Nothing in this Article shall be construed to limit other accessory uses not mentioned so long as they are customary, secondary, incidental and clearly accessory to the principle permitted use of the land and do not create a threat to the public health, safety, and/or welfare of the community.


A.  No residential accessory building or structure shall be permitted within any required front yard or within five (5’) feet of the rear or side lot lines.

B.  The minimum distance between any residential accessory building or structure and a principal building shall be five (5’) feet.

C.  The maximum height of any accessory building or structure shall be one and one-half (1 ½ stories) and twenty five (25’) feet. Agricultural accessory buildings and structures are exempt from this height requirement.

D.  On any parcel or lot containing less than three (3) acres, the aggregate square footage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 60% of the floor area of the dwelling unit. This regulation shall not apply to agricultural buildings.


Such devices are permitted in any zone as an accessory use to a principal residence, provided that freestanding towers are not located within the front yard and that all freestanding towers are set back a horizontal distance from each property line at least equal to their height.


Such uses shall be restricted to uses designed for residents of the apartment and townhouse units and may include such uses as areas for washing machines and dryer and vending machines; lockers and storage areas; recreational rooms, areas and lounges; swimming pools, and other recreational areas; and garages. One (1) office per project for the purposes of administering and renting dwelling units may be established. One “sample” apartment or townhouse for display purposes shall be permitted for each type of dwelling unit to be constructed.


Accessory apartments shall comply with the requirements and procedures specified below:

A.  Only one (1) accessory apartment shall be permitted as accessory to the principal use of a dwelling.

B.  The habitable floor area of the accessory apartment shall not exceed seven hundred (700) square feet.

C.  An accessory apartment shall only be permitted and shall only continue in use as long as the principal dwelling is occupied by the owner of the principal dwelling.

D.  The principal dwelling shall meet the minimum lot area requirement for the applicable zoning district in order for the accessory apartment to be approved. This rule shall not apply if the property is connected to a public sanitary sewer system.

E.  Any detached accessory apartment shall meet the minimum lot setbacks required for the principal dwelling.

F.  A minimum of one (1) additional off-street parking space shall be required in addition to the off-street parking required for the principal dwelling.

G.  All utilities shall be interconnected to the utilities of the principal dwelling unit. The Sewer Enforcement Officer shall review and approve the accessory apartment for sewage compliance prior to the issuance of a zoning permit.

H.  A camper, travel trailer, mobile home or similar structure is not permitted as an accessory apartment.

SECTION 606. CAMPGROUNDS (as Accessory Use)

Accessory campgrounds shall be subject to the requirements of Sections 509.A, B, E, J and L of this Ordinance. In addition, this use is limited to not more than two hundred (200) individuals at any given time.


A.  All day care facilities shall be conducted within a detached single-family dwelling.

B.  A day care facility shall offer care and supervision to no more than six (6) different minors under the age of 14 during any calendar day.

C.  All day care facilities shall furnish a valid registration certificate for the proposed use issued by the PA Department of Public Welfare. A copy must be supplied to the Zoning Officer.

D.  An outdoor play area no less than four hundred (400) square feet in size shall be provided. Such play area shall not be located within the front yard nor any vehicle parking area. Outdoor play areas shall be setback at least twenty-five (25’) feet from any property line and visually screened from any adjoining residentially zoned property. A six (6’) high fence shall completely enclose the outdoor play area.

E.  A permanent resident of the dwelling unit shall actively operate the day care use.

F.  The hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00am – 6:00pm.


Drive-thru service facilities, including but not limited to facilities located accessory to banks, restaurants, beverage sales, etc., shall be subject to the following criteria, where applicable:

A.  Exterior trash receptacles shall be provided and routinely emptied to prevent the scattering of litter.

B.  All drive-thru window lanes shall provide sufficient space to stack vehicles waiting to transact business and shall be separated from the parking lot’s interior access aisles by the use of curbs and/or planting islands.

C.  Any exterior speaker/microphone system shall be arranged and/or screened to prevent objectionable noise impacts on adjoining properties.

D.  Any exterior seating/play areas shall be completely enclosed by a minimum six (6’) foot high fence.

E.  On-lot traffic circulation shall be clearly marked.


A.  The sale of farm products shall be conducted within a structure or from a stand which shall be at least twenty-five (25’) feet from a street right-of-way.

B.  The sales value of products produced on the property on which such farm products are offered for sale shall comprise at least twenty-five (25%) percent of the total sales value of all products offered for sale on the property.

C.  Provisions shall be made for at least two (2) off-street parking spaces for farm stands up to four hundred (400) square feet in size. One (1) additional off-street parking space shall be supplied for each additional one hundred (100) square feet of floor area.

D.  Processing of Farm Products – This use is accessory to the raising or growing of such products and is located on the property on which the products are grown and raised.


A.  A permit must be obtained for any fence or wall three (3’) in height or higher.

B.  Fences and walls are permitted by right within all Districts.

C.  Any fence or wall shall be durably constructed and well-maintained.

D.  No fence, wall or hedge shall impeded the sight distance requirements of Section 712 of this Ordinance, or be located within any clear sight triangle.

E.  No fence, wall or hedge shall be built within an existing street right-of-way.

G.  Any fence, wall or hedge is not required to comply with minimum setbacks for accessory structures. However, permit applications for fences, walls or hedges installed within two (2’) feet of a property line shall be accompanied by a letter of approval from the affected property owners.

H.  Any fence on residentially used property shall have a maximum height of eight (8’) feet. However, a maximum height of twelve (12’) feet shall be permitted wherever the applicant proves to the Zoning Officer that a taller height around a specific hazard is necessary to protect public safety.

I.  Fences within the required front yard area are limited to four (4’) feet in height and shall be mostly open such as split rail or picket fencing.

J.  Retaining Walls – Design computations, signed by a Professional Engineer, are required and shall be provided for all proposed retaining walls with four (4’) or more of exposed wall height.


Each Home Occupation within any zoning district shall comply with the following:

A.  The home occupation must be operated by a resident of the dwelling.

B.  All of the goods available for retail sale on the premises shall directly relate to the home occupation.

C.  No display or storage of materials related to the home occupation shall be visible from adjoining properties or streets.

D.  There shall be no outside advertising other than one (1) sign of not more than four (4) square feet in area.

E.  Not more than two (2) persons, whether paid or unpaid, may be employed by the practitioner of a home occupation.

F.  No noise, odor, dust, vibration, electromagnetic interference, smoke, heat or glare resulting from the home occupation shall be perceptible at or beyond the lot boundaries.

G.  Not more than twenty-five (25%) percent of the total floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used for the purposes of a home occupation.

H.  Any need for parking generated by the home occupation shall be met off-street on the lot on which the home occupation is carried out. In addition to the off-street parking requirements for the dwelling unit, one (1) additional off-street parking space shall be required for each employee, client and/or customer who may be on the premises at any one time. In the case of dental, medical or paramedical offices, four (4) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each person engaged in such practice.

I.  No more than two (2) home occupations may be practiced in any one dwelling unit or on any one premise.

J.  The operating hours of a home occupation shall be limited to 6am till 9pm.

K.  A home occupation shall be incidental and secondary to the use of the property as a residence and are limited to those occupations customarily conducted within a dwelling.

L.  A home occupation shall be conducted within a dwelling. However, the Zoning Hearing Board may permit the home occupation to be conducted within an accessory building or structure as a Special Exception.


A no-impact home occupation shall comply with the following:

A.  A no-impact home occupation shall have no more than two (2) persons working on-site. Any person(s) working shall be residents of the dwelling unit.

B.  There shall be no outside appearance of business activity, including, but not limited to, outside storage, parking, signs or lights.

C.  No noise, odor, dust, vibration, electromagnetic interference, smoke, heat or glare resulting from the home occupation shall be perceptible at or beyond the lot boundaries.

D.  The no-impact home occupation shall be conducted only within the dwelling and shall not occupy more than twenty-five (25%) of the habitable floor area.


Keeping of animals, not defined as exotic or wild animals, is permitted subject to the following criteria:

A.  These types of animals are permitted accessory uses for residential properties in all zoning districts.

Animal Name / Minimum Land Area for One (1) / Minimum Land Area Each Additional *** / Minimum Building Setback* / Total Adult Maximum Number Permitted
Chickens / 2 acres ** / 0 acres / 50 ft. / 30
Ducks / 2 acres / 0 acres / 25 ft. / 10
Rabbit / 0 acres / 0 acres / 25 ft. / 30
Dog *** / 0 acres / 0 acres / N/A / 5
Cat / 0 acres / 0 acres / N/A / 5
Pot Belly Pig / 0 acres / N/A / N/A / 2
Horse/Cow/Bovine / 3 acres / 1 acre / 100 ft. / N/A
Pig/Swine / 3 acres / .5 acres / 100 ft. / N/A
Alpacas / 3 acres / .25 acres / 100 ft. / N/A
Goat/Sheep / 3 acres / .25 acres / 100 ft. / N/A
Turkey/Fowl / 3 acres / 0 acres / 100 ft. / N/A
Roosters / 2 acres / 0 acres / 100 ft. / N/A
Bee Hives / 2 acres / 0 acres / 100 ft. / N/A

* For any building housing animals

** If in an enclosed pen or building at all times, chickens are allowed on any residential lot size.

*** If housed outside, a minimum land area of .5 acres and minimum setback of fifty (50’) feet shall apply.

B.  A request to exceed the total adult maximum number permitted or animal not specifically listed in this ordinance shall be evaluated under the Special Exception rules by the Zoning Hearing Board.

C.  All animals must remain within the property limits.

D.  Any manure storage shall be at least one hundred (100’) feet from any property or street right-of-way line. Manure storage must also comply with PA Nutrient Management Rules (Act 38 of 2005, as amended).


Wild or exotic animals held in captivity shall be limited to lots with a minimum lot area of three (3) acres or greater, and shall be subject to the following additional requirements:

A. The number of such animals shall not exceed the equivalent of one (1) animal unit per acre.

B. Said animals shall be kept only within the rear yard area.

C. The building or area within which such animals are kept shall be enclosed by a fence or other form of enclosure designed for containment.

D. Such fence or other form of enclosure shall be at least fifty (50’) feet from any lot line and not closer than one hundred (100’) feet to the nearest dwelling other than that of the owner.