1ST Southport (Ainsdale) Cubs
Risk Assessment
Hazard Identified & Risks Arising / Persons at Risk / How Is The Risk Controlled?What Further Controls Are Needed? / Person Responsible
for controls / Review Date &
Revisions Made?
Avoiding traffic as arrive on foot / Cubs / Only leaders parking in car park.
Parents park in Oceon Plaza.
Cubs under supervision from parents until arrive at Waterside Lodge / Parents
Spectators falling into lake / All / Dangers explained to everyone at briefing before races start.
Barriers set up to keep people away from lake edge
Parents supervising their own children / Leaders & Parents
Cubs falling into lake when not on boats / Cubs / Dangers explained to everyone at briefing before races start.
Barriers set up to keep Cubs away from lake edge
Leaders supervising their own Cubs
When beyond barriers buoyancy aids to be worn
When getting on boats Cubs under instruction from Marshalls and Instructors / Leaders, Instructors & Marshalls
Falling in Lake during races / Boats overturning / All / Everyone under trained instructor’s supervision.
Buoyancy Aids worn at all times
Safety Boats with radio communication following Dragonboats if rescue needed. / Instructors and Safety Boat Crew
Dangers from other boats whilst racing / All / Lake rules apply
Race course clearly marked with buoys.
Safety Boat there to keep other lake users away if they enter race course / Safety Boat Crew
Cubs not able to cope with weather ie windy conditions / Cubs / 2 Network Scouts on boat to help paddle if required.
They are also there to relay instructions on to Cubs if Dragonboat Helm can’t be heard.
Safety boat available to tow Dragonboat back if necessary.
Alternative Racing programme available with more stable Bell Boats if windy conditions considered too strong for Dragonboats / Instructors, Network Scouts and Safety Boat Crew