Please rate your interest in each position, 1 as your top choice. Leave blank if uninterested.

STARs SI Leader Tutor

Would you consider an alternate placement at Tri-County Technical College? ÿ yes ÿ no

Name: (first) ______(last) ______


Student CUID#: C ______Username: ______

Email: ______Cell phone: ______

Local Address (for mailing a check in case direct deposit does not work):

Home Address:

International students, please list your visa type: ______

Major: ______Minor: ______

Class Rank (circle one): Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

Cumulative GPA: ______Anticipated Graduation Date: ______

Enrolled credit hours next semester: ______

Number of hours you wish to tutor per week next semester: ______

List any other courses in which you wish to be considered for a peer-leader position. (Indicate grade received and professor you had in the courses you are comfortable supporting. Peer-leaders must have earned an A at Clemson in the course(s) that they wish to support.)

Are you available for mandatory training on Monday, August 15 and Tuesday, August 16?

ÿ yes ÿ no Why not?

List any scholarships or academic awards/recognitions you have received:

List the extracurricular activities (part-time work, clubs, etc.) in which you participate:

Why do you want to be a peer-leader? What do you expect to gain from the experience? Please specify for each position ranked above.

Describe the skills/experiences you have that will contribute to your success as a peer-leader.

What are your career or future goals, and how might being a Peer-Leader enhance your work towards those goals?

  Student Disability Services is looking for potential volunteer note takers for disabled students. Check the box if you are willing to be contacted about possibly copying/scanning your notes for a disabled student in one of your classes.

Please check if you are eligible for federal work-study.

In addition:

  1. Request a recommendation from the instructor of a course for which you are applying using the recommendation form on the ASC website. We will also accept emailed recommendations to Justine Chasmar, Tutorial Services Coordinator, at for tutoring positions, to Christine Murphy, Special Programs Coordinator, at for STAR positions, or BJ Wilson, SI Assistant Coordinator, .
  2. Please indicate from whom you have requested a recommendation (Professor, Course): ______
  1. If you are applying for an SI leader position
  2. Read the article The Basic SI Model by Maureen Hurley, Glen Jacobs, Melinda Gilbert: (
  3. Write a 250 word (double spaced) reflection (not a summary) on the article and submit it with this application.
  1. If you are applying for a Tutor or STAR position, please attach a transcript to your application. Unofficial transcripts from iRoar are accepted.