Present Members:
Pam Linton (PL)- Chair
Stephen Thompson(ST)- D&G Council Member
Peter Diggle (PD)- D&G Council Member
Tony Hancock (TH)- Member
Ian Vidler (IV)- Member
Martin Wilson (MW)- Member
Edna Allbrooke- Member
Anne Wyllie (AW)- Secretary - Member
James Davidson (JD)- Co-opted Member
Apologies:- Dug Pettigrew/Adam Wilson/GrahamTait
In Attendance:- Press Reporter.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 3rd December 2013.
- Accepted by Tony Hancockand seconded by Jim Davidson
Matters Arising:
- Victoria Park Swings – No update on this at the present time.
- Corsock and Kirkpatrick-Durham Community Council – Wind Farm Moratorium: They are calling for a moratorium on all Wind Farm Planning Applications and wanted support from all Community Councils in the area - we wrote to them and supported what they were doing and they came back to us and thanked us for our support.
- Lochmaben Street Crossing – Petition:
- The petition seems to have disappeared – this needs to be started up again in the near future.
Police Report:
- There have been very few problems over the festive period, since the last meeting.
- Back in December there was a 32 year old male on 21st December arrested for assault, threatening and abusive behaviour and drunk driving.
- Christmas Eve – there was a car window smashed at Glebe Crescent – inquiries ongoing.
- Boxing Day – Report of 12 water taps stolen from Kirk Loch Caravan Park – inquiries ongoing.
- 26th January – Unfortunate death of an 82 year old female at Kirk Loch Caravan Park.
- It was reported that the anti-social behaviour that has previously been a problem is now at a minimum. Getting very few reports with regard to this – no problems with youths hanging about the bus stops, the Chinese or at the Town Hall.
- Ongoing Initiatives:
- Over the tested period the National Drinks/Drug Campaign which ran between 6th December and 6th January – over the whole of Scotland 434 drivers were caught and over 20,000 were tested for alcohol during that period. This initiative didn’t just take place when the pubs were turning out but also the following mornings.
- Community Issues:
- Area Control Room is closing in Dumfries in April, however the same community teams will be in place carrying out the policing - still the 101 or treble 9 number as before.
- JD reported that he had been down in the wood surrounding the Castle Loch in the last few days – where the pontoon is i.e. the second pontoon past the bowling green and fisherman sometimes have their tents – there is a lot of human waste to be found making the area a health hazard. Police to look into this and speak with Bryce at the Council. Community Safety teams may also be able to look into this.
Treasurers Report:
- TH gave the Treasurer’s report on behalf of DP.
- Balance on the Community Council Account when all invoices are paid to date i.e. the Christmas Party etc. stands at £1,746.60.
- Christmas Lights Fund Account currently stands at £5,101.93 – not yet received the invoice for supplying and fixing the new lights. However once this invoice is paid there won’t be much left in the account.
- We have received a letter from Lockerbie Academy asking for a donation for the Celebration of Achievement 2014. In the past we have donated £50 to this. All agreed that we should donate £50 this year also.
- Received two forms from the bank regarding James Davidson being authorised as a signatory for cheques. JD to complete forms and take to the bank personally with ID proof.
Dumfries & Galloway Council Issues:
- Lighting at Annandale Crescent - PL explained that new lighting is being installed at Annandale Crescent. She has been approached by a resident who said that a light at her place, as far as she knows, is being scrapped which will mean the route through the “cut” from Queen Street to Annandale Crescent where there is no light will be “black” dark and unsafe. PL offered to show PD and ST where the position of this light is. Whilst another 2 lights have been installed they are placed in such a way that it gives no light to the “cut”. ST to investigate further. JD remarked that the new lighting was far less bright than the previous older lights.
- Sign for Dalton, Annan and Hightae obscured – residents had received a letter to say if this was not rectified the Council would go ahead and do it and send them the bill. The Council has gone ahead and rectified the situation – what about the bill? ST reported that probably the owner/occupier of the land where the sign is situated would probably get the bill if they were not prepared to carry out the work themselves.
- Dental Practice at Lochmaben Hospital possibly closing - ST explained that he had looked into this and was told that this was all part of an NHS review of services and a conclusion has yet to be reached. ST to chase up.
- PD informed the group that the Council has been asked if a disabled bay can be installed outside the dentist on Lochmaben High Street. However there is already one at the Library and indeed further down the High Street and the bus stop is also in that vicinity. A couple of draft options will be drawn up to see if the Dentist’s request can be accommodated.
- PD informed the group that the recreational hall where showers were previously used by the football team will be put on the market for sale in June.
- At this point ST tabled the plans for the refurbishment of the Town Hall for members to peruse. ST reported that there are no proposals to review parking restrictions at or near Lochmaben Town Hall at this time. However, PD reported further that a traffic survey for the High Street is still on the cards. PL quoted from the Annandale Herald which had a small article saying that 20 years ago “A call was made for a road safety review in Lochmaben - Councillors put forward suggestions for improved traffic management ...”. The group reiterated that since then the traffic has gone up 40/50 fold and still there is no movement on this issue. The group felt that road safety in the town has become a serious issue. PD said D&G Council felt there had been no proactive actions from the Community Council on this matter – this is not the case, the Community Council have been active on this matter for quite some time now and Tony Lyman, put in writing, a very strong and detailed case as to why such a traffic survey was necessary. TH said he would retrieve Tony Lyman’s correspondence and forward to PD. It was felt it would be a good idea to inviteAlistair Speedie to the next meeting. Parking is also a problem in the High Street – especially with regard to large lorries and parking for the school.
- There has been a suggestion of a right of way (big arrow / small arrow) at the corner of the Town Hall. ST has asked John Howell for possible options. Accident statistics do not take into account near misses and therefore the safety record on the road looks okay. Reposition of centre line may be helpful. Several different suggestions were forthcoming e.g. adjusting kerbing at monument, no parking in the area of the post office etc. Perhaps move the bus stops, perhaps no shelters just stop signs. Since these possible solutions have been put forward it would appear to suggest that there is recognition that there is a problem.
- ST informed the group that any future planning applications where heavy transport is needed, there will be an emphasis on the applicant having some input into the upkeep of roads they are using.
- ST informed the group that the pavement work at St Margaret’s has now been completed. However PL reported that up at Townhead there is still some work to do as the pavement there is in a dangerous condition. ST further reported that funds for this type of work this year are no longer available and any further works will be added to the next financial year’s “To Do” list.
- Path Lighting at The Barras – ST explained that DGHP/DG First (there has been a problem re who has responsibility for this area) have acknowledged that street lighting needs to be put up in that area in recognition of public safety. ST waiting for an imminent update and will report back as soon as he has it to hand.
- Emptying of Bins at Glebe Crescent – Again there is a disagreement about whose responsibility it is to empty these bins i.e. DGHP or the Council. Still to be clarified.
- Mounceys Wynd Drain Cover – Foul Smell– Underlying fault cannot be found but the situation is being monitored.
- Dropped drain opposite the sign for Halliday Terrace – it has been reported.
- Road defect north side of the Town Hall – although filled in – Queen Street quite bad at the moment.
- Annandale Crescent – quite a dangerous hole has appeared – ST to follow up.
- Cover missing from Queen Street past Mundell’s – dangerous at night.
- Bus Shelters have been cleaned.
Town Hall Closure – latest position:
- TH tabled plans - reported back that the work commenced on 3rd February and it should be completed late May/early June. Reasons for delay were budget constraints.
- Security issue with door from Town Hall into the toilets – however it was thought that this was due to provision for disabled users. TH toconfirm why this door is necessary.
- It was generally felt that the opening hours were very short considering the amount of work they are doing on the Town Hall – ST explained that these cost savings were happening everywhere and opening hours had been worked out for each community depending on population and busy times. Library will be acting as Customer Services Department – 12 hours opening for both of these.
- Still need to know how long the toilets will be open. PD to raise the question of access and opening hours.
- Email via PD to say heating and electrical will all be renewed.
- Chamber Room – historic ordnance survey maps have been bubble wrapped, removed and stored together with the pike staffs.
- Lochmaben Gardening Competition trophies and shields have been boxed up and put in storage.
- Contents of filing cabinet in TH’s garage at the moment.
- Filing cabinet has been stored.
Castle Loch – Community Buy Out and Lochfield Cottage Car Park Issues:
- TH reported that the Castle Loch Buy Out is now complete, the money has changed hands and it is now owned by The Royal Burgh of Lochmaben, The Royal Four Towns and Templand.
- The care and development of the loch is in the hands of the Castle Loch Community Trust which now has 268 members.
- The first AGM will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, 25th March in the Church Hall when the first 10 Trustees will be elected to take the work forward for the Trust.
- Meanwhile the Steering Committee will appoint a Project Manager to begin development of the footpath and the cottage – interviews being held this week.
- Competition to create a logo is ongoing via Lochmaben Nursery and Primary.
- Castle Loch Fishery will still manage the fishing until March 2015 – the lease of the fishing rights will be advertised early in 2015.
- Lochfield Cottage Car Park – Issued with Stobart Lorries Parking:
- TH reported that he first contacted Stobarts in December requesting that their lorries stop using the Lochfield Cottage Car Park. He received a reply which said how Stobarts pride themselves on the excellent standards they set with regard to other road users and members of the public. TH advised them that this car park was for the use of tourists, anglers and most importantly disabled anglers wheelchair access to the fishing pier which has been specifically constructed for their use. Registrations of lorries parking there were duly sent off to Stobarts. The response was simply that they could not stop their lorries using this car park.
- Since the ownership of the car park is now within the community, it is hoped we will be able to put up a 12’ bar allowing cars only into the car park. PD has a contact at Stobarts and will follow this up on the Community’s behalf, not only with regard to the Lochfield Car Park but also the Bowling Club Car Park.
Wind Farms – Harstanes:
- Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) have agreed the Engagement and Consultation Report – next step is to set up an organization and appoint directors.
- Estimation for funds to be released is 2 to 3 months.
- Payments to Community Councils will be £2000 per year.
- There will be initial payments of £4000 for the first year which covers the construction period between August 2012 and 2014.
- 31 Community Councils were invited to take part in the consultation, 27 have chosen to participate (including us). The new company will require 12 directors; 4 from each area – Lochmaben are in the East area which has 10 Community Councils – asking for volunteers.
- Community Council could possibly apply for project money for Castle Loch development (there is £150,000 in pot for large developments) e.g. development of Lochfield Cottage as a Visitor Centre Tearoom.
- Minsca:
- New contact there – McNab Laurie –He will be contacting all Community Councils Feb 14 with development forms and a request for spending plans for the coming year.
- Next payment to Lochmaben Community Council will be 2015 as the traffic calming signs were paid for over a few years (including this year) from the money from Minsca. TH to ask DP to email McNab Laurie to confirm whether this is definitely the case.
- McNab Laurie has offered to come along and speak to us.
- Newfield:
- TH confirmed that we had contact from Newfield Wind Farm (Claire Addison) – this wind farm still to be approved. They want to have a meeting, come along and speak to us, before approval or otherwise re funding for the communities involved i.e. Johnstone, Lockerbie and Lochmaben. TH to follow up.
Building the Local Economy – Savings Options
- Reference to the paper on how the Council are going to save money in the future. - DP picked out the heading Ground and Public Open Space Maintenance. Basically it says there are 800 areas of Open Space in Dumfries and Galloway which receive grass cutting – plans to reduce grass cutting by 20%; i.e. 155 will not be cut or at least the frequency of cutting may be curtailed or some areas may be sold off. PD trying to find out how we would be affected – however currently it is being assessed – no decision as yet. This is ongoing – PD/ST to update when information to hand.
- PL asked if community service individuals still did clean ups in the local area – ST to find out.
Federation Meeting
- PL and TH to attend this on Thursday evening in Moffat.
Forthcoming Possible Developments:
Poultry Building Units, Planning Development
- PD informed the group that there was a planning application in at the moment from Mr John Balker who runs a very reputable poultry business, having premises at the moment at Gretna, Dalton and Eastriggs.
- The proposal is for 4 poultry sheds on the piece of land going out from Lochmaben on the Dumfries Road, past Burnbrae on the left i.e. behind Blackrigg Farm.
- Photographs tabled – at the moment open farmland, no natural cover - overlooked by several houses – very small road to the site.
- This will be a large scale development.
- There are objections from local residents as this development will be totally out of character for the area, it is felt that the visual impact and smell that will be generated will be unacceptable.
- The road access is along a very small country road and it would seriously affect the residential amenity of the area.
- Serious concerns about vermin.
- Mr Balker’s other sites do not have any visual impact as they are well hidden by the lay of the land.
- The proposed Lochmaben site has 20 properties within half a mile and 59 within a mile.
- Mr John Balker happy to meet with local residents on Saturday 15th February, time to be confirmed. Public Meeting will follow on the 17th between 3 and 6 p.m.
- Only 4 jobs would be forthcoming – infrastructure not in place.
- PL asked ST about how the proposed development at Mill Road had gone from 15 houses to 26 houses – ST felt it must have been a phased development. It is felt that the infrastructure cannot cope with this amount of new housing proposed for Lochmaben; the school is full at the moment and traffic will become even more of a problem. Everyone at the meeting felt that Lochmaben was being overwhelmed by continuous development. ST suggested that we get someone from DGHP along to the Community Council. TH to ask DGHP to come along to the next meeting.
Concert – The Virginians - Fundraising
- Date for 26th April - 60s 70s 80s music. PL to discuss at the next meeting about funding in general re continuing with the Senior Citizens Christmas Party.
The Day of the Region 2014
- TH confirmed that this would be going ahead this year again and that he had attended a meeting in the Sailing Club.A D&G representative was there – and agreement was reached to go ahead this year but not on the same scale as last year. Much smaller amount of funding available this year. This year it will be a kind of Open Day for Sailing Club/Golf Club/Tennis Club all on the same day. It will be in September – can be on different weekends for different Communities within the area.
Correspondence Received
- D&G Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2014 -2017.
- Dumfries and Galloway, Council Development Plan Scheme – huge document stating what will/should be happening in the next 20 years. This plan will go forward to the Scottish Government for approval – now on 5th Edition – approval sought in November.
- Problem trying to stop Lochmaben being designated as a District Centre when in reality it is no more than a large picturesque village and Lockerbie is only 4 miles away as a District Centre. D&G argument is that we have a bank, a post office, pharmacy, retail shops and a school therefore we are a District Centre – but I think the Community Council should try to help put a stop to this as the school is only a primary school and it is full up and being a District Centre would mean much more housing development in the future when Lochmaben is already oversupplied with housing. 25 objections already in place from the Community Council. TH to look out objections.
- Community Safety Team – DG first – looking at dog fouling, people causing problems etc – do we want them to come along and speak to us – not for a while but certainly in the future.
- Meeting in CD “Your Land Your Buildings and Your Future” – do we want to buy any of Lochmaben’s assets. Think we have done well to buy Castle Loch.
Next meeting: Will be held in the Community Centre on Tuesday 4th March 2014 at 7 p.m.
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