Producing Survey Lists and Time Frames
According to NRS Guidelines, programs must followup on students who designate as amain or secondary goal to obtain or retain a job, enter postsecondary education or obtain a secondary credential. This follow-up takes place after the student leaves the program.
Programs must conduct a survey in order to collect the necessary follow up information.
Students with a goal of obtaining a job who exited the program
Survey if:
Student did not provide a valid SSN
Student did not sign the SSN Disclosure Consent Form
Do not survey if:
Student provided a valid SSN and signed the SSN Disclosure Consent Form. If both of these conditions apply, the student is eligible for data matching conducted by the State; the local program does not need to include them in the follow-up survey.
Survey Time Frame
First quarter after the student’s exit quarter
Students with a goal of keeping or improving their current job who exited the program
Survey if:
Student did not provide a valid SSN
Student did not sign the SSN Disclosure Consent Form
Do not survey if:
Student provided a valid SSN and signed the SSN Disclosure Consent Form. If both of these conditions apply, the student is eligible for data matching conducted by the State; the local program does not need to include them in the follow-up survey.
Survey Time Frame
Third quarter after the student’s exit quarter
Students with a goal of obtaining a secondary diploma who exited
Survey if:
Program does not have access to student records of the entity granting the diploma.
Do not survey if:
Programs that are operating under or as an AdultHigh School may conduct a local data match in order to collect follow-up information.
students with a goal of passing the GED who exited
All students with this goal are eligible for data matching conducted by the State; the local program does not need to include them in the follow-up survey.
Students with a goal of entering postsecondary education or training who exited
Survey if:
Program does not have access to student records of the entity admitting or enrolling the student.
Do not survey if:
Programs that are operating under or as an institution of higher education or community college may conduct a local data match in order to collect follow-up information.
Use the Advanced Search function in CAESAR to identify the students who need to be surveyed. For example, to create a survey list for those students with a goal of entering post secondary education, set the search parameters thusly:
Primary Goal = Enter Post Secondary Education
Exit Date = [a date must be present to indicate student has exited]
Specify Columns to Display =
Last Name
First Name
Phone Number (and/or any other contact information necessary for contacting the student)
Exit Date
Title for Generated Report:
Secondary School Diploma Goal, Student Follow-up/Survey List [Date]
Programs should generate this report quarterly [or according to the time frame of the survey process].
Follow-Up Survey for AEFLA Programs Enter Post-Secondary Education or Job Training.
Form with Instructions
Follow-Up Survey for Employment Goals
Follow-Up Survey Time Frames—CAESAR Pointer