To be completed by individual(s) directly involved with the unsafe

situation or injured in the incident within 24 hours of occurrence

Instructions for completion:

1. Faculty or Staff: After completion, sign and give this form to your supervisor immediately.

2. Student, visitor or contractor: Please send completed form to Health, Safety & Wellness (complete page 1 only).

3. Supervisor: Please complete the supervisors section found on page 2. Sign and submit the completed form to your AVP/Dean/Director.

4. AVP/Dean/Director: Review the incident report form and actions recommended by the supervisor. Sign and submit to Health, Safety & Wellness.

Name: / Student/Faculty/Staff ID #:
Current Address: / Title/Occupation:
City/Postal Code: / Department/Faculty:
Home phone: / Supervisor Name:
(Required for Faculty/Staff only)
Work phone: / Supervisor Phone:

Employment category: Employee Student Faculty Visitor Contractor

Occurrence Date:

/ /


/ /

am pm

Location: / Room:
(building or location) / (room number or description)

Please describe the unsafe situation or how the incident occurred: (If more room is required, please attach a word document to incident report):

Details of injury/illness & treatment (e.g. body part involved, cut, strain, bruise, illness, symptoms and date of onset, etc.):

Was medical treatment received? University Health Clinic Family physician Hospital Other No*

*Seek medical attention if symptoms arise or persist and ensure Health, Safety and Wellness department is notified.

Did this incident/injury cause you to miss time from your studies or from work? Yes No

·  If yes, dates you missed time from your studies or from work ______

·  If yes, have you returned to work Yes No

Signature ______Date:

Supervisor’S/MANAGER’S Section

To be completed by the supervisor within 24 hours of incident/accident

What do you believe were the causes of the unsafe situation or incident, and what preventative measures will be or have been taken to avoid a reoccurrence of this incident?

Action by: ______Action will be completed by: ______

(Name) (Date)

Supervisor’s/Manager’s Name: (please print) ______

Supervisor’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Manager’s Signature: ______Date: ______


Additional comments, if any

AVP/Dean/Director Signature: ______Date: ______

Upon completion, submit this form either by email or delivery to:

Health, Safety & Wellness, Human Resources (AH 435)

Office Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:15 am to 4:30 pm

September 2017 Page 2