Access 2003 Projects 1-3 T/F Fill-in


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

____1.Microsoft Access is a database that functions in the Windows environment.

____2.Access has a command to backup a database.

____3.In Access, all the tables, report, forms, and queries are stored in one file.

____4.In Access, the columns in a table are called records.

____5.A unique identifier also is called a primary key.

____6.When Access starts, it displays the Getting Started task pane, which is a small window that provides rarely used links and commands that allow you to save files.

____7.The speech recognition feature of Access allows a user to dictate field entries.

____8.By default, Access creates a new database in Access 2000 format.

____9.Each field in a table must have a unique name.

____10.Fields that contain numbers but will not be used for arithmetic operations usually are assigned a data type of Text.

____11.A maximum number of 64 characters is allowed in a field whose data type is text.

____12.The primary key always consists of a single field.

____13.A field with a data type of Yes/No can store more than three values.

____14.A field with a data type of Lookup Wizard can store a value from another table or from a list of values by using a list box or a combo box.

____15.A field with a data type of Hyperlink can store text than can be used as a hyperlink address.

____16.To change the field size for a text field, use the Field Size property box in the lower pane of the Table window.

____17.If an arrow appears in front of a field on the Table window, it means the field is the primary key for the table.

____18.If the wrong field has been made the primary key, click the correct primary key entry for the field and then click the Primary Key button on the Table Design toolbar.

____19.If the wrong field has been made a primary key field, click the correct primary key entry for the field and then click the Primary Key button on the Table Design toolbar.

____20.Table names are from 1 to 72 characters in length and can contain spaces, letters, and numbers.

____21.Like other applications, records that have been entered or modified in Access are not saved until the entire database is saved.

____22.One way to undo changes to a field is to click the Undo typing button on the Table Datasheet toolbar.

____23.To move to the end of a table to a position for entering a new record, click the End Record Navigation button.

____24.To move to the last record in a table, click the End Record Navigation button.

____25.To move to the first record in a table, click the First Record Navigation button.

____26.If you are printing the contents of a table that fit on the screen, you will need landscape orientation.

____27.To print a wide database table, a table whose contents do not fit on the screen, you will need landscape orientation.

____28.To preview and then print a table, right-click the table in the Database window and click Preview on the shortcut menu.

____29.The Setup button on the Print Preview toolbar displays a Page Setup dialog box that can be used to change margins and page orientation.

____30.To add records to a table, right-click the table in the Database window and click View on the shortcut menu.

____31.To print a query without first opening it, right-click the query in the Database window and click Print on the shortcut menu.

____32.To restrict records in a query, use a criterion, which is a condition that the records to be included must satisfy.

____33.You cannot save changes that you make to a query created with the Simple Query Wizard.

____34.A simple way to create a form is to use the New Object button on the Database toolbar.

____35.Form view displays a single record at a time.

____36.To add new records or change existing records, use either Datasheet view or Form view.

____37.Navigation buttons can be used in Datasheet view but not in Form view..

____38.When a user moves from Form view to Datasheet view, the record selector always is re-positioned on the first record in the table.

____39.The title for a report appears in the page header.

____40.In a report, the detail lines are lines that are printed for specified records and contain every field in a fixed order.

____41.To create a report, select the table for the report in the Database window, click the Insert Object button arrow on the toolbar, and then click Report in the list that displays.

____42.To print a report from the Database window, click the Reports on the Objects bar to display the report, right-click the report, and then click Print on the shortcut menu.

____43.The Type a question for help box on the right side of the menu bar lets the user select from a list of standard questions.

____44.As you enter questions and terms in the Type a question for help box, Access adds them to its list.

____45.Redundancy means storing the same data in more than one place.

____46.A problem with redundancy is that it wastes space on the disk.

____47.A problem with redundancy is that a user cannot update the database.

____48.Iteration is a special technique for eliminating and identifying redundancy.

____49.When redundancy is eliminated, because data is stored only once inconsistent data cannot occur.

____50.The solution to the redundancy problem is to place the redundant data in a separate table, one in which the data no longer will be redundant.

____51.Once the database is open, the first step in creating a query is to select the table for which you are creating a query in the Database window.

____52.The general name for the type of approach that a DBMS such as Access uses for querying a database is QBE which means Query-by-Example.

____53.Only the fields that appear in the design grid are included in the results of the query.

____54.The set of records that make up the answer to a query will be displayed in Form view.

____55.To execute or run a query, click the Run button on the Query Design toolbar

____56.The set of records that makes up the answer to a query is an actual table that becomes a new table in the database.

____57.The simplest way to include all fields in a query is to double-click the question mark (?) in the field list.

____58.When you double-click the asterisk (*) in the field list to add all fields to the design grid, Access places each field in a separate column.

____59.One way to clear out the entries in the design grid is to close the Select Query window and then start a new query.

____60.To use text data in criteria, it is not necessary to enclose the text in quotation marks.

____61.The wildcard symbols available for use in a query are the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?).

____62.The asterisk (*) wildcard represents any collection of characters.

____63.The question mark (?) wildcard represents any collection of characters.

____64.To find all clients whose names begin with Fa, enter Fa? in the Criteria row of the design grid.

____65.To find all clients located in either the city of Dunston or Dunstan, enter Dunst?n in the Criteria row of the design grid.

____66.To enter a criterion for a particular field without displaying the field in the results of the query, include the field in the design grid, enter the criterion, and remove the check mark from its Show check box.

____67.If the data in the query result is based on one table, you can add and edit records in Query Datasheet view.

____68.A query that prompts for input whenever it is run is a run-time query.

____69.To create a parameter query, enter the field name in brackets in the Criteria row of the design grid.

____70.To save a query, the query design must appear on the screen.

____71.To run a saved query, right-click the query in the Database window and click Open on the shortcut menu.

____72.Forms and reports can be based on saved queries.

____73.When a saved query is run, the query results always will be the same no matter how many times the query is run or how the data has changed.

____74.To find all clients whose current due amount is $50.00, enter 50 as a criterion for the Current Due field.

____75.If no comparison operator is entered in a field, Access searches for records with a matching or equal value.

____76.The comparison operator NOT can be used only with text fields.

____77.To find all clients whose amount paid amount is greater than $10,000.00, enter <10000 as the criterion for the Amount Paid field.

____78.To search for a range of values in one field, use the RANGE operator.

____79.To find all clients whose amount paid is greater than $10,000.00 and whose current due is $0.00, enter each criterion on the same line.

____80.To find all clients whose amount paid is greater than $10,000.00 or have a current due amount of $0.00, enter each criterion on the same line.

____81.When sorting data in a query, the records in the underlying tables (the tables on which the query is based) are actually rearranged into the specified order.

____82.The field or fields on which records are sorted is called the sort key.

____83.If more than one sort key is specified in a query, the sort key on the left will be the major key and the sort key on the right will be the minor key.

____84.By default, Access does not include duplicates in the results of a query.

____85.To omit duplicates from a query, change the Unique Values property on the Queries Properties sheet to Yes.

____86.If a query is sorted by more than one sort key, each sort key can specify a different sort order.

____87.To create a top-values query, use the Top Values box on the Query Design toolbar to change the number of records to be included from All to the desired number.

____88.After a top-values query is run, Access automatically resets the value in the Top Values box to All.

____89.When two tables are joined in a query, Access draws a line between matching fields in the two tables.

____90.To add an additional table to a query, click the Join Table button on the Query Design toolbar.

____91.Normally records that do not match will not appear in the results of a join query.

____92.When two tables are joined in a query, it is necessary to include the matching field from both tables in the design grid in order for the join to work.

____93.When tables are joined in a query, it is not possible to restrict retrieval by using criteria.

____94.The expression for a calculated field can be typed directly into the Field row.

____95.Parentheses can be included in a calculated field.

____96.Access allows the following mathematical operations in calculations: addition, subtraction multiplication, and division.

____97.To change the format of a field in a query, use the field’s property sheet.

____98.If a query is saved, any changes, such as format and caption changes made to a field’s properties are not saved.

____99.To create a crosstab query, use the Crosstab Query Wizard.

____100.Crosstab queries are useful for summarizing data.

____101.Maintaining the database means modifying the data to keep it up-to-date, such as adding new records, changing the data for existing records, and deleting records.

____102.Either Datasheet view or Form view can be used to add new records and change existing records but records only can be deleted in Datasheet view.

____103.To add a new record using Form view, click the Add Record button on the Navigation bar.

____104.Looking for all clients located in Lake Hammond is an example of searching.

____105.Form view displays all fields but only one record, while Datasheet view displays several records at a time.

____106.Switching between Form view and Datasheet view repositions the current record indicator on the first field in the first record.

____107.There are four types of filters available in Access: Filter By Find, Filter By Selection, Filter By Form, and Advanced Filter/Sort.

____108.To add a field to a table structure, click the row selector for the field that will follow the new field, and then press the INSERT key to insert a blank row.

____109.To move a field in a table structure, click the row selector for the field twice, and then drag the field to the new location.

____110.Once a field contains data, its data type cannot be changed.

____111.To allow Access to determine the best fit for a column, double-click the right boundary of the column’s field selector.

____112.To change the font for a datasheet, click Format on the menu bar, and then click Font.

____113.To change the format of the datasheet grid, click Format on the menu bar, and then click Grid.

____114.If criteria are omitted from an update query, the same change is made to all records in the table.

____115.When you use a make-table query to add records to a new table, Access creates the table as part of the process.

____116.To specify that entries in the current due field must be between $0.00 and $5,0000.00, type >=$0 and <=$5,0000 in the Validation Rule box for the Current Due field.

____117.When a default value is specified for a field, it means that if users do not enter a value in the field, the value in the field will be the default value.

____118.To specify that Texas and Tennessee are the only valid entries for the State field in the Client table, enter LIKE T? in the Validation Rule property box.

____119.When a field has the format symbol > in the Format property box, if Ltd is typed in the field it will display as Ltd.

____120.The data type for a lookup field is Lookup Wizard.

____121.It is possible to create a lookup field without using the Lookup Wizard.

____122.In the Ashton James College database, a one-to-many relationship exists between the Trainer table and the Client table.

____123.Normally, Access prohibits the deletion of a record in which the primary key matches a foreign key in another table.

____124.To display the clients of a given trainer while viewing the datasheet for the Trainer table, click the plus sign that displays in front of the row for that trainer.

____125.To find duplicate records that may exist in a database, use the Table Analyzer Query Wizard.

____126.Once a table has been created and saved, Access does not allow any changes to the properties of a table.


Complete each sentence or statement.

127.A(n) ______is a software tool that can be used to create a database; add, change, and delete data in the database; sort and retrieve data; and create forms and reports using the data in the database.

128.In a database table, a(n) ______contains information about a given person, product, or event.

129.In a database table, a(n) ______contains a specific piece of information within a record.

130.Every record in a table has a unique identifier that also is called a(n) ______.

131.When the mouse pointer is moved over a button on the toolbar, the name of the button appears below it in a(n) ______.

132.A field with a data type of ______can contain any characters.

133.A field with a data type of ______can contain only monetary data.

134.A field with a data type of ______can store a variable amount of text or combinations of text and numbers.

135.A field with a data type of ______can store text that can be used as a hyperlink address.

136.The ______is a small box or bar that, when clicked, selects the entire row.

137.In the accompanying figure, the key symbol that appears in the row selector for the Client Number field indicates that Client Number is the ______for the table.

138.In the accompanying figure, to remove a field, such as the Zip Code field in a table structure, select the field by clicking the leftmost column on the row that contains the field to be deleted and then press the ______key(s).

139.In the accompanying figure, to add a row between two fields, such as the Zip Code and Amount Paid fields, select the field that follows the field to add by clicking the row selector, and then press the ______key(s).

140.If the wrong field has been made the primary key, click the correct primary key entry for the field and then click the ______button on the Table Design toolbar.

141.Table names can be from 1 to ______characters in length and can contain letters, numbers, and spaces.

142.In ______, the table is represented as a collection of rows and columns called a datasheet.

143.In Datasheet view, the ______is the small box or bar that, when clicked, selects the entire record.

144.To move to the first record in a table, click the ______Navigation button.