Presidential Advisory Council on Human Rights, Equity & Accessibility (PACHREA)Accessibility Sub-Committee

Thursday March 12, 2015

Otonabee College, 111

10:00am – 11:00am


Present:Linda Smith, Beth Popham, Tana Edwards, Julie Jenkins, Anna Parsons, Caleb Hunt and Bill Gibson

Staff: Andrea Walsh

Regrets:Michael Eaman, Danielle Hoogkamer, Ama Lee and Loretta Durst

Open Session

1.Agenda and minutes from previous meeting (January 28th, 2015)

It was moved and seconded that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved.

2.Follow up from previous meeting

  1. Accessibility Grants

Allison Scholl – beginning to looking at grants and will get back to Andrea.


Linda outlined how there is no available funding from PRD (Physical Resources Department) to increase accessibility at Trail College. Michael was not present at the meeting to provide further updates regarding accessibility at Trail.

c.Accessibility Audit priorities:

Linda addressed CSA standard document has an accessibility divisionthat exceed building code standard and how certain practicesoutlined in the CSA can be integrated into practice in conjunction with staff that do not require funding. For example, the waxing of the floors in DNA creates depth perception issues, which can be reduced without additional funding requirements. Core issues outlined within the audit have large cost associated with them that require funding. Furthermore, certain parameters outlined in the audit are unattainable, such as the Bata Library Stairs. Andrea will manage database of accessibility project completions following up with accessibility audit.

It was also raised the factthat accessibilityissues are second in priority to safety- if accessibility issues can be framed as safety issue, they may be given higher priority and receive funding. Bill outlined how maintenance budgets(COU, PRD) are stretched for funding, accessible upgrades are outside of budget. He proposed how Advancement could help with fundraising. If accessibility infrastructure changes (such as accessible entrance way for Scott House) can be framed in an architecturalcontext, it has greater potential for funding. A notion was raised that a person from Advancement should join committee. Linda said she would call Richard Morgan from Advancement, to see if he will join committee. Richard oversees Advancement and Alumni. Inclusion of other groups were discussed, such as including the TCSA accessibility representative, undergraduates students or members from the GSA who could provide perspective on accessibility issues for instructors.

Bill then initiated discussion regarding AODA training that is mandatory for new employees. The idea of having annual AODA refresher sessions was proposed because accessibility issues are constantly changing. This lead to implications of accessing information regarding accessibility resources on the Trent website. The utilization of keyword searches and creation of a Campus service catalog could be used as a resource to enhance individual’s ability to find resources pertaining to accessibility and an overall more user-friendly online presence. Bill also addressed the need to look at current mandates because there is no longer a director of access overseeing all projects. A gap analysis is to be done to ensure services or projects have not fallen between the cracks.

3.Design of Physical Priorities - 2016:

Andrea addressed the need to make updates to the approach of physical design pieces in the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. At next meeting, determining the approach to updating the multi-year plan will be on the agenda. Andrea will send out drafts to committee members to be viewed before the next meeting.

4.Accessibility Multi-Year Plan Updates:

This portion of the agenda could not be discussed due to time constraints.

5.New Business

  • Caleb informed the committee that Bata library received funding for accessible seating for the main floor of the library; accessible seating is part of code amendments.
  • There is also potential changes for more accessibility to technology in common spaces
  • Oshawa library will undergo similar changes in accessible seating at Bata Library, and accessible doors for four classrooms
  • Bill nominated himself to be a Chair after April 15th


11:10 am

7.Next meeting

TBD online via doodle