Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, provides computer resources and access to Local Area Networks and the Internet in an effort to help support the primary objective which is to enhance teaching and learning in a supportive school environment. As responsible members of the Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs community, it is expected that all students and other members of this community will follow and adhere to the guidelines established below based on common sense, common decency, rules established by Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, and laws established by the Catholic Education Office, the State Government of Victoria and the Commonwealth of Australia. Strict adherence to the following guidelines will help insure a positive, supportive and productive learning environment for all students.
All students using the computer services provided by Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs will:
· Respect others' rights to freedom from harassment and intimidation.
1. Abusive, threatening, or clearly unwanted materials are offensive and will not be tolerated.
2. Reasonably allow others to work uninterrupted.
3. Clearly and correctly identify yourself in all communications using Information Technology.
· Use the Internet for purposes that are legal and generally acceptable for Catholic school students.
1. Advertising, selling, or purchasing any illegal items using Information Technology is strictly prohibited.
2. Soliciting, responding to or discussing any illegal actions with the use of Information Technology is strictly forbidden.
3. Retrieval, viewing or posting of any sexually or violently explicit, offensive or obscene material via any network is prohibited.
· Respect and adhere to the laws concerning copyright and other intellectual property rights.
1. Get permission before copying files from another user. Copying files or passwords belonging to another user without their express permission, may constitute plagiarism or theft.
2. Source all material used in assignments and projects to fully cover copyright obligations.
· Follow security restrictions for all systems and information.
1. Always keep your passwords secret. It is a good idea to change your password frequently.
2. Understand that if you share your password and someone else uses your account, even without your permission, you will be held responsible for their actions.
3. Respect others' passwords and never try to evade, disable, modify, or 'crack' passwords.
4. Respect all security provisions on the system.
5. Reasonably protect computers and software from viruses, Trojan horses' and file damage of all types.
· Use and share computer resources courteously and efficiently.
1. Understand and accept that there are restrictions on computing resources including storage space and time limits.
· Respect the privacy and integrity of electronic documents.
1. You should always respect others' privacy and expect others to respect yours as well.
2. Understand that the network administrator may need to view the contents of files to dispose or correct data.