

Academy for Information Technology

Mrs. Gladys Avena, Room 513A

Contact Info: (908) 889-8288ext.419

Please feel free to contact me if any questions or concerns arise.

Extra Help: I am available before and after school by appointment.

Description: Linguistics is at the base of every World Language. This course will enable students to understand the history of a language, the core of a language and the people who speak different languages. Language study enhances understanding in other disciplines: history, geography, sociology, literature, and the arts. Linguistics is the bridge between language and culture. Students will use their knowledge from previous language courses to build upon different skills. Students will consider the many influences of languages and will appreciate the entire language-learning experience.

Textbook: Periodically we will be using a textbook in class,An Introduction to Language (7th ed) by Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyam.

Assessment: Quizzes, tests, daily class work/participation, individual/group projects and homework are used to assess students’ progress in this class.

Grading: There are four marking periods and each is worth 20% of the final grade. The midterm and the final exams are each worth 10% of the final grade. You will be evaluated each marking quarter in the following manner:

Test/Major Assessments30%



Class Participation & Class Assignments10%


Required materials to bring to class EVERYDAY:

  • 3-ring binder(to be used exclusively for Linguistics Class)
  • Pencils / Pens (black or blue ink only)
  • Loose leaf paper or notebook for taking notes in class

Linguistics Class Expectations and Procedures:

  • Come to class on time. If you’re late…have a pass.
  • Come to class prepared. Preparedness means having the tools and materials necessary to successfully take part in class.
  • Assessments and assignments are based on class notes and discussions, so attendance is crucial.
  • Respect yourself and others within our classroom.
  • Assignments will be collected at the beginning of the class period in which they are due. If absent, the assignment is due the day your return.
  • If you miss a test or quiz due to an excused absence, you will be expected to take the test or quiz the next class you attend.
  • Textbooksmust be covered.
  • Throughout the marking period you will be given handouts, worksheets, and notes that are to be kept in your 3-ring binder.
  • Extra help: I am available at 7:30 am and after school by appointment.
  • Assignments and documents will be shared on Google Classroom as well as displayed on my school’s website.


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at the above email address, especially if your student if having difficulty. I would also like to be able to get in touch with if necessary. Please print and sign that you have read my class expectations, and include the best method for contacting you.

Student (print) ______Parent/Guardian (print) ______

Student (signature) ______Parent/Guardian (signature) ______

Parent email (please print):


Parent phone:
