Accessing VCE Results and ATAR using the web and mobile app

Accessing VCE Results and ATAR using the web and mobile app

Changing the Results Service PIN

Step 1: Log in to the Results Service PIN change system

A student can confirm their identity and log in to the PIN change system in either of two ways:

providing their VCE student number, name, and date of birth on the login page:

·  accessing the PIN change service from their VTAC user account where this information has already been verified.

Step 2: Enter current PIN

If the student has not already changed their Results Service PIN, it is the first four digits of their birthdate, e.g. 3 February is 0302.

If the student has already changed their Results Service PIN, it is the most recent PIN that they have chosen. See below if they have forgotten this PIN.

Step 3: Choose a new PIN

A valid PIN is four numerical digits.

Step 4: Enter email address

The email address entered will be used to provide a lost PIN if it is requested, so it is important that the email address used is one that can be accessed by the student even after the end of the school year.

Step 5: Submit and receive confirmation

After pressing submit, confirmation of the successful change is displayed to the student.

Changing the email address recorded

The email address can be changed using the same steps as above. Simply enter the existing PIN as both the current PIN and the new PIN, and type the new email address into the field provided.

The email address cannot be updated without also entering the PIRetrieving a lost PIN

To retrieve a lost PIN, a student must first verify their identity per Step 1 above (provide VCE student number and date of birth, or access via the VTAC user account).

Once logged in, the email address entered when the student last changed their PIN will be displayed. The student can then choose ‘Forgot your PIN?’, and the PIN will be sent to that email address. To protect the security of the PIN, it can only be sent to the email address that was entered at the time the PIN was last changed.

If the student has forgotten their PIN and can no longer access the email address they entered, they will need to contact VTAC or the VCAA for assistance. During the results release period, which is from 7.00am to 5.00pm on Friday 15 December and 9.00am to 5.00pm Saturday 16 to Tuesday 19 December 2017, the Post Results and ATAR Service (9032 1717 or 1800 653 080) should be the first point of contact for all results-related enquiries, including lost PINs.

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