Accelerated Math I

Mrs. Andrea Winders


770.819.2438 x 457

Welcome to the Fourth Nine Weeks of Accelerated Math I! Below, you will find some helpful guidelines to ensure success for the remainder of this school year!

Units of Study

During the Fourth Nine-week period, we will complete Unit 5—Circles and Spheres and Unit 6—Putting the Pieces Together. We will study the following Georgia Performance Standards:

MA1G3. Students will understand the properties of circles.

a. Understand and use properties of chords, tangents, and secants as an application of triangle similarity.

b. Understand and use properties of central, inscribed, and related angles.

c. Use the properties of circles to solve problems involving the length of an arc and the area of a sector.

MA1G4. Students will find and compare the measures of spheres.

a. Use and apply surface area and volume of a sphere.

b. Determine the effect on surface area and volume of changing the radius or diameter of a sphere.

MA1A5. Students will investigate step and piecewise functions, including greatest integer and absolute value functions.

b. Investigate and explain characteristics of a variety of piecewise functions including domain, range, vertex, axis of symmetry, zeros, intercepts, extrema, points of discontinuity, intervals over which the function is constant, intervals of increase and decrease, and rates of change.

MA1D5. Students will determine an algebraic model to quantify the association between two quantitative variables.

a. Gather and plot data that can be modeled with linear and quadratic functions.

Class Materials

Always have the following materials with you in class:

-pencil-all math work MUST be done in pencil

-notebook paper


-math notebook

-scientific calculator



-quarter-inch or centimeter graph paper (at least 50 sheets)


You are required to keep the Cooper Notebook or a notebook that is arranged in a similar way as the Cooper Notebook.


Your grade in this class will be determined in the following manner:

-Tests/Projects 35%

-Homework 10%

-Class work25%



When you enter class a warm-up problem will be displayed on the overhead projector. Warm-ups will be collected every week (on Fridays) and will be recorded as a class work grade. Each day is worth 20 points. Warm-ups should be completed on the warm-up sheet provided and kept in the notebook until the due date.


Homework is assigned almost every night. Homework gives you an opportunity to practice the concepts we discuss in class. The old saying “Practice makes perfect” is true—the more you practice math, the better you will become. I will not accept late homework assignments unless you have a valid reason documented by a note or email from your parent/guardian.

Makeup Work

CobbCounty policy allows a student 1 day per day absent to make up work. This policy applies to excused absences.


Students are assigned two textbooks and are responsible for replacement costs of $68.00 if the book is lost. Lost consumable workbooks may be replaced at a cost of $10.00 per workbook.

Class Rules

Be on time.

Be prepared and ready to learn.

Be on task.


Speak only at appropriate times (hand raised—wait to be acknowledged)

Other Expectations

All math work MUST be done in pencil—NO EXCEPTIONS!

Chewing gum, food, and drinks will not be allowed.

Work must be shown to receive credit on work.

Notebook organization must be maintained daily.

Do not get out of your seat without permission.

End of Course Testing (EOCT)

Students are expected to take and pass the Math I End of Course Test in order to receive credit for this course. The test will be administered as an online test and the scheduled testing dates are May 9thand 10th, 2011. The EOCT will count for 15% of your final grade for this class.

Please complete the form below and return to Mrs. Winders by April 11, 2011.This will acknowledge that you have read and understand the syllabus for the Fourth Nine Weeks.

Student’s Name (Please Print): ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print)______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______

E-Mail Address (please print):


Phone Number(s): ______