Teacher(s):McGheeGrade/Subject:8th/Advanced and Regular Physical Science
Week of: February 1-5, 2016 / Unit: 8 - Energy / Dates:January 26 – February 12, 2016Florida Standard(s):
Benchmarks, descriptions, DOK levels, standards unpacked (know/do) highlighted / SC.7.P.11.2 (AA)– Investigate and describe the transformation of energy from one form to another. Also assesses SC.6.P.11.1, SC.7.P.11.3
SC.6.P.11.1 – Explore the Law of Conservation of Energy by differentiating between potential and kinetic energy.
SC.7.P.11.3 – Cite evidence to explain that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another.
Learning Goal: /
- Investigate and describe the transformation of energy from one form to another.
Essential Question /
- What energy transformations take place in your daily lives?
- How could you demonstrate that an energy transformation is taking place?
- What evidence supports the Law of Conservation of Energy?
- How could you demonstrate the relationship between potential and kinetic energy?
Assessments / Pre-assessment: Energy Pre-Test, Science Probe questions (135-137)
Formative Assessments: Quiz, Cornell Notes, Labs, Activities
Summative Assessments: End Product Writing Prompt – Energy Transformations
Progress Monitoring/Feedback Loop / Learning Logs, Exit Tickets, Student Reflection
Higher Order Question(s) /
- How can one identify and/or describe the transformation of energy from one form to another?
- How are potential and kinetic energy different?
- Explain situations where energy is transformed between kinetic energy and potential energy?
- How can one identify and/or describe examples of the Law of Conservation of Energy?
- What evidence explains that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another?
Key Vocabulary / Energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, sound energy, electric energy, radiant energy, nuclear energy, energy transformation
Monday 2/01 / Unit: / Rigor Level
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective /
- Students will evaluate alternative energy resources and will explain energy transformations.
( 5 minutes) /
- On overhead
I DO: /
- Review Bright Future
WE DO: /
- Read and Discuss lesson 4-2; Review energy.
- Practice energy transformation problems
- Read Ivanpah article and complete summary and reflection.
Homework /
- Finish classwork; PENDA 3-1; Bring magazine for energy collage (pd. 5,6)
(5 minutes) /
- None today
Tuesday: 2/02 / Unit: / Rigor Level
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective /
- Students will compare renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
( 5 Minutes) /
- On Overhead
WE DO: /
- Read and discuss 4-3
- Complete lesson 4-3 review
Homework /
- Finish class work; PENDA 3-1; Bring magazine for energy collage (pd. 5,6)
(5 minutes) /
- Turn in all classwork
Wednesday: 2/03 / Unit:. / Rigor Level
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective /
- Students will differentiate between different energy forms and will explain energy transformations.
( 5 Minutes) /
- On Overhead
I DO: /
- Review energy transformations (pd. 1,2,4)
- Go over directions for energy collage (pd. 5,6)
WE DO: /
- Discuss energy transformations.
- Review activity (1,2,4)
- Energy Collage (5,6)
Homework /
- Finish classwork; PENDA 3-1; Bring magazine for energy collage (pd. 5,6)
(5 minutes) /
- Rate yourself on the learning scale.
Thursday: 2/04 / Unit. / Rigor Level
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective /
- Students will differentiate between different energy forms and will explain energy transformations.
(5 Minutes) /
- On Overhead
I DO: /
- LBA testing pd. 1,2
WE DO: /
- View Bill Nye Energy (pd. 4)
- Complete questions for video
- Finish Energy Collage (pd. 5,6)
Homework /
- Finish classwork; PENDA 3-1; Bring magazine for energy collage (pd. 5,6)
(5 minutes) /
- Rate yourself on the learning scale.
Friday: 2/05 / Unit / Rigor Level
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective /
- Students will differentiate between different energy forms and will explain energy transformations.
( 5 Minutes) /
- On Overhead
I DO: /
- LBA testing pd. 1,2
You DO: /
- Remediation pd. 4
- Finish Energy Collage (pd. 5,6)
Homework /
- Finish classwork; PENDA 3-1; Bring magazine for energy collage (pd. 5,6)
(5 minutes) /
- Rate yourself on the learning scale.
Learning Scales and Accommodations:
Rating / What you should know?4 /
- Discuss the transformation of energy (thermal, potential, kinetic, mechanical, chemical, radiant electrical, sound) from one form to another in an everyday situation.
3 /
- Identify and/or describe the transformation of energy from one form to another.
- Identify and/or describe examples of the law of conservation of energy.
- Identify and/or explain situations where energy is transformed between kinetic energy and potential energy.
2 /
- Differentiate between kinetic and potential energy
1 /
- Define energy
- Define energy transformation
- Define the Law of Conservation of Energy
0 /
- No understanding of the above content
WICR Strategies used during each unit.
Writing activities that help
students understand the
content / Inquiry
Questioning strategies
that help students
understand the content / Collaboration
Working together with a
partner or in a group of
students to understand, to
problem solve, or to
complete a task/project / Reading
Any strategies in reading
that help students
• summaries
Process writing
• using a rubric as evaluation
On-demand/Timed writing
• writing that is completed in class within a set amount of time
• grade is evaluated using a rubric
Cornell Notes
• taking notes on the most important information
• summarizing
• using the notes to study
Reflective writing
• students write about what they have learned and what they still need / Higher level questioning
in classes
• Costa’s Level 1: Students
find the answers right there
in the text.
• Costa’s Level 2: Students
must figure out the answer
from information in the
• Costa’s Level 3: Students
apply what they have
learned or use what they
have learned to evaluate or
create. / Think Pair Share
Sharing ideas with a
partner or in a group
Carousel/Gallery Walk
Problem solving in groups
Projects in groups / Before reading activities
• vocabulary activities
• accessing prior knowledge
• making predictions
During reading activities
• marking the text
• Cornell notes
• graphic organizers
After reading strategies
• summarizing
• group projects
Accommodations used daily on an individual basis in accordance with IEP and 504 plans and ELL Students
- Read directions for the student
- Check for understanding
- Allow to leave class for assistance
- Extra time for exams
- Daily agenda
- Allow student time to step out to de-escalate
- Testing in small groups
- Use of a planner/binder for organization
- English Language Dictionary
- Extended time on assignments =1 day
- Preferential seating
- Written direction given
- Break directions into chunks
- Read Aloud to Students
- Visual manipulatives
- Cooperative Learning,
- Vocabulary, Description, Introduction,