TheWest VirginiaSchools forthe Deaf andBlind Acceptable UsePolicy(AUP) is anextension of theWest VirginiaDepartment of Education’s Policy2460-“Educational Purpose and Acceptable useof Electronic Resources,Technologies andtheInternet”. TheWVDE’s policy covers allschool systemsstatewide. However, thispolicyrequires that allschools develop a local policythat furtherdefines the statepolicytomeet their individual needs. WVSDBadheres to all stateguidelines butprovides thefollowing,as asummary, of what is expected byany individual that utilizes equipment owned byWVSDBand/oraccesses the campus network.

Acceptable Usesand Behavior:

Theuseof theelectronic resources, technologies and theInternet must be in support of education and consistent with the educationalgoals, objectives and priorities of the WVBE. Useof other networks or computingresources mustcomplywith therules appropriate for that network and of copyrightcompliance. Users must also complywith therules and regulations of thenetwork provider servingWest Virginiadistricts and schools.Specific examples of acceptableusefrom WVBE from the WVDEPolicy2460 includebut arenot limited to:

1. Theuseof telecommunications and/or access to theInternet is an extension of theusers’ responsibilityand must follow allfederal and statelaws as wellas state and local policies.

2. State, district and school-owned technologyis to beused to enhancelearningand teachingas wellas improvethe operation ofthe district and school.

3. Creation offiles, projects, and various mediaproducts usingnetwork resources in support of student personalized learningincludingappropriate participation in school-sponsored sites and onlinegroupsand for educational administration.

4. Theonlinepublication ofeducational material forinstructional purposes and, with parental permission, student work. External sources must be cited as required.

5. Incidental personal use not contraryto district/school policies and guidelines.

Unacceptable Usesand Behavior:

Thepurposefor theInternet and school network isto support education. Specific examples of unacceptable usefrom WVDE Policy2460 includebut arenot limited to:

1. Inappropriateuseor transmission of anymaterial in violation of anyU.S. or state law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, threatening, abusive or obscenematerial, or materials protected bytradesecrets.

2. Useforcommercialactivities byfor-profitinstitutions is not acceptable.

3. Useforproduct advertisement orpolitical lobbyingis also prohibited.

4. Illegal activities and privacyand safetyviolations of COPPA, CIPA andFERPA are strictlyprohibited.

Specific examples of unacceptable and/or unauthorized useinclude, but notlimited to:

a. Viewing,creating,accessing, uploading, downloading, storing, sendingor distributing obscene, pornographic orsexual explicit material.

b. Downloading, uploading and/or executingviruses,worms, Trojan horses, time bombs, bots, malware, spyware,SPAM, and changes to tools used to filter contentor monitor hardwareand software.

c. Usinge-mail and otherelectronic userIDs/passwords other than one’s own.Students and staff areresponsibleforallactivityon theiraccount and must not sharetheiraccountIDs and passwords.

d. Illegallyaccessingor attemptingto access anotherperson’s data or personalsystem files orunauthorized access tootherstate/district/school computers, networks and informational systems.

e. Supplyingyour passwordto others.

f. Storingpasswords in afilewithoutencryption.

g. Usingthe“remember password”featureofInternet browsers ande-mail clients. h. Leavingthe computer withoutlockingthe screenor loggingoff.

i.Corrupting, destroying, deletingor manipulatingsystem datawith malicious intent. j.Hacking, cracking, vandalizingor anyother unlawful online activities.

k. Disclosing, usingor disseminatingpersonal information regardingstudents.

l.Cyber bullying, hate mail. Defamation, harassmentof anykind, discriminatoryjokesand remarks and other unauthorized uses as referencedin WVDE Policy4373and other applicable statutes.

m.Personal gain,commercial solicitation and compensation of anykind.

n. Anyactivitywhich mayresultin liabilityor cost incurred bythedistrict.

o. Unauthorized downloading, copying, installing and/or executing gaming, audio files, video files or otherapplications (includingsharewareor freeware).

p. Campaigning, lobbyingor other activityvia state supported platforms in support or opposition for political activityor issues, includedbut limited to, ballotmeasures, candidates or legislativeproposals.

q. Posting, sendingor storinginformation that could threaten or endanger others. r. Engagingin plagiarism or reproducing/repurposingmediawithoutpermission. s. Attachingunauthorized equipment to the district or school networks or network

connected devices. Anysuch equipment maybe confiscated and/or turnedover to law enforcement officers forpotentiallyviolatingW.Va. Code61-3C-5.

t. Attachingunauthorized equipment or makingunauthorized changes tothestate network.

u. Vandalizingtechnologyequipment or data includingbut notlimitedto, uploading, downloadingor creating computer viruses or malware.Vandalism mayresultin revocation ofuser privilegesand/or prosecution.


Copyright is the law oftheUnited States that protects theworks ofauthors, artists, composers, and others byprovidingthe creator with exclusiveright to license, sellor usethe works. A creator owns therights ofreproduction, adaptation, distribution, publicperformance, public display, digital transmission and moral rights. Violation of copyrightlawsmayexposethe user, district, or school to legal action and/or financial penalties.

1. Employeesand studentsareexpected toadhereto the copyright laws.

2. Downloading,copying,duplicatinganddistributingsoftware,music,soundfiles,movies, imagesor othercopyrighted materialswithoutthe specificwritten permissionof the copyrightownerisgenerallyprohibited. Theduplicationanddistributionofmaterialsfor educational purposes are permitted if andwhen itfalls within the Fair UseDoctrineofthe United StatesCopyrightLaw(Title17,United StatesCode content is cited appropriately.

3. Appropriatesoftware licenseswillbeobtainedforuseinaclassroom,networkserver system or other multi-access use.

4. Studentsare tobetaughttheethicalandpracticalimplicationsandconsequences of plagiarism and software/mediapiracy.

5. Employeeswillbeprovidedyearly remindersoftheirresponsibility throughadistrict chosen proceduretoadhereto and enforcethe copyright laws.

6. Under federal law, employees violating copyright laws may be subject to fines, confiscationofmaterial,andother prosecution. Violationsmay alsoresultinthe employee’s suspension and/or dismissal.


WVDE E-mail accountsareprovidedas an instructional tool ratherthan apersonal e-mail address orforum.

1. All staffmustcompletethe annual AUP trainingto receive an e-mail account from


2. All students must completeAUPtrainingand adigital citizenship lesson prior to being eligible for an e-mail account issued byWVDE.

3. Account namesand passwords areprivateand should notbeshared.Individuals will be responsible forany/alloccurrences with theiraccount that arewithin theircontrol.

4. No staff orstudentuser should have anyexpectation ofprivacyin anything theycreate,

store, send orreceivewhileon the state providednetwork. TheWVDE reserves the right to monitor, inspect, investigate,copy, review and store, withoutpriornotice, information about the content and usageof anynetwork and system files, user files, diskspace utilization, applications, bandwidth utilization, document files, folders,electronic communications, e-mail, Internet access, and anyand allotherinformationtransmitted or received in connection with networks, e-mail useand web-based tools. WVDE reserves

the right to disclose anyelectronicmessage, files,media, etc. to lawenforcement officials or third parties as appropriate.

5. Useof personal e-mailto conduct WVSDBbusiness is strictlyprohibited.

6. Theuseof schoole-mailforpersonal business is strictlyprohibited.

Use of SchoolEquipment offCampus:

1. Anyand allschooltechnologyequipment used off campus will be subjectto thesame rules and regulations set forth byWVDEand WVSDBas when oncampus.

2. School equipment used off campus mustbefor educational purposes only.

3. All school issued technologyis fortheuseoftheWVSDBstaff orstudentto whom it is issued. Theperson to whom thedeviceis issuedwillberesponsible for anyactivityor action performed on thedevice.

4. Anyunacceptableuseofschool equipment off campus willbesubject to revocation ofoff campus use.

5. Thedevicemustbereturned in acceptableworkingorder bythe last dayofeach school year, upon withdrawal orexitdate from the school district, orwhenever requested by school staff orthe TechnologyDepartment.

6. Ifan employee elects to takehis/her devicehome it is understood that the deviceis expected to be at theworkplaceon adailybasis.


WVDE provides filtering for allpublicschoolswithin theirjurisdiction.However,filtering softwareis not 100%effective. Therefore, everyuser must takeresponsibilityforhis or her use of thenetworkandInternet.

1. WVSDBreserves the right to installadditional monitoring/filteringsoftwareon allschool owned technologyequipment.

2. WVSDButilizes said softwarenot onlyforthe safetyof theuser but also toprotect the securityof thenetwork.

3. WVDE/WVSDBreserves the right to monitor, review and investigate, without prior

notice, anyandallnetwork usage and systemfiles that aretransmitted or received in connection with networks, e-mail use and web based tools.

4. Sincemonitoring/filteringsoftwareis installed onschool issued technologyallusers should haveno expectation of privacyin relation to the useof school issued technology.

5. Staff must makeareasonable effort to becomefamiliar with theInternet in order to monitor, instruct and assist effectivelyin filtering and acceptableuseissues.

6. All supervisingadults willteach and discuss theappropriate useof technologyresources and theInternet with theirstudents, monitor their use and interveneif theuses arenot acceptable.


Digital citizenship is defined as appropriateandresponsible behaviors when usingtechnology. Thedevelopment of theseskills isessential for students to besuccessful in adigital society.

1. Cyber bullyingwillnot be tolerated. This behavior includes theuseof theInternet or any technologydeviceto distributemessages intendedto hurt or embarrass anotherperson.

2. Educators willteach lessons designed toaddress thevarious elements of digital citizenship, includingcyber bullying, identityprotection, and appropriate online communications. TheInternational SocietyforTechnologyin Education (ISTE)has created standards toaddress keyaspects of digital citizenship (

3. All WVSDBstudents arerequired to completetwo age appropriatedigitalcitizenship lessons each schoolyear. Students enrollingin WVSDBduringthe secondsemester ofthe schoolyear will be required to completeonelesson.

4. Anystaffor student whose conductmeets thedefinition of harassment, intimidation or

bullying,which is behavior that is sufficientlysevere, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threateningoremotionallyabusive educational environment forastudent; or disrupts or interfereswith theorderlyoperation ofthe school shallbesubject to disciplinaryaction regardless ofwhetherthe conduct occurs on school property, ata

school sponsored function, occurs duringschool time, or, involves the useof school propertyshallbesubject to disciplinaryaction.

5. All computers using the state network are monitored for unauthorized access.

Unauthorized activitywill be reported to theCoordinatorof Technology.

PersonallyOwned Electronic Device

All staff and students arerequired to useschool issued technologyequipment whileutilizingthe network and/orconductingWVSDBbusiness.

1. WVSDBrecognizes thatcertain exceptions applyin specificsituations. Therefore:

a. Personallyowned assistivetechnologydevices can be approvedforschoolnetwork connectivityfor educational purposes only.

b. Students and staffthat requirethe useof personalassistivetechnologyare required to havesigned consent from theTechnologyCoordinator.

c. Useof personal devices,connected to the school network,is restricted to instructional activities under thedirectsupervision ofastaff member.

2. Students and staffwho bringprivatelyowned devices on theWVSDBcampus do so at theirown risk. WVSDB assumes no responsibilityfor thelossof, or damagetoany personallyowned device.

3. Unauthorized useof personal technologydevices bystudents mayresultin suspension and/or loss of technologyprivileges. Theseuses include, but arenot limited to:

a. Usingpersonal devices to gainan advantagein a testingsituation.

b. Usingpersonal devices during class thatarenot approvedbythe teacher.

c. Usingpersonal devices to bypassfilteringor circumvent networksecurity.

d. Usingpersonal devices for violations related to cyber bullyingand harassment.

Code of Conduct

Users are expected to abidebythegenerallyaccepted rules ofdigital/network Codeof

Conduct. Theseinclude,but arenot limited to, thefollowing:

1. Bepolite. Do not writeor send abusivemessagesto others.

2. Useproper English and appropriate language; avoid “Netspeak.”

3. Do not swear; do not usevulgarities orother inappropriatelanguage.

4. Use extreme caution when revealingpersonal information, includingahome address and phonenumber, on web sites, videos,and socialmedia, in chat rooms,e-mail or as content on anyotherelectronicmedium.

5. Do not reveal, onanyelectronic medium, personalinformation about another individual.

6. Do not usetheInternet in awaythat would disruptthe useof theInternet byothers.

7. Electronic educational material containingconfidential student information shall be stored onlyin securelocations consistent with federal, state and local privacy regulations. Electronic educational materialcontainingno confidential student information, includingbut notlimitto, lesson plans, worksheets, primarysource documents, and othermaterials used for instruction, maybestored in appropriate locations but should follow state/district guidelines.

8. Educators electingto usethird partyclassroom based applications should carefully reviewthe terms ofservice and privacypolicies priorto useforthoseapplications to ensure consistencywith best practice. All useof third partyapplications must be consistent with local policy/guidelines. Recommended best practicefor useof applications with studentsyounger than 13year ofageis to obtain parental consent priorto use and/or enteringanystudent data.

9. Activate the appropriateautomaticreplymessageif account is to beunusedfor an extended period oftime.

10. Appropriate permission shallbeobtained priortopublishingstudent pictures or

names on class, school ordistrict web sites orother publications provided that such information is not designated as directoryinformation under district policymust complywith parental opt-out provisions as described in the FamilyRightsand PrivacyAct (FERPA)(20U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CRFPart 99)(WV 126CSR94, WVBE Policy4350, Proceduresforthe Collection, Maintenanceand Disclosureof Student Data).

11. Notifytheappropriateschool authorityofanydangerous orinappropriateinformation or messages encountered.


WVSDBrecognizes thepower ofsocial mediawhen used forbotheducational and professional purposes. It is the intention ofWVSDBadministration for social mediato be used in a safeand responsible manner bystudents and staffforthe purposes described below. Theguidelines written below areto provide guidancein maintainingappropriatesocial media communications between WVSDBstaffand students.

Definitionof SocialMedia

Theterm “social media,”also referred toas socialnetworking, describes mediadesigned for dissemination over websites through social interaction, and created usinghighlyaccessibleand scalablepublishingtechniques. Social media focuses on the abilityof peopleto collaborateand shareinformation online.It isanenablingplatform forWeb-basedcommunities ofinterest, collaboration, and interactiveservices. Through social media, people orgroups can create, organize, edit, comment on, combine, and sharecontent ofmutual interest.

1. Professional social mediaisawork-related socialmedia activitythat is either school- based or non-school-based.

2. Personal social media useis a non-work-related social media activityestablished for private use.

a.Social Media – includeswebsites that incorporateoneor moreof the following:

i. Blogs–are web logs or journals where authorsand users can post textual, audio, or video content, and wheresomepermit others to post comments on their blogs. Some websites enable individuals to createfreestandingblogs, other special interest websites use blogtools and messageforums to engageusers.

ii. Microblogs– arewebsites and spaces thatallow users to post short blog entries. Twitter is an example, as wellas other sites that inviteusers to post short status and location updates such asFacebook.

iii. Social networks– are websites whereuserscancreate customized profiles and form connections with otherusers based on sharedcharacteristics and interests. Websites such as Facebook,Instagram and Snapchat tend to fosterpersonal social contact among“friends”,while websites such asLinkedInareoriented toward professional networking.ManySchool Districts and businesses are also establishingapresenceon social networks.

iv. Mediasharing– arewebsites where users postand sharevideos, audio files and/or photos as wellas tagthem to enable searchability. Examples include, but arenot limited to, YouTube, Flickr,Google Photos, and Google Video.

v. Wikis– areresourcesor documents edited collaborativelybyacommunityof users with varyinglevelsof editorial control bythewebsitepublisher. Wikipedia is an example.

vi. Virtual worlds– Web or software-based platforms that allow users to create avatars orrepresentationsof themselves, and through theseavatars tomeet, socialize and transact with otherusers. SecondLife and othervirtual worlds are used forsocial purposesand e-commerce, non-profit fundraising,and videoconferencing.

vii. MessagingApps– Themessagingecosystemboastsover 20 different social and sharingfeatures thatact as SMSplatforms. Theyoffergroup chats, video conferencing, voice calling, content sharingandmuch more. Manyalso offer the abilityto shieldyour identityand remain nameless. MessagingAppsact primarily as aone-to-one communication platform that canbetemporaryor longlasting. Content is usuallyintended to remain private, however, often that contentis

shared with others.

b. Social mediaincludes communication, collaborativesharing, andreaching students, employees andguestsforeducational purposes usingwebsites, platforms, resources, or documents. Examples includebut arenot limited to Google Apps, Teacher Tube, Schoology, and Edmodo.

c.Social media can be engaged in byvarious ways, for example, through text messages, instant messages,and emailbyusingpersonal accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail on personallyacquired services, systems, and networks, and/or through text messages, instant messages, and email byusingSchool District accounts onSchool District services, systems, and networks. Cellphones, smartphones, computers, and otherdevicescould be used to engagein social media. As well, chat services such as G-Chat, iChat, and FaceTime can beutilized. Additional social media maybe developed in the futurethat could be covered bythis Policy.Futuredevelopments in social media, messaging apps, sites, and communication devices wouldalso be covered under this policy.

Professional SocialMedia UseforWVSDB employees

TheWVSDBauthorizesthe professional instructional staffto access certain social mediafrom

the WVSDB’s network,provided such access hasan educational purpose.

However, personal access and useof social media, blogs, or chat rooms from theWVSDB’s networkis expresslyprohibited andshallsubject students and staff members to discipline in accordancewith WVSDBpolicy.

1. WVSDBauthorizes the access and useof social media from the WVSDB’snetworkto increase awareness of WVSDBprograms and activities, as wellas to promote achievementsof staffand students, provided suchaccess and useis approved in advance bythe Superintendent. However, it isimperativethat a clear linebedrawnbetween personal social networkingand professional/educational networkingto protect thesafety of thestudents and the integrityofeducational professionals and servicestaff.

2. In order to assist educators in maintainingaprofessional relationship with students and to avoid situations that could lead to inappropriaterelationships between school personnel and students, thefollowingregulations applyto all school personnel.

a. WVSDBpersonnel willmaintain aprofessional relationship with allschool students, both inside and outside the classroom. Therefore,employeesarestronglyencouraged not to communicate with or “friend”students whoarecurrentlyenrolled inWVSDB on personal social mediasites.Ifan employee chooses to bypass this

recommendation itis highlyrecommended thataprofessional social mediaprofilebe created forthis typeof communication.

b. WVSDBpersonnel willnot engagein unethical conduct or behavior.

Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to committinganyact of harassment as defined byWest VirginiaBoard of Education and/or District policy; committingor solicitinganysexual act from anyminor or anystudent regardless of age; soliciting, encouraging, or consummatingaromanticor inappropriate relationship with a student, regardless of theageof thestudent; using inappropriate languageincluding, but notlimited to, swearingand improper sexual comments;takinginappropriate pictures (digital, photographic, orvideo)of students or exchanginganyinappropriate pictures with students; or engagingin anyotherbehavior that constitutes aviolation ofdistrict policyor thatis detrimental to the health and welfareof students.

3. Never usesocial mediasite to discuss a WVSDBstudent or employeein awaythat is or could be perceivedas derogatory,critical or inanymanner that could beconsidered libelous. Do not denigrate or insult others includingstudents, staff, administrators,

parents, WVSDBor other districts. To the extent anycommunication that occurs after school or work hours thatmaybederogatory, critical or libelous (1)directlyaffects the performanceof theoccupational responsibilities ofthe User or (2) theconduct becomes subject of such notorietyas to significantlyandreasonablyimpair thecapabilityof the teacher and/or school officials to dischargehis/her/their education and/or occupational responsibilities, said communication mayberegarded. A violation of this policy, guidelines and/or relevant laws could be regardedas aform of professionalmisconduct and mayresultin disciplinaryaction. This provision is not intended to prohibit theright of an individual to comment on matters ofinterest to the general public.

4. TheWest VirginiaDepartment of Education blocks manycommercial social media sites

on its computers, devices, servers, networks, and systems, thereforeUsers maynot use commercial socialmediaduringtheirwork, school, and volunteer responsibilities unless approval has beengranted bythe Superintendentor an administrator, and the commercial social mediahas been opened forthat person(s) and purposeonly.Users maynot use

theirpersonal computers,devices, services, systems, and networks during the timethey arerequired to befulfillingtheirwork, learning, school responsibilities, or volunteer requirements.