Accelrys Material Studio 4.1

Install Material Studio Client

Material Studio implement client/server arcgitecture. The Material Studio client runs on user’ s Window PC. User can create model on client and submit the calculations on CNC Linux Cluster machine. Before do this, user have to apply the Material Studio account.

- Insert Materials Studio Window Installer CD , A menu of Accelrys Materials Studio

4.1 Setup will appear, then click Install Materials Studio to begin installation.

- The welcome page of installation wizard will show up, click next button.

- In the Custom Information, add the User Name and Organization of the PC or leave

blank, click next button.

- In the Setup Type window choose custom installation

In the Custom Setup window, click on the dropdown arrow of Clients and select “This

feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on local hard drive”. The default

installation path is C:\Program Files\Accelrys, click change if you want to change its

path, then click next button Figure below shows the Custom Setup window.

- In the Ready to Install the Program, click Install button to begin the installation.

- When the installation is completed, on The Installation wizard completed check on

Configure Licensing, then click Finish

- Accelrys Licensing will show up, select Connect to a remote license server, then click


- In the host name box enter “” with the 1715 default port in the

Port box., then click Next.

Accelrys Licensing will show up as below figure, click Finish and Material Studio is

ready for use.

Setup server gateway

Before using Material Studio on CNC server, user needs to setup the server gateway. Please follows below step

- In the Window programs, there is an Accelrys Material Studio 4.1 menu click “Server


- In the left panel, right click on Server Gateways, select New and Server Gateway.

- In the popup “New Server Gateway” window, add “” in the URL box and 18889 in the Port Number box follows below figure.

- Click OK button to add new server gateway.

- The Gateway login will show up, add the User name and Password that you got from

CNC administrator

- Open the server gateway tree and right click “”, select Test

Gateway, click Begin Test”.

- After the test is successfully executed, user could start Material Studio client program.