Accommodations (n.) – I travel to Russia. When I get there I still don’t have a place to stay. I still don’t have ______. Do I have a place to stay?

Rubles (n.) – I am in Russia. When I go to the store, I don’t pay in dollars. I pay in ______. Is it the money used in Russia?

Insurrection (n.) – The people are unhappy with the government. There is a violent takeover, and they seize power. There is an ______. Is it rebellion? Is it against the government?

Absorbed (adj.) – You walk into Mr. Buzzee’s office. He is watching Jurassic Park the movie. You try to talk to him, but he is not really listening to you. He is ______. Was he preoccupied? Was he paying you any attention?

Editorialize (v.) – You are a journalist, someone who reports for a newspaper, you are only supposed to put facts in a news story. You are not supposed to include your own opinion. You are not supposed to ______. Is it to insert your opinion in a factual piece of writing?

Agitator (n.) – Ms. Blaylock assigns another essay. Then she leaves the room. After she leaves, Juan stands up and says, “Hey, everybody, let’s all refuse to do the paper! She won’t give Fs to all of us!” He is an ______. Is he stirring up others? Does he have something to gain?

Comrade (n.) – Socialists don’t use titles like “mister,” “miss,” “sir,” etc. Instead, socialists call each other ______, which means companion or friend. Is it a term socialists call each other?

Provisional (adj.) – When Ms. Blaylock is out, Mr. Buzzee has absolute power in the classroom. But only until she gets back; then she regains absolute power. Therefore, Mr. Buzzee’s power is ______. Is it a temporary replacement?

Convulse (v.) – I ate bad enchiladas this weekend. I got very sick; I was sweating, vomiting, and my muscles began contracting involuntarily. My whole body began to ______for a few minutes. Was I shaking violently?

Desert (v.) – Mr. Buzzee is fighting in a war. During the war, he decides, without telling anyone, he’s not really that into making war, so he decided to leave his assignment. He decides to ______. Is Mr. Buzzee leaving military service? Does he plan to return?

Hysterics (n.) – My family was in a car crash over Christmas Break. After the crash, my mother was screaming, shaking, crying. She was ______. Was she extremely emotional and upset?