January 26, 2016

2:30 pm

Culp Center, MR#6

PRESENT: Jillian Alexander, Mary Andrews, Tina Bishop, Polly Crowder, Joanna Cyrier, Corey Dean, Rachel Dinsmore, Jennifer Douglas, Katie Duvall, Martha Edde, Lisa Elliott, Adrianna Guram, Carshaonda Harris, Paula Hotz, Jessica Houston, Matt Johnson, Heather Levesque, Chris Lewis, Frannie Miller, Tonya Moreno, Stacy Onks, Evelyn Roach, Debbie Roach, Paula Sarut, Michael Schneider, Ian Steidle, Victoria Street, Nikki Stewart, Shawn Stewart, Jordan Swingle, NaKeisha Talley, Liz Thomas-Joseph, Mark Tipton, Joel Tramel, Carla Warner,

COLLEGES/DEPARTMENTS REPRESENTED: Adult Commuter and Transfer Services, CASE, College of Business and Technology, College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences, College of Education, College of Nursing, Equity and Diversity, Housing, Kingsport Campus, Student Success Services, Student Affairs, University Advisement Center, Veteran’s Affairs

Introductions – new advisor Corey Dean.

·  Academic Alerts process for tutoring referrals, appointments, etc. – Deidra Johnson

Deidra distributed a handout regarding peer tutors. All students are welcome to contact the office for referrals at .

Graduate Assistant in the CFRR log the students that are referred and will keep the advisor up to date with follow ups, overall assesment of the student, etc.

·  TN Reconnect, Academic Alert dates – Carla Warner

Academic alert dates information distributed by Carla Warner.

TN Reconnect website

Tennessee Reconnect is Governor Bill Haslam’s initiative to help adults enter higher education so that they may gain new skills, advance in the workplace, and fulfill lifelong dreams of completing a degree or credential. This program, Reconnect + Complete, is designed for students who have previous course work but no degree. For more information about Tennessee Reconnect- click here.

There are a few scholarships of $500 available for those adult students that satisfy the requirements. If you have any questions, please contact Carla Warner.

·  Informational items, TN Pathways update, Etc. – Teresa Williams

-  Updated Reverse Transfer Posters were distributed.

-  Engagement team – EAB/SSC heading the technology side is Jennifer Rice

-  RODP classes are open to all students

-  Athletic adi does not pay for RODP courses. Some student not accessing D2L for RODP.

-  RODP report has been requested for list of students


Office of Undergraduate Student Advisement AAC Minutes – January 26, 2016