Academic Technology


DATE:March 23, 2007

FROM:Joan K. Wigal, Ph.D.

Associate Director, Academic Technology


Athens, OH 45701

(740) 593-1023

It is my great pleasure to be able to offer a letter of recommendation and support for Jeffrey Anderson. I have known Jeff for well over ten years. I am the associate director of Academic Technology (within Information Technology) at OhioUniversity, and Jeff worked for me as manager of the Training divisionin addition to functioning as manager of the public computer labs on campus. In these positions, Jeff was responsible for supervising four full-time trainers in addition to 3-5 student trainers and 50-60 student lab employees.

As Training Manager, Jeff was responsible for his staff’s development of new software and hardware computer seminars forOhioUniversity faculty and staff, development of documentation, and performance of regular training needs assessments for the university.

In everything, Jeff did an absolutely outstanding job. He was very well liked by his co-workers, by his staff, and by the faculty and staff members who took his courses. He is a superb instructor, one who is able to keep class participants interested and involved. Jeff has a great sense of humor, which also contributed to his success as a trainer and a manager. Jeff also did an excellent job in supervising the training team; he made time to work with them one on one and provided new trainers with the skills they needed to succeed.

I highly recommend Jeff for this position. When Jeff left the ComputerServicesCenter to pursue faculty work within the College of Business, we were very sorry to see him go; we lost an outstanding trainer and manager. If we had a position open, and if Jeff were interested, we would hire him again immediately.

Please feel free to call me at (740) 593-1023 if you have any questions. It would be a pleasure to be able to discuss Jeff's outstanding qualifications in greater detail. Thank you very much.


Joan K. Wigal, Ph.D.

Associate Director

Academic Technology
