The final task for your summer read novel (or a novel of your own choosing) is to create a “book evaluation” that the rest of the world can see. In order to do this, you must first understand what goes into a book review. Save your write up in your English 9 folder as “Summer Read Book Review”

  1. The first part of a book review is a character and plot summary.
  2. Readers will not to know who the main characters are, so you have to explain the characters a bit, using story details to let us know who these people are…
  3. Readers will want to know what happens in the book, but they will not want you to spoil the ending!!!
  4. This means you have to explain the main problem(s) in the book and give a few examples of how that problem (or those problems) get worse in the first half of the book
  6. The second part of a book review is the personal reflection.
  7. As an individual, it is your job to react to different elements and events from the story. Your need to explain the highs and the lows of the book using details whenever necessary.
  8. You also want to “talk to” the reader about your own reading experience: what did you get out of the book? Were there any emotional or meaningful elements to this book? Let your reader know!
  9. The third part of a book review is the final evaluation.
  10. In a brief paragraph you need to provide a final judgment. Was this book worth reading? Why or why not? Explain to your reader what your recommendation is, making sure to truly explain your thoughts and judgments!


To complete this assignment, you must create a profile at:

The sign-up process is very quick and painless. If you don’t want to search for friends in the first step, just skip it. Once you have your profile complete, you must let me know your goodreads screen name. Then, you will be posting your first book review (how exciting). We will use this site throughout the year, so you may want to spend a few moments exploring how the site is organized and set up…