………
Coordinator of the Foreign institution
Advisors / ………………………………………………………