6/8/17, 9am


Call to Order:

The Membership Meeting was called to order by Jay Pulacode and Nikki Balt at 9:04am

Notice of the Membership Meeting was posted on the IMS PTSA website prior to the meeting.

A proper quorum was present.

Awards Committee: Nancy Grossi, Margaret Rogan, Leta Hamilton & Francis Hoffman were on the Awards Committee. The following awards were given at the Membership Meeting:


SILVER SHIELD AWARD: Maria Villar, Michelle Breacher

EXCALIBUR:Eitan Moursalimov

STAN CHAPIN SILVER KNIGHT AWARD: Mark Foster, Steve Henson, Hector Ceron

GOLDEN ACORN AWARD: Karen Allyn, Jay Pulacode

OUTSTANDING EDUCATOR AWARD: Ryan Jones, Gale Paul, and Tracy Felton

Principal’s Report:Mr. Patterson announced that IMS will be going live with a new security system on Monday. This will be a keyless ID system that will use badges for access and even allow administrators to place the school in lockdown mode from a cell phone in case of an emergency. The system was funded by a bond that was passed and is a big step forward for student safety.

IMS is administering a trial test involving 180 students. It will use the ALEX math program and help IMS see if they improve testing in the future. Parents of the students who have been selected for this will receive a letter of notification and explanation.

The SBA results are back. The actual test results are not public. This is the first year IMS has received the results back before the following school year. This will help IMS identify students who need extra help and allow families to be contacted before the summer beginsso they can work with the school to figure out how to help their child in need.

They are planning for next school year and closing out this school year. Everyone will get an email about the steps of ending school.

The teachers just signed a new contract where they will be working an hour longer after school. This will be very beneficial for students by dramatically increasing teacher help time.

The decisions about a later start time are being made at the superintendent level. There will be NO change in start times for the 2017-2018 school year. Thechange in the teacher contract will allow the district to implement time changes while still making sure it is fair across pay grades for secondary and elementary schools.

Members of the IMS staff have been talking all year about how to provide more time for student intervention. In September, IMS will implement“Flexi-Sched” where students or teachers can sign students up if they feel they need extra help with a certain subject. Home Room will only meet twice for 40 minutes a week and then the balance of what is currently being used as Home Room will become two periods called FLEX periods. The hope is to encourage all students to seek both help and review during this time allowing those who need more help to feel less of a stigma associated with it.

Secretary Report:

Deborah Fletcher reported that the minutes from the April 2017 Membership Meeting were posted on the website. The April Membership Meeting minutes were moved into record.

Treasurer Report:

Sophie Le went over the end of year financial report.

The main sources of income were Membership, Pass the Hat and Matching Funds. Other sources of income were the drama production “Seussical” and the after school class, “Super Sitters.”

The main expenses were grants and scholarships.The PTSAdonated over $30,000 to Inglewood to support the IMS grants ($15,000), drama, reflections, homework machine, Staff Appreciation, IMS Alumni scholarship, student grants, safety and emergency preparedness.

Action Items:

The Charitable Solicitations Renewal and Nonprofit Report were filed in May.

The End of the Year Financial Review is scheduled for July 5, 2017. The Financial Review Committee was appointed at the last Board Meeting on June 6, 2017. The proposed PTSA Budget was prepared by the Budget Committee, presented and approved by the Board on May 2, 2017.

The changes that were approved by the Board to the Proposed 2017-2018 Budget included renaming the President’s Discretionary Fund to the Board’s Discretionary Fund and the removal of the Staff PTSA Membership Scholarship line item. Slight changes were made to the budgets allotted to Bank Fees, Supplies, Parent Ed and Social Events, Reflections, Staff Appreciation, Homework Machine and the LWSD Levy/Bond Donation. (See Budget Proposal).

There were three changes made to the Standing Rules on a State level. These changes were adopted to the IMS Standing Rules and approved in the June 6, 2017 Board Meeting. (See Proposed Standing Rules 2017-2018).


Motion 1: Karen Allyn made a motion to approve the proposed budget changes as presented. Leanne Brodzkinski seconded it. The vote passed unanimously with no abstentions.

Motion 2: Maria Villar motioned to approve the proposed changes to the Standing Rules. Karen Allyn seconded the motion. The vote passed unanimously with no abstentions.

Nikki Balt discussed the results of the PTSA survey.

Jay Pulacode discussed the outcome of the PTSA Goals and Objectives set at the beginning of the year.



  • Worked on improving communication​
  • Knightly News was updated each week with the current PTSA, School, and ASB news​
  • Website and Facebook page were updated with the current events/news​
  • Granted $10,000 amount to the school.​
  • Successful in growing leaders. A student representative came and reported at board meetings and a couple of Membership meetings.
  • Provided a great Parent Education Opportunity, which was very well attended.​
  • Hosted a Pantry Pack event and were able to donate around 1500 pounds of food​


  • Increase membership: There are currently 910 members. The goal was to increase it by 5% and was not reached.​
  • Work on ways to get 100% staff membership.​
  • Get more members to attend the Membership Meetings.

Grants that were given by the PTSA to IMS in the 2016-17 school year included: Scholastic Reading Inventory, IXL for Language Arts, books for Battle of the Books, Knight Crew t-shirts, Pre-Referral Intervention Manuals, Wordly Wise 3000 Online, Seattle Shakespeare Co., novels for book clubs, rugby class, instrument repair, an author visit and a new laminator.

Committee Chairs:

There are a few open Committee Chair positions. They are: Special Needs, Reflections, August Prep (23-24 August), and Awards & Scholarships.


Meeting was adjourned at 10:02am