Teacher(s): Ben Smith, Judy Miheve, Brian Moore, Amy Foster, Denise Stephens, Claudia Thornton, Marcia Cisler
Main Contact: Marcia Cisler Email:
Date: 10/10/12 Building: Kelloggsville Middle School Grade Level: 6th – 8th grades
First Semester: _____X______Second Semester: ______X____
Name of Project: Table Refurbish Initiative
Project Overview
Give a brief overview of the project you are planning.
This is the 3rd year of helping out the DOCK, a place where are students are able to go to be safe after school. The DOCK was has recently acquired some tables from a diner and are in need of repair and refurbishing. They have asked us to help them out again by allowing the students to resurface the tables and then paint scenes on the tables. After the students create scenes depicting the community and their understandings of the surroundings within their community and beyond, we are going to seal the tables with a topcoat to preserve these tables for the kids and other community members to use while visiting the DOCK.
Effective Practice: MEANINGFUL SERVICE
Service learning actively engages participants in meaningful and personally relevant service activities.
What community need will you address and how did you determine the need?
The DOCK is a local place that is run by area churches that allows the Kelloggsville students and other area school districts to congregate and hang out for a safe place to visit after school. They also offer tutoring and other mentor services for the community and there is a need for them to have extra table space in which to work, offer meals and have counseling available to the Kelloggsville community.
What service will you provide to address the need?
The students will be able to help with the renovation of these tables and also take ownership of this building by providing a service that is needed by the DOCK. These tables will represent the kids’ way of thinking about their community and how they interact within the community and beyond. This service also provides The Dock with some much needed tables to help fulfill the needs of the community.
Effective Practice: LINK TO CURRICULUM
Service learning is intentionally used as an instructional strategy to meet learning goals and/or content standards.
How is this project related to your curriculum?
Students will make connections between themes in community services within different genres of literature and real life situations, making brochures, media productions, technical writing, scientific investigations, scale drawings, cost of materials and other activities as well as becoming community partners and being an involved citizen.
1. Determine the compatibility of paint with wood.
2. Determine what sealant works well with wood and acrylic paints for a lasting product.
3. What sealant works best for water resistant as well in case of spills.
1. Determine the cost of the paint and sealant
2. Determine surface area for painting and sealing
3. Determine the surface area for the table tops ( how much is needed and if there is enough space to put those tables in to that area)
4. Figure ratio of paints to table tops
5. Analyze the data from surveys on what scene should be painted on the tables
Social Studies:
1. Get a cross cultural theme from the middle school.
2. Study the affects of the different cultures within the school to determine a multicultural theme painted on the tables.
Language Arts:
1. Students will need to write about the different cultures at the middle school to determine the themes and how to paint them on the tables.
2. Students will need to write steps on how to refurbish the tables by applying new wood and then resurfacing them.
3. Students will have to read the step by step instructions on the proper application of the paint as well as the sealants.
4. Students will create media productions on the renovation of the tables and learn how to broadcast them.
5. Students will also create an unveiling of the various projects and will have to create, bulletins, brochures and notify media about the event.
What are the educational goals?
Students will learn team building, cooperative learning, time management, financial planning and gain ownership by working on a product that they will actually use while at The DOCK.
Curriculum Crafter Connections www.curriculumcrafter.com
Strand: 06ELA:(Speaking)
TLW: Design and deliver a content-specific presentation, interacting with an audience.
(Gist: Informational Speech)
Strand: 08:(Geometry)
TLW: sketch a variety of two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional solids, develop and use formulas for surface area and volume of common three-dimensional shapes and solve problems. (Gist: Surface Area and Volume of Three-Dimensional Shapes)
Strand: 07SCI:(Science Processes)
TLW: Demonstrate an understanding that scientific inquiry and reasoning involves observing, questioning, investigating, recording, and developing solutions to problems by identifying evidence of chemical change. (Gist: Chemical Change)
Strand: 06SS:(Civics and Government)
TLW: Compare various forms of government in the Western Hemisphere and explain the challenges of interaction, cooperation, and conflict.
(Gist: Western Hemisphere - Governments)
Additional State Standards and Benchmarks
List standards and benchmarks met by this project.
L.CN.07.01: Distinguish facts from opinions and question their validity when listening to or viewing a variety of speeches and presentations.L.CN.08.01 : Analyze main idea, significant details, fact and opinion, bias, propaganda, argumentation, or support when listening to or viewing a variety of speeches and presentations.
R.CM.06.01 : Connect personal knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in text through oral and written responses.
R.CM.07.01: Connect personal knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in text through oral and written responses.
R.CM.08.01 : Connect personal knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in text through oral and written responses.
S.CN.06.01 : Adjust their use of language to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes by asking and responding to questions and remarks to engage the audience when presenting.
S.CN.06.02 : Speak effectively using rhyme, rhythm, cadence, and word play for effect in narrative and informational presentations.
S.CN.07.01 : Adjust their use of language to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes by using specialized language related to a topic and selecting words carefully to achieve precise meaning when presenting.
S.CN.07.01 : Adjust their use of language to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes by using specialized language related to a topic and selecting words carefully to achieve precise meaning when presenting.
S.DS.07.01 : Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning in book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols.
S.DS.07.04: Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation using an informational organizational pattern (e.g., theory/evidence, persuasion, sequence) that incorporates persuasive, non verbal techniques, and provides explanations and descriptions supportive of the presentation’s focus and the backgrounds and interests of the audience.
S.CN.08.02 : Speak effectively using body language including gestures, posture, facial expressions, tone of voice, and pace of speaking to enhance meaning and influence interpretation in narrative and informational presentations.
L.CN.06.01: Respond to, evaluate, and analyze the speaker’s effectiveness and content when listening to or viewing a variety of speeches and presentations.
A.RP.06.08: Understand that relationships between quantities can be suggested by graphs and tables.
A.RP.06.10: Represent simple relationships between quantities using verbal descriptions, formulas or equations, tables, and graphs, e.g., perimeter-side relationship for a square, distance-time graphs, and conversions such as feet to inches.
G.SR.08.04 : Find area and perimeter of complex figures by sub-dividing them into basic shapes (quadrilaterals, triangles, circles).
G.SR.08.05 : Solve applied problems involving areas of triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles.
G.TR.07.04 : Solve problems about similar figures and scale drawings.
G.SR.08.07 : Understand the concept of surface area, and find the surface area of prisms, cones, spheres, pyramids, and cylinders.
G.SR.08.08: Sketch a variety of two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional solids including orthogonal views (top, front, and side), picture views (projective or isometric), and nets; use such two-dimensional representations to help solve problems.
M.TE.06.03 : Compute the volume and surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms given the lengths of their sides, using formulas.
N.MR.08.08 : Solve problems involving percent increases and decreases.
N.MR.08.10: Calculate weighted averages such as course grades, consumer price indices, and sports ratings.
N.MR.06.13 : Solve contextual problems involving percentages such as sales taxes and tips.
C5.r1b: Explain how the rate of a reaction will depend on concentration, temperature, pressure, and nature of reactant. (recommended)
C1.1A: Generate new questions that can be investigated in the laboratory or field.
P.PM.07.22: Describe how the elements within the Periodic Table are organized by similar properties into families (highly reactive metals, less reactive metals, highly reactive nonmetals, and some almost completely non-reactive gases).
P.PM.07.24: Describe examples of physical and chemical properties of elements and compounds (boiling point, density, color, conductivity, reactivity).
S.IA.06.11 : Analyze information from data tables and graphs to answer scientific questions.
S.IA.07.13: Communicate and defend findings of observations and investigations.S.IA.07.14: Draw conclusions from sets of data from multiple trials of a scientific investigation to draw conclusions.
S.IP.06.11 : Generate scientific questions based on observations, investigations, and research.
Social Studies:
6 - E1.1.1: Explain how incentives vary in different economic systems (e.g. acquiring money, profit, goods, wanting to avoid loss in position in society, job placement).
7 - E1.1.2: Describe the circular flow model (that businesses get money from households in exchange for goods and services and return that money to households by paying for the factors of production that households have to sell) and apply it to a public service (e.g., education, health care, military protection).
6 - E3.1.2: Diagram or map the movement of a consumer product from where it is manufactured to where it is sold to demonstrate the flow of materials, labor, and capital (e.g., global supply chain for computers, athletic shoes, and clothing).6 - E3.1.3: Explain how communications innovations have affected economic interactions and where and how people work (e.g., internet-based home offices, international work teams, international companies).
6 - G6.1.1: Contemporary Investigations – Conduct research on contemporary global topics and issues, compose persuasive essays, and develop a plan for action. (H1.4.3, G1.2.6, See P3 and P4)
7 - G6.1.1: Contemporary Investigations – Conduct research on contemporary global topics and issues, compose persuasive essays, and develop a plan for action. (H1.4.3, G1.2.6, See P3 and P4)
8 - P4.2.3: Participate in projects to help or inform others (e.g., service learning projects).
8 - P3.1.1: Identify, research, analyze, discuss, and defend a position on a national public policy issue. Identify a national public policy issue. Clearly state the issue as a question of public policy orally or in written form. Use inquiry methods to trace the origins of the issue and to acquire data about the issue. Generate and evaluate alternative resolutions to the public issue and analyze various perspectives (causes, consequences, positive and negative impact) on the issue. Identify and apply core democratic values or constitutional principles. Share and discuss findings of research and issue analysis in group discussions and debates. Compose a persuasive essay justifying the position with a reasoned argument. Develop an action plan to address or inform others about the issue.
Effective Practice: REFLECTION
Service learning incorporates multiple challenging reflection activities that are ongoing and that prompt deep thinking and analysis about oneself and one’s relationship to society.
What form(s) of reflection will you use with the students to help them identify what they have learned and accomplished?
Our students may reflect using journaling, newspaper articles, media coverage, a celebration with the community for the success of the tables being refurbished. Students will also create public service announcements, blogs and wiki’s
Pre and post perceptions of the project.
Effective Practice: DIVERSITY
Service learning promotes understanding of diversity and mutual respect among all participants.
What types of diverse perspectives and experiences will be explored as part of your project?
(i.e.: cultural, generational, abilities/disabilities, learning styles, etc)
Cultural, Religious perspectives, Learning styles
Effective Practice: YOUTH VOICE
Service learning provides youth with a strong voice in planning, implementing, and evaluating service learning experiences with guidance from adults.
How will students gain ownership of the project?
Students will be involved in the planning all the way through from design, to selection, to implementation of each portion of the project.
Service learning partnerships are collaborative, mutually beneficial, and address community needs.
Who will you partner with for this project?
We will be working with “The Dock” ministries as well as staff members and students in order for the project to be complete.
Menards for paint and sealant supplies
Area businesses
Members of the community.
How will students benefit from this partnership?
Our students will benefit by being exposed to more opportunities, programming and information. We already have many students who participate in activities with this organization, we’d like to see more involved. Students will also benefit from having exposure to a diverse population of students and staff to make them more culturally aware of the surrounding community.
How will the partner benefit from this collaboration?
The Dock will continue to grow; more community members will become involved. They will be able to participate in programming that wasn’t possible previously. Their facilities will be beautified and have more seating available.
Service learning engages participants in an ongoing process to assess the quality of implementation and progress toward meeting specified goals, and uses results for improvement and sustainability.
How will you assess the student learning goals?
The students will be assessed by taking quarterly assessments that assess the learning objectives have taken place. In addition, the students will be participating in literature circle group work and presentations which will be assessed along the way. Lastly, the students will show that learning has taken place by completing a community based brochure that highlights the benefits of the outreach program. The brochure will show that the students understand what the integral parts of a brochure are. Also, students will learn media production and produce a public service announcement.