September 20, 2014 / [Academic Senate RETREAT]

Present: Carol Kimbrough (President), Christopher Moss, Ann Wright, Nancy-Schur-Beymer, Liz Estrella, (Steering Committee); Fernando Cabrera, Melissa Hornstein, Jason Hough, Salina Lopez, Peggy Mayfield, Melissa Stave, Lisa Storm (Senators); Cheryl O’Donnell, Pam Wiese, Carol King (Senate Standing Committees)

1.  Outcomes and Assessment Committee (Cheryl O’Donnell)

Challenges: What will be the future role of the Outcomes and Assessment Committee after the implementation of eLumen? ACCJC has questioned the committee on the review process for SLOs (specific, measureable, appropriate, time limitations, syntax, etc.) Should the committee review SLOs as they are revised in curriculum and when new courses are created; should there be a member assigned to serve on curriculum committee to provide SLO overview? Ongoing training needs, especially for new and part-time faculty.

Goals: re-establish the role of the Outcomes and Assessment committee and establish a need for an SLO review process (or appoint a representative/ assessment specialist to serve on curriculum committee); establish the guidelines necessary to implement the SLO review process as an ongoing committee function, if necessary. Implement the eLumen software applications for assessing student learning outcomes in academic programs and present progress reports to the Academic Senate by the end of fall 2014 and spring 2015 semesters. In collaboration with the Faculty Professional Development and FLEX Committee, conduct workshops in SLO-related activities.

2.  Faculty Professional Development and FLEX Committee (Pam Wiese)

Challenges: Reduced reassign time for committee chair and need to distinguish between the functions of professional development and FLEX proposals/coordination. How does this committee relate to the Hartnell Professional Development Committee (includes representation for all Hartnell employees). What budget provisions are appropriate to this committee? How should FLEX activities be reported to the State when FLEX activities will be required of all Hartnell employees, not just faculty?

Goals: clarify the role of this committee and establish a new committee handbook which describes current functions and activities. Clarify and distinguish the role of FLEX coordinator with respect to State reporting mandates for all college employees. Create a faculty professional development plan and present this plan to the Academic Senate by spring 2015.

3.  Distance Education Committee (Lisa Storm represented)

Challenges: Expanding distance education offerings (in response to student demand) in light of statistics suggesting a significant difference in student success measures in distance education courses versus face-to-face instruction. Address issues of student readiness for distance education courses. Participation in state-wide initiatives considering the adoption of a common delivery system for distance education courses.

Goals: Develop an on-line orientation package for distance education (already in progress), implement locally and monitor effectiveness. Participate in the (State-wide) Online Education Initiative to have a role in decisions about adoption of a common on-line delivery system. Monitor success indicators of Hartnell on-line education and present a report to the Academic Senate in May 2015. Develop a “best practices guide” for DE faculty. Complete a comprehensive 5-year DE plan and present to Academic Senate and other pertinent governance bodies. Integrate the role of “DE Specialist” into committee functions and goals.

4.  Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee

This committee has been reconfigured and needs new committee members representing the academic disciplines. A new committee handbook was developed and accepted by Academic Senate (spring 2014).

Goals: recruit for new members and convene the committee; establish priorities for hiring based upon Program Planning and Assessment requests, departmental priorities and budget allocations. Report recommendations to Academic Senate.

5.  Curriculum Committee (Carol Kimbrough)

Challenges: keeping up with the on-going course revision process, need for C-ID course alignment and development of new Transfer Model Curriculum degrees as new models are approved and announced by the Chancellor’s Office. Compressed deadlines for curriculum to be included in the 2015-16 catalog and allow for degree audit and education planning.

Goals: consider means to develop greater efficiency in the course/program proposal and revision process; meet deadlines for submission of AA-T degrees to Chancellor’s Office.

6.  Student Success (BSI) Committee (Carol King represented)

Challenges: pathways between K-12 and college; implementation of SEP, SSSP, BSI plans; enhancing student support needed the college including tutorial services and learning labs.

Goals: Participate in the AB-86 consortium between Adult Ed, K-12, and community colleges in our region to develop pathways between area K-12 and Hartnell; in collaboration with facilities planning, identify space and develop plans for a Student Success Center.

7.  Senate

A.  Sabbatical (ad hoc committee)

Challenges: no sabbaticals for several years, processes exist in HCFA contract and Senate by-laws, time-lines may not be in sync with budget planning process.

Goals: determine District’s support of sabbatical leaves and invite interested full-time faculty to participate contingent on the allocation of budget resources; respond to any “intent” requests by forming an ad hoc committee in accordance with Article 7

B.  BP-AP process

Challenges: quick response time, subject-matter expertise;

Goals: ensure prompt distribution among senate members according to interest and expertise; invite to senate meetings those with expertise who can provide guidance specific to the BP/AP area; respond appropriately to each routing form [support, support with revisions, do not support (with documentation). Collaborate in the revision process when appropriate. Document and track responses to each BP/AP revision request.

C.  Senate/Union relations

Goals: develop a collaborative and collegial relationship

D.  Communication

Challenges: creating an informed, professional image that conveys faculty concern, respect for the issues and engages the support of others in a positive dialog process

Goals: create an active, informed “voice” that engages in the decision-making processes at Hartnell impacting academic and professional matters.

E.  Grant development process

Challenges: grants may include 10+1 issues especially if the grant proposes new curriculum or academic programs or affects existing curriculum/academic programs. Designation of PI or Director roles may involve non-tenured faculty and create an imbalance of power.

Goals: monitor and support innovative grant opportunities and involve faculty with appropriate subject matter expertise when academic programs and curriculum are included in the grant proposal.

F.  Local Representation

Challenges: populating committees/councils with full complement of faculty who actively participate in governance; communicating actions and discussions with Senate and with others; nomination process based upon regular division meetings

Goals: fully populate college governance councils and committees with active faculty participants; create regular opportunities for communication of council/committee actions within the senate and with constituent faculty.

G.  State Representation

Challenges: time to travel, meeting time to share information

Goals: Attend ASCCC Institutes and Plenary Sessions; place resolution proposals on the agenda and provide feedback so that Hartnell’s delegate can accurately represent our viewpoints; remain informed on state-wide issues affecting all California Community Colleges

H.  Part-Time Faculty

Challenges: finding a venue to share information and obtain feedback

Goals: develop a forum or venue for interaction among part-time faculty to network and establish a means to communicate ideas of potential concern to the senate; include representation in college committees.

8.  Library (Peggy Mayfield)

Challenges: “quiet space” for study (space originally designated for this was taken by tutorial center); need for additional full-time librarian

Goals: identify and document need for “quiet space” and develop a plan for implementation; document need for additional librarian in PPA reports and budget requests.