FAMILY LAW CASES – Mary Beth Conway at 295-5707 or .
Attorney Family Law Experience Required: MINIMAL, MODERATE, EXPERIENCED
1. AlewCase No. 13-02-14000788
Client is seeking a divorce from her physically abusive spouse. Client has been pushed, punched in the face, and a victim of other physical abuse, calling the police on numerous occasions. The parties were married on February 5, 2010 and there are no children of the marriage. Spouse resides in Buffalo and recently filed a Petition requesting spousal support in Erie County that was ultimately withdrawn. Client earns only $18,000 gross income per year. Spouse’s employer/income is unknown, and he may be applying for public assistance. Client is on an automobile loan for a vehicle the spouse was driving and he is now hiding to avoid it from being re-possessed by the creditor. Client would like the spouse to obtain a new loan, since he has not made a payment since May, 2013. There is also a joint IRS tax bill in the amount of $1,300. There are otherwise no assets or debts to divide or distribute.
2. SpriCase No. 13-02-14001103
Client is seeking a divorce from her physically abusive spouse. Client has diminished lung capacity due to a house fire, and alleges that spouse became more abusive to her when her health started failing, on one occasion putting his hand over her mouth to prevent her from breathing. She never contacted the police or obtained an Order of Protection because she was scared of getting evicted. The parties were married in 2011. There are no children, and no property or debt issues to resolve.
3. SsolCase No. 13-02006001125
Client is seeking a divorce from her physically abusive spouse. The parties were married in December, 2008. There are 3 children, the youngest being a newborn, so although child support and custody were previously established, they do not include the youngest child. C.S.E.U. is currently in the process of adding this child to the current support order. Client is concerned with spouse having the infant for the same periods of time that the spouse has the older children, but the parties’ seem to be in agreement on increasing visitation gradually. There are no property or debt issues.
4. GbonCase No. 13-02-001129
Client is seeking a divorce from her physically abusive spouse. Spouse’s address is unknown, but client should soon be provided with this information. The parties were married in 1992. There are no children of this marriage. There are no property or debt issues to resolve. Client’s primary language is Spanish.
5. MdicCase No. 13-02-14001152
Client is seeking a divorce from her physically abusive spouse. Spouse has choked her and slammed her into walls. Both child support and custody are pending in Family Court, and should be resolved soon. Client since filed an Action for Divorce, and has effectuated service on her spouse, who has until 11/20/2013 to respond. There is a house in the client’s name purchased just after the parties’ married, and there may be some reduction in principal in the mortgage this the spouse may seek an interest in, but it is not substantial. Client also has 2 vehicles, somewhat higher in value than spouse’s 1 vehicle. There are no other property or debt issues.
CHILD SUPPORT CASES – Mary Beth Conway at 295-5707 or .
6. LbruCase No. 13-02-14001154
Client is seeking to modify a Judgment of Divorce obtained in 2004, in which father was obligated to pay $250 per week as and for spousal support and in lieu of child support, based on a shared residency with the children. Pursuant to the Judgment, spousal support shall terminate upon application for and an award of child support to the client. Further disclosure is necessary to show that a modification would be in the client’s best interests, but it is likely that she would at minimum obtain close to this amount as child support, tax-free. Client would also like to enforce the terms of the Judgment of Divorce obligating the father to transfer 20 shares of Amazon stock to her, said stock appearing to have increased substantially in value since that time.
7. MsimCase No. 13-02-06001145
Client is seeking to establish child support for a 5 yr. old child. The parties are not married and recently separated. Custody is also pending in Family Court and client is represented through the Public Defender’s Office. Father is also seeking custody, so despite the filing of a support petition by client, custody will likely need to be resolved before this can be finalized. Note: Client’s income is higher than father’s income, so a shared residency could result in support being paid by client to the father. No court date has yet been scheduled.
8. BbruCase No. 13-02-06001210
Client is seeking to establish a willful violation of a child support order. Father owes in excess of $70,000 in arrears. Client was able to establish a willful violation of support back in 2009, and also obtained a subsequent Order of weekend incarceration, suspending sentence in the event child support and payments on arrears were made. Currently, client alleges that father was the COO of a company, and that the new president is his new wife. Client wants father to be accountable for his non-payment of support.
CUSTODY/VISITATION CASES – Mary Beth Conway at 295-5707 or . - There are no Custody/ Visitation cases awaiting placement.
GRANDPARENT CUSTODY/VISITATION CASES – Marlene Attardo at 295-5712 or – There are no Grandparent Custody/Visitation cases awaiting placement.
Sheila Gaddis at 295-5700, or Christa Hibbard at 295-5705,
- AMal Case No. 13-02-001192
Client is a 20 year old woman seeking assistance with a name change. Client’s current legal name consists only of a last name. Client wants to amend her legal name to include a first and middle name.
FORECLOSURE CASES – There are no Foreclosure cases awaiting placement.
MICRO-ENTREPRENEUR CASES – There are no Micro-Entrepreneur cases awaiting placement.
- CBriCase No.13-02-16001050
Client is a 59 year old woman who has lived all her life in a house belonging to her mother. Client’s mother is 99 years old and is under Client’s care. Client seeks assistance with transferring the ownership of the house as her mother may need to enter a nursing home in the near future. Client holds a power of attorney appointing her as her mother’s agent with the authority to sell and dispose of her mother’s property. Client requires house visits in Irondequoit because of her mother’s declining health.
- PMicCase No. 13-02-20001119
Client is a 60 year old woman who was notified by the NYSDTF that her driver’s license will be suspended if she does not pay the $29,000 she is stated to owe in back state taxes. Subsequent to receiving the notice, client filed tax returns for years 2004 to present. Client has been unemployed since May 2011, and has no means to pay the amount owed. Client is to have a Conciliation Conference scheduled for January, and seeks representation for assistance with negotiating her state tax liability.
12. YPuj Case No. 13-02-08001216
Client is a 28 year old woman with two young children who was working for a paper mill for six years. Client's determination letter states that she was discharged for misconduct for miscounting reams after receiving a warning. Client only worked in the relevant department for a half-hour on the day in question, has no knowledge of making any mistake, and has a witness to corroborate that there is no way to attribute any error to a particular individual. The counting process involves multiple people alternating on the work before all palettes are mixed together, and no log is kept to track who works on which palette. Client believes she was targeted and terminated for being one of the few employees who was not a friend or family of management and for not supporting the questionable practices of her floor manager. Client seeks representation at her unemployment hearing scheduled for Monday, November 25, 2013.
13. ADun Case No. 13-02-08001179
Client seeks representation at her unemployment hearing scheduled for Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 2:15 pm.
Client is a 35 year old woman who had worked as a customer service representative at a call center for seven months. Client's notice of determination states that she was terminated because she was avoiding calls, and that she had asked a coworker for food because she was experiencing low blood sugar despite the fact she does not have a documented illness causing her to need to eat at specific times. Client states that she had complained to human resources about her supervisor on an unrelated matter a few weeks before, and believes she was terminated in retaliation. Client was off of her phone for only two minutes during the incident, and states that she had been feeling lightheaded. Client seeks representation at an unemployment hearing scheduled on November 27, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.
14. SAre Case No.13-02-08001172
Client is a 42 year old woman who was paid NYS unemployment insurance benefits and federal emergency unemployment compensation over the past two years. In September 2013, client received a notice from the Department of Labor informing her that she was not entitled to part of the federal benefits previously received, and that she needs to repay $4,900. Client has difficulty with English and would greatly benefit from representation at a hearing yet to be scheduled.
15. SWol Case No.: 13-02-08001227
Client is a 43 year old male who worked for one week as a line cook at a country club after leaving on good terms from a year-long position chef at a hotel. Client's notice of determination states that he was terminated because he "harassed another employee when every time you walked by you were touching and making sexual innuendos." Client was terminated without warning and notes that he engaged in pleasant conversation with the woman on the date in question, but denies any inappropriateness. Client believes that he may have been targeted by other employees vying for his position. Client seeks representation at an unemployment hearing that has not yet been scheduled.
- ISan Case No. 13-02-190001147
Client is a 36 year old man seeking assistance with a Habitat for Humanity closing. Client is purchasing a 4 bedroom ranch property at $61,000. Client has completed all sweat equity hours and has paid the required deposit. Client will occupy the property as from December 1, 2013 under the terms of a Rental Lease. The contractual closing date for the purchase of the property is on or about March 1, 2014.
- VRos Case No. 13-02-19001166
Clients are seeking assistance with a Habitat for Humanity closing. Clients are purchasing jointly a 3 bedroom Cape Cod property at $61,000. Clients have completed all sweat equity hours and have paid most of the required deposit. Clients will occupy the property as from December 1, 2013 under the terms of a Rental Lease. The contractual closing date for the purchase of the property is on or about February 15, 2014.
- BSmi Case No.13-02-19001182
Client is a 58 year old woman seeking assistance with a Habitat for Humanity closing. Client is purchasing a 3 bedroom ranch property at $61,000. Client has completed all sweat equity hours and has paid the required deposit. Client took possession of the property on November 1, 2013 under the terms of a Rental Lease. The contractual closing date for the purchase of the property is on or about February 1, 2014.
- MDig Case No.13-02-19001111
Client is a 49 year old woman seeking assistance with a Habitat for Humanity closing. Client is purchasing a 3 bedroom ranch property at $61,000. Client has six sweat equity hours left to complete and has paid the required deposit. Client took possession of the property on November 1, 2013 under the terms of a Rental Lease. The contractual closing date for the purchase of the property is on or about February 1, 2014.
WILLS AND GUARDIANSHIP CASES – Ann Williams at 295-5708 or . - There are no Wills and Guardianship Cases awaiting placement.
- MV Case # 13-02-12001191 Chronically ill 58 year old single man would like to prepare a will and advance directive documents leaving his property to his partner of 29 years and also appoint the partner as his proxy and agent. Client will need a home visit.
Sheila A. Gaddis, Esq.
VLSP Executive Director
Direct Phone: 295-5700
Updated: June 2, 2019