Academic Staff Senate Meeting Minutes
Date:Monday, September 19, 2016
Time: 3:00 P.M.
Location:Mississippi Room Markee Pioneer Student Center
Officers: Patricia Pothour (Chair), Kalyn Williams (Vice Chair), Jason Artz (Secretary)
Present: Kim Sargent, Kalyn Williams, Amy Kreul, Russell Hill, Jason Artz, Patricia Pothour, Paula Kueter, Elizabeth Throop, Lisa Merkes-KressGuests: James Almquist, Rob Cramer, Wayne Weber, Bill Haskins, Janelle Crowley, Cathy Riedl-Farrey, Darci Weber, Michelle Gullickson, Lauren Bingham, Benjamin V.C. Collins, Carrie Cullen
I / Opening of the MeetingChair Pothour called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
It was moved by Artz, seconded by Kueter, and carried to approve the minutes of Monday, May 16, 2016.
It was moved by Williams, seconded by Kreul, and carried to approve the agenda.
II / Reports and Announcements / Presenter
Administrative Updates
Throop and Cramer gave a brief update of what is happening in their areas. Cramer also mentioned some reports will be forthcoming from the Board of Regents that pertains to the TuitionPolicy Setting Task Force,general purpose revenue allocation, and segregated fees. / Rob Cramer
Elizabeth Throop
State Representative Report
Report not available, the first meeting is September 30. / Patricia Pothour
Faculty Senate Report – attach report
See attached report. / Paula Kueter
Elections and Appointments Committee
Due to all the vacancies and many attempts to get volunteers, another call will be sent, but to try to ease the process Sargent created a web form. Sargent will update the form with the suggestions and senate members will review before the call is sent to staff.
Darci Weber has volunteered for the Personnel Commission, but since she is a new employee she may not be eligible. Bylaws will be reviewed. / Kim Sargent
Professional Development Committee
The grant amount available for part two is $12,000, applications are due November 4. / Kalyn Williams
- P
The committee has met, but quorum was not met next meeting is September 29. / Russell Hill
Academic Staff Excellence Award Committee
There is no report at this time. / Jason Artz
III / Unfinished Business / Presenter
Emeritus Status Policy
Discussion has been postponed until next meeting. / Pers. Commission
Additional Work Assignment Policy
Crowley distributed a draft of the Additional Work Assignment Policy, she would like feedback. Senate members will review and forward to their constituents and back suggestions at the next meeting / Janelle Crowley
VI / New Business / Presenter
Budget Model Committee Membership
Riedl-Farrey recapped on how the new budget model committees will function and would like to have Academic Staff seats filled as soon as possible. Discussion ensued if they would need budget experience and it was stated that is was not required, but would be helpful.
MOTION:It was moved by Kreul, seconded by Sargent, and carried unanimously to add the Budget Advisory Committee member selections to the Elections and Appointments Committee. / Cathy Riedl-Farrey
Discipline Committee Membership
Nevins reviewed what the committee is responsible for and stated that there is training available for members of this committee. Currently there are no academic staff on this committee, but they would like to add two academic staff. After discussion the following action was taken:
MOTION: It was moved by Sargent, seconded by Artz, and carried unanimously to add two academic staff members to the Student Discipline Committee to the call out for volunteers. / Sherry Nevins
Job Security Forms Update and Moving forward
Crowley would like to start an ad-hoc committee to help develop a better process for job security. Would like to have two instructional and two non-instructional staff. Crowley would like to have a new process in place by March 2017. Substantial discussion ensued about the current job security requests, the process that is currently in place, and notifying staff that filled out job security forms last spring so they have an understanding what is happening.
MOTION:It was moved by Williams, seconded by Kueter, and carried unanimouslyto add four academic staff,two being instructional and two being non-instructional to the ad-hoc Academic Staff Contract Committee.
This will be added to the call out for elections. / Janelle Crowley
It was decided that Paula Kueter would be the Faculty Senate rep.
V / Close Meeting
Next Meeting Monday, October 03, 2016
The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
The Academic Staff Senate meets on the first and third Mondayof the month at 3:00 p.m. for location, please see the Academic Staff Senate website. The agenda is composed of items from many sources and come from many resources, if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, please submit it to a Senate officer no later than eight days prior to the Senate meeting. The meetings are open to the public academic staff are invited to attend.